Monthly Archive for May 2016

Title Type Pen Name Comments Categories Date
How To Hate Your Body Poem alexthesheep # #body hate #suffering #depression #gender dysphoria #eating disorder #self harm May 1st
Samsara's Anchor Poem shewhodwellsint... May 1st
জীবনের মানে Poem KingofWords জীবন May 1st
*unnamed* Poem S.X.K #relationships #stars #thankyou #love? May 1st
Picked to Pieces Poem truthintragedies 8 anger, Dark, dissecting, emotional, Haunting, misery, Rage, sorrow, tone, truths, vulnerable May 1st
A Poet Afloat Poem dbwalters26 author, book, desire, Determination, Hate, inspiration, love, Novel, ocean, Poems, poet, POETRY, published, surf, wave, work, writer, Writing May 1st
I miss painting Poem S.X.K May 1st
*unnamed* Poem S.X.K May 1st
hm. Poem S.X.K May 1st
what he said Poem rose 1 May 1st
The Angel of Combustion Poem ModiOperis 2 May 1st
Common drugs Poem S.X.K 1 #love #chemistry May 1st
I need to run, but the bridge is burning Poem ModiOperis May 1st
The Cosmonaut. Poem ModiOperis May 1st
Adverse Paean Poem shewhodwellsint... May 1st
Waiting on and on [Nursery Rhyme] Poem KingofWords 2 Rhyme May 1st
Trembling Poem satishverma 1 # #betrayal #life #forgivness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #poetry love May 1st
Arrival Poem satishverma # #betrayal #life #forgivness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #poetry love May 1st
Enlightenment Poem HCE 1 May 1st
You Need A Restart Poem Silver__lining May 1st
Another Shot Of Liquor Poem Silver__lining May 1st
If I Could Believe Her Poem Silver__lining May 1st
Just Say Poem Silver__lining May 1st
Remember your future Poem EventHorizon May 1st
When the Sun Sleeps [Nursery Rhyme] Poem KingofWords Rhyme May 1st
নতুন বই [Bangla Rhyme] Poem KingofWords Rhyme May 1st
সন্দেশ পিঠা! [Bangla Rhyme] Poem KingofWords Rhyme May 1st
You Take It All. Poem sweetwater 2 May 1st
Being Poem EventHorizon May 1st
cool feet Poem stepintoamind7 # addiction # love #learninlove #trust #guilt #hate #done #lonely #hard #hurt #myth #heart #broken May 2nd
Are you happy? Poem Mellifluous #art #society #life May 2nd
Ignorant Bliss Poem Mellifluous May 2nd
Numb Poem Mellifluous # #betrayal #life #forgiveness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #poetry #Dillan #Courtright #Dark #love May 2nd
Her Beautiful Pain Poem Mellifluous # addiction #relationship #failure #prose #heartbreak #foreveralone #love #forever #secondchoice #hopelessromantic #hurt #betrayal #lust# disappointment# life # heart # truth # suffering # sadness # pain # happiness # empty # mistakes # fate # time # di May 2nd
I'm So Dumb Poem Mellifluous # #betrayal #life #forgiveness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #poetry #Dillan #Courtright #Dark #love May 2nd
You're A Twister, I'm A Tidal Wave Poem tallsquirrelgirl relationships May 2nd
প্রকৃতির খেয়াল [Bangla Story] Prose KingofWords story May 2nd
Technicolor Dreams Fill Poem giajl May 2nd
Persistence in my own words Poem PersistentLassie May 2nd
To be Remembered Poem ModiOperis May 2nd
sex/success Poem lizardking 1 May 2nd
If I'm Three Sheets, She's the Wind Poem ModiOperis May 2nd
I Am The Lover Poem satishverma 1 # #betrayal #life #forgivness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #poetry love May 2nd
* Unfathomable Poem satishverma # #betrayal #life #forgivness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #poetry love May 2nd
For Alisso 7-9-11 Poem tangleddreams long distance love, love, love poetry, New Love May 2nd
The American Girl Poem KindredSpirit 1 May 2nd
Add Lib Poem KindredSpirit May 2nd
You will See Me Here Poem KingofWords love May 3rd
I Give Her Love, She Gives Me Pain Poem KingofWords 2 love and pain May 3rd
Christian Extremists Killed God Poem LittleLennonGurl 2 May 3rd
Everything Poem beccaloni # addiction #relationship #failure #prose #heartbreak #foreveralone #love #forever #secondchoice #hopelessromantic #hurt #betrayal #lust# disappointment# life # heart # truth # suffering # sadness # pain # happiness # empty # mistakes # fate # time # di May 3rd
High Ho Poem giajl May 3rd
Jonah and The Ninevites Poem randyjohnson May 3rd
Love Poem LittleLennonGurl May 3rd
Tell-Tell Tuesday Poem MilMan 1 #Live#Life#Love#Learn May 3rd
Tarddiad y Mai Dydd: Prose a.griffiths57 History repeats itself again. Annual celebrations of Mayday. An exercise in Welsh. May 3rd
Calan Mai Dydd (See English translation below Welsh language prose) Prose a.griffiths57 energy, heat, ice cream., love, Summertime's arrival, sun, well being May 3rd
বড্ড অসহায় লাগে! Poem KingofWords অসহায় May 3rd
My Pride, My Sin (vulgarity included) Poem Carcass 4 May 3rd
কষ্ট দিয়েই যাচ্ছ Poem KingofWords কষ্ট May 3rd
west purgatory Poem Daniel-59 1 May 3rd
i ain't willing.... Poem bolt May 3rd
speed limit Poem MariaFernanda May 3rd
Fogging Poem satishverma # #betrayal #life #forgivness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #poetry love May 3rd
The Vigil Poem satishverma # #betrayal #life #forgivness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #poetry love May 3rd
Society is hypocritical Poem Mellifluous May 3rd
Corruption is destruction Poem Mellifluous May 3rd
মেঘের গর্জন [Bangla Rhyme] Poem KingofWords Rhyme May 3rd
Levitate Poem Mellifluous May 3rd
হুতুম প্যাঁচা [Bangla Rhyme] Poem KingofWords Rhyme May 3rd
Masks Poem Mellifluous May 3rd
Win Poem allets May 3rd
Worth Poem Azmia_Jannah #sadness May 4th
Star Poem Azmia_Jannah #Love #Hope #God #Heaven #Poem #Poetry May 4th
"Night Owl" Poem alanacheng May 4th
মধুর মিলন Poem KingofWords মধুর মিলন May 4th
"The Final Curtain" Poem alanacheng May 4th
"The Fragility Of Being So Heartbroken" Poem alanacheng May 4th
"This Regret Of Miscommunication" Poem alanacheng # #life #suffering #sadness #pain May 4th
"Artwork" Poem alanacheng undefined May 4th
"Silently Awake" Poem alanacheng May 4th
মানুষ Poem KingofWords মানুষ May 4th
Mourning sympathy Poem Azmia_Jannah #sadness May 4th
Mourning sympathy Poem Azmia_Jannah May 4th
অমানবিক [অণু গল্প: Bangla Flash Fiction] Prose KingofWords story May 4th
Tortured Soul Poem notapoet May 4th
Closet Case Poem notapoet 1 May 4th
Bang Poem tallsquirrelgirl racism May 4th
Behind the dreams Poem Azmia_Jannah May 4th
My Savior, My Lord Poem Azmia_Jannah May 4th
Big Sis! Poem Azmia_Jannah #HappyBirthday #Reminiscing #sisterlove May 4th
Fears Poem Azmia_Jannah #fears #darkness #alone May 4th
To my first love Poem Azmia_Jannah #love #lessonlearned #firstlove #heartbreak #inspiration May 4th
Sadness Poem Azmia_Jannah #sadness #family May 4th
"The Love Of My Life" Poem alanacheng 1 May 4th
"This Merciless Love" Poem alanacheng May 4th
His Fame Poem not_an_addict May 4th
? Poem KindredSpirit 1 May 4th
the remnants of love lay's dormant somewhere in a place of dying flowers and cemetery whispers Poem Daniel-59 1 May 4th
Transit Poem THWYALG 1 May 4th
Sandpaper Poem satishverma # #betrayal #life #forgivness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #poetry love May 4th
The Silence Of Eternal Flame Poem satishverma # #betrayal #life #forgivness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #poetry love May 4th
Life Poem LittleLennonGurl May 4th
A Tragic Reality Poem Batcat foundpoetry May 4th
Prisoner Poem Carcass 6 May 4th
At A Quiet Moment With The Apostle Saint Peter Poem C03ru135c3n7 May 4th
'When' Poem ClyricJLawstory May 4th
Don't Poem KindredSpirit May 4th
চড়ুই পাখীর খেলা [Bangla Rhyme] Poem KingofWords Rhyme May 4th
তাজরিয়ান কি করে? [Bangla Rhyme] Poem KingofWords Rhyme May 4th
"If Only" Poem alanacheng May 4th
Using My Computer Poem poetry_Speaks_M... 1 #technology #help #Anxiety #Heart #Mind May 4th
"Manipulation" Poem alanacheng May 4th
"Everything Will Be Okay" Poem alanacheng May 4th
"This Beautiful Feeling" Poem alanacheng May 4th
"Facing The Music" Poem alanacheng May 4th
"Hello" Poem alanacheng # #life May 4th
"Blackout" Poem alanacheng # #life #suffering #sadness #pain May 4th
Smile Poem poetry_Speaks_M... Bisexuality Childhood Smile Emo May 4th
Open Air Concert [Nursery Rhyme] Poem KingofWords Rhyme May 4th
I Want the Cycle Now [Nursery Rhyme] Poem KingofWords Rhyme May 4th
To Live Forever, to Be an Immortal Poem giajl May 5th
Council of Brent Poem mrpoofs May 5th
Shadowstep Poem mrpoofs May 5th
The First Poem Megalomaniac May 5th
Axeman Poem mrpoofs May 5th
Into the cold Poem mrpoofs May 5th
Walk Poem RoC 2 May 5th
অজ্ঞতা [Bangla Story] Poem KingofWords story May 5th
Worlds Poem Jorgedlg May 5th
Country Lane. Poem sweetwater 2 May 5th
Inner Voices Poem satishverma # #betrayal #life #forgivness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #poetry love May 5th
On The Name Of ……………….. Poem satishverma # #betrayal #life #forgivness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #poetry love May 5th
The five about the jive Poem KindredSpirit May 5th
I wrote it for her Poem KindredSpirit 11 May 5th
My Darling Daughter Poem cutegurl1316 1 May 5th
I'm Giving up on You Poem cutegurl1316 May 5th
Fourteen Years Ago Today Poem Tasmanian_Goddess death, Tragedy, trauma May 5th
When Some People See The Stars On Pennsylvania Avenue Poem lyrycsyntyme 1 May 5th
Fester and choke Poem SSmoothie 2 #Festeringemotions May 5th
Unbirthday Poem Megalomaniac May 5th
Underneath the Veil Poem Megalomaniac May 5th
Existential Dilemma Poem shewhodwellsint... May 6th
Losing focus Poem ADAPT May 6th
Right Down to Everything Poem RudyPoetryColle... May 6th
Titanic Heart Poem RudyPoetryColle... May 6th
What I Cannot Change Poem RudyPoetryColle... May 6th
To Be Loved By You Poem RudyPoetryColle... May 6th
I Want to Come Home Poem RudyPoetryColle... May 6th
ঠাণ্ডায় মশা কমে! [Bangla Rhyme] Poem KingofWords Rhyme May 6th
মেলা থেকে ফিরে [Bangla Rhyme] Poem KingofWords Rhyme May 6th
Truth Poem Anonymous May 6th
হায় এগামেমনন! Poem KingofWords পাপ May 6th
মূল্যবান তুমি Poem KingofWords তুমি May 6th
Wired for Wealth Poem Wolfy 1 May 6th
Ever Regretfully I'll Poem giajl May 6th
We Went to War in an Poem giajl May 6th
অধিকার [Bangla Story] Prose KingofWords story May 6th
Nothing Can Touch You Poem RudyPoetryColle... May 6th
Waiting Poem RudyPoetryColle... May 6th
Perversions Poem EventHorizon May 6th
Nothing Poem EventHorizon May 6th
Precious Poem EventHorizon May 6th
Here you are... Poem ThatCaptainguy 2 May 6th
Her reflection Poem Gabriel8a May 6th
Tomorrow Poem WhoIsKitKat # addiction # love #learninlove # life # truth # joy # happiness # beauty # beast # peace # music # soul # body # mind #emotions # awe # poetry # heart # humanity # words, desire, feelings, her, love May 6th
forgotten Poem WhoIsKitKat miscellaneous, random May 6th
(Song) Down The Rabbit Hole Poem bountyhunter0001 1 May 6th
can't we go without the walls? Poem bolt May 6th
Don't fear the Angel Poem susanadg May 6th
Berns Fairiez Poem bishu 1 May 6th
Jealousy Poem RudyPoetryColle... May 6th
Die Bitch Poem RudyPoetryColle... May 6th
Guilty as Charged Poem RudyPoetryColle... May 6th
For the Sake of You Poem RudyPoetryColle... May 6th
Free for All Poem RudyPoetryColle... May 6th
Sleep Well Poem RudyPoetryColle... May 6th
In This Cruel World Poem RudyPoetryColle... May 6th
A Dead Song Poem satishverma # #betrayal #life #forgivness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #poetry love May 6th
Upright Mirrors Poem satishverma # #betrayal #life #forgivness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #poetry love May 6th
Falling Apart Poem ModiOperis May 7th
Country smeared with Grey Poem anonymoususer 1 May 7th
The Gnawing Poem ModiOperis May 7th
Goodbye letter Poem dukieee death, Goodbye, sad May 7th
Above All Else Poem wisdomscry May 7th
Connived Poem satishverma # #betrayal #life #forgivness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #poetry love May 7th
A Secret Self Poem satishverma # #betrayal #life #forgivness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #poetry love May 7th
Overboard Poem randyjohnson May 7th
A Good Morning Poem wisdomscry May 7th
Fame Poem tallsquirrelgirl FAME May 7th
A merger Poem wisdomscry May 7th
FRIGID LINES Poem wisdomscry May 7th
Sandy Beach Poem and_hera_met_zeus 3 May 8th
I'm Only Looking for, Poem giajl May 8th
Come Soft The Night Poem Wordman May 8th
Cowardice Affection Poem WillRemainAnonymous 2 deep love passion, romance May 8th
প্রহসন! [Bangla Story] Prose KingofWords story May 8th
ডব্লিউ এইচ অডেনের “ফিউনারেল ব্লুজ”: এক মৃত্যুঞ্জয়ী প্রেমের গাঁথা! [Bangla Essay] Prose KingofWords Essay May 8th
my mom and guardian angel Poem matthew007 May 8th
Happy Mother's Day, Mom - Part III Poem randyjohnson May 8th
মাগো! কি করে তোমায় ভুলি? Poem KingofWords মা May 8th
সুন্দর তার কথা Poem KingofWords সুন্দর কথা May 8th
Happy Mothers Day Mom Poem LittleLennonGurl May 8th
কষ্টের ফল [Bangla Rhyme] Poem KingofWords Rhyme May 8th
দুপুর হাসে [Bangla Rhyme] Poem KingofWords Rhyme May 8th
Thank You Poem katpatmc1518 #mom #life #mothers day #love #relationship May 8th
Existence Poem satishverma # #betrayal #life #forgivness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #poetry love May 8th
এখনও কি...? Poem KingofWords এখনও May 8th
Day Off! [Nursery Rhyme] Poem KingofWords Rhyme May 8th
Shish Kebab! [Nursery Rhyme] Poem KingofWords Rhyme May 8th
Took her away Poem dukieee God, heaven, sad May 8th
Free style Poem daniellejeanne love May 9th
My New Dog Poem randyjohnson May 9th
Clumsy Poem dbwalters26 1 author, awkward, book, bump, chick, clumsy, Coffee, cool, friend, girl, Novel, Poems, poet, POETRY, published, spill, visit, work, writer, Writing, Yoga May 9th
gray or grey Poem absolem May 9th
على فلوات أشواقي Poem nasheed May 9th
Lionist Poem MrGone2morrow relationship May 9th
THE DATING GAME Poem chris May 9th
unexpected Poem Vrnka 1 May 9th
i'm real Prose rose May 9th
Staying with the Truth Poem KingofWords truth May 9th
অনেক প্রশ্ন ছিলো মনে Poem KingofWords প্রশ্ন May 9th
Soldier Poem tannerm303 Military, soldier May 9th
Little Boy Poem tannerm303 Finding a way, Young May 9th
Life Poem tannerm303 Life May 9th
Drumming Poem satishverma # #betrayal #life #forgivness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #poetry love May 9th
Loving A Street Poem satishverma # #betrayal #life #forgivness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #poetry love May 9th
Napkin Poem kiparyn May 9th
Lingering Kate (and a Lack of Good Timing) Poem deepblue 5 May 9th
কি গজব রে বাবা! [Bangla Rhyme] Poem KingofWords Rhyme May 9th
কিউট! [Bangla Rhyme] Poem KingofWords Rhyme May 9th
গোপনে Poem KingofWords গোপন May 9th
Palate Poem dbwalters26 author, bitter, book, day, flavor, Food, herb, many, memory, moment, Novel, Poems, poet, POETRY, published, salt, salty, sour, spice, sweet, taste, time, work, writer, Writing May 9th
The shit we do when we love someone Poem tallsquirrelgirl 3 love May 9th
Yards Away Poem bardinme #Drugs, City May 9th
Virus [Nursery Rhyme] Poem KingofWords Rhyme May 9th
Banana Tree [Nursery Rhyme] Poem KingofWords Rhyme May 9th
Happy Birthday Hugh Poem LittleLennonGurl May 9th
2 shoulders Poem not_an_addict 1 May 10th
The Master Poem May 10th
Esmerelda Listen to, The Bells Poem giajl May 10th
The Busy Man Poem baniv 2 #missu#love#relality#hurt May 10th
In Reverse Poem satishverma # #betrayal #life #forgivness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #poetry #broken May 10th
Heart Beat Poem lalo.bazgomz May 10th
Gods Cabinet Poem juniA #racism May 10th
To Forget Poem EventHorizon May 10th
অসহ্য গরম! [Bangla Rhyme] Poem KingofWords Rhyme May 10th
উটের পিঠে [Bangla Rhyme] Poem KingofWords Rhyme May 10th
Happiness Poem kevin_hdz97 May 10th