How To Hate Your Body |
Poem |
alexthesheep |
# #body hate #suffering #depression #gender dysphoria #eating disorder #self harm |
May 1st |
Samsara's Anchor |
Poem |
shewhodwellsint... |
May 1st |
জীবনের মানে |
Poem |
KingofWords |
জীবন |
May 1st |
*unnamed* |
Poem |
S.X.K |
#relationships #stars #thankyou #love? |
May 1st |
Picked to Pieces |
Poem |
truthintragedies |
anger, Dark, dissecting, emotional, Haunting, misery, Rage, sorrow, tone, truths, vulnerable |
May 1st |
A Poet Afloat |
Poem |
dbwalters26 |
author, book, desire, Determination, Hate, inspiration, love, Novel, ocean, Poems, poet, POETRY, published, surf, wave, work, writer, Writing |
May 1st |
I miss painting |
Poem |
S.X.K |
May 1st |
*unnamed* |
Poem |
S.X.K |
May 1st |
hm. |
Poem |
S.X.K |
May 1st |
what he said |
Poem |
rose |
May 1st |
The Angel of Combustion |
Poem |
ModiOperis |
May 1st |
Common drugs |
Poem |
S.X.K |
#love #chemistry |
May 1st |
I need to run, but the bridge is burning |
Poem |
ModiOperis |
May 1st |
The Cosmonaut. |
Poem |
ModiOperis |
May 1st |
Adverse Paean |
Poem |
shewhodwellsint... |
May 1st |
Waiting on and on [Nursery Rhyme] |
Poem |
KingofWords |
Rhyme |
May 1st |
Trembling |
Poem |
satishverma |
# #betrayal #life #forgivness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #poetry love |
May 1st |
Arrival |
Poem |
satishverma |
# #betrayal #life #forgivness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #poetry love |
May 1st |
Enlightenment |
Poem |
May 1st |
You Need A Restart |
Poem |
Silver__lining |
May 1st |
Another Shot Of Liquor |
Poem |
Silver__lining |
May 1st |
If I Could Believe Her |
Poem |
Silver__lining |
May 1st |
Just Say |
Poem |
Silver__lining |
May 1st |
Remember your future |
Poem |
EventHorizon |
May 1st |
When the Sun Sleeps [Nursery Rhyme] |
Poem |
KingofWords |
Rhyme |
May 1st |
নতুন বই [Bangla Rhyme] |
Poem |
KingofWords |
Rhyme |
May 1st |
সন্দেশ পিঠা! [Bangla Rhyme] |
Poem |
KingofWords |
Rhyme |
May 1st |
You Take It All. |
Poem |
sweetwater |
May 1st |
Being |
Poem |
EventHorizon |
May 1st |
cool feet |
Poem |
stepintoamind7 |
# addiction # love #learninlove #trust #guilt #hate #done #lonely #hard #hurt #myth #heart #broken |
May 2nd |
Are you happy? |
Poem |
Mellifluous |
#art #society #life |
May 2nd |
Ignorant Bliss |
Poem |
Mellifluous |
May 2nd |
Numb |
Poem |
Mellifluous |
# #betrayal #life #forgiveness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #poetry #Dillan #Courtright #Dark #love |
May 2nd |
Her Beautiful Pain |
Poem |
Mellifluous |
# addiction #relationship #failure #prose #heartbreak #foreveralone #love #forever #secondchoice #hopelessromantic #hurt #betrayal #lust# disappointment# life # heart # truth # suffering # sadness # pain # happiness # empty # mistakes # fate # time # di |
May 2nd |
I'm So Dumb |
Poem |
Mellifluous |
# #betrayal #life #forgiveness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #poetry #Dillan #Courtright #Dark #love |
May 2nd |
You're A Twister, I'm A Tidal Wave |
Poem |
tallsquirrelgirl |
relationships |
May 2nd |
প্রকৃতির খেয়াল [Bangla Story] |
Prose |
KingofWords |
story |
May 2nd |
Technicolor Dreams Fill |
Poem |
giajl |
May 2nd |
Persistence in my own words |
Poem |
PersistentLassie |
May 2nd |
To be Remembered |
Poem |
ModiOperis |
May 2nd |
sex/success |
Poem |
lizardking |
May 2nd |
If I'm Three Sheets, She's the Wind |
Poem |
ModiOperis |
May 2nd |
I Am The Lover |
Poem |
satishverma |
# #betrayal #life #forgivness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #poetry love |
May 2nd |
* Unfathomable |
Poem |
satishverma |
# #betrayal #life #forgivness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #poetry love |
May 2nd |
For Alisso 7-9-11 |
Poem |
tangleddreams |
long distance love, love, love poetry, New Love |
May 2nd |
The American Girl |
Poem |
KindredSpirit |
May 2nd |
Add Lib |
Poem |
KindredSpirit |
May 2nd |
Poem |
May 3rd |
You will See Me Here |
Poem |
KingofWords |
love |
May 3rd |
I Give Her Love, She Gives Me Pain |
Poem |
KingofWords |
love and pain |
May 3rd |
Christian Extremists Killed God |
Poem |
LittleLennonGurl |
May 3rd |
Everything |
Poem |
beccaloni |
# addiction #relationship #failure #prose #heartbreak #foreveralone #love #forever #secondchoice #hopelessromantic #hurt #betrayal #lust# disappointment# life # heart # truth # suffering # sadness # pain # happiness # empty # mistakes # fate # time # di |
May 3rd |
High Ho |
Poem |
giajl |
May 3rd |
Jonah and The Ninevites |
Poem |
randyjohnson |
May 3rd |
Love |
Poem |
LittleLennonGurl |
May 3rd |
Tell-Tell Tuesday |
Poem |
MilMan |
#Live#Life#Love#Learn |
May 3rd |
Tarddiad y Mai Dydd: |
Prose |
a.griffiths57 |
History repeats itself again. Annual celebrations of Mayday. An exercise in Welsh. |
May 3rd |
Calan Mai Dydd (See English translation below Welsh language prose) |
Prose |
a.griffiths57 |
energy, heat, ice cream., love, Summertime's arrival, sun, well being |
May 3rd |
বড্ড অসহায় লাগে! |
Poem |
KingofWords |
অসহায় |
May 3rd |
My Pride, My Sin (vulgarity included) |
Poem |
Carcass |
May 3rd |
কষ্ট দিয়েই যাচ্ছ |
Poem |
KingofWords |
কষ্ট |
May 3rd |
west purgatory |
Poem |
Daniel-59 |
May 3rd |
i ain't willing.... |
Poem |
bolt |
May 3rd |
speed limit |
Poem |
MariaFernanda |
May 3rd |
Fogging |
Poem |
satishverma |
# #betrayal #life #forgivness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #poetry love |
May 3rd |
The Vigil |
Poem |
satishverma |
# #betrayal #life #forgivness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #poetry love |
May 3rd |
Society is hypocritical |
Poem |
Mellifluous |
May 3rd |
Corruption is destruction |
Poem |
Mellifluous |
May 3rd |
মেঘের গর্জন [Bangla Rhyme] |
Poem |
KingofWords |
Rhyme |
May 3rd |
Levitate |
Poem |
Mellifluous |
May 3rd |
হুতুম প্যাঁচা [Bangla Rhyme] |
Poem |
KingofWords |
Rhyme |
May 3rd |
Masks |
Poem |
Mellifluous |
May 3rd |
Win |
Poem |
allets |
May 3rd |
Worth |
Poem |
Azmia_Jannah |
#sadness |
May 4th |
Star |
Poem |
Azmia_Jannah |
#Love #Hope #God #Heaven #Poem #Poetry |
May 4th |
"Night Owl" |
Poem |
alanacheng |
May 4th |
মধুর মিলন |
Poem |
KingofWords |
মধুর মিলন |
May 4th |
"The Final Curtain" |
Poem |
alanacheng |
May 4th |
"The Fragility Of Being So Heartbroken" |
Poem |
alanacheng |
May 4th |
"This Regret Of Miscommunication" |
Poem |
alanacheng |
# #life #suffering #sadness #pain |
May 4th |
"Artwork" |
Poem |
alanacheng |
undefined |
May 4th |
"Silently Awake" |
Poem |
alanacheng |
May 4th |
মানুষ |
Poem |
KingofWords |
মানুষ |
May 4th |
Mourning sympathy |
Poem |
Azmia_Jannah |
#sadness |
May 4th |
Mourning sympathy |
Poem |
Azmia_Jannah |
May 4th |
অমানবিক [অণু গল্প: Bangla Flash Fiction] |
Prose |
KingofWords |
story |
May 4th |
Tortured Soul |
Poem |
notapoet |
May 4th |
Closet Case |
Poem |
notapoet |
May 4th |
Bang |
Poem |
tallsquirrelgirl |
racism |
May 4th |
Behind the dreams |
Poem |
Azmia_Jannah |
May 4th |
My Savior, My Lord |
Poem |
Azmia_Jannah |
May 4th |
Big Sis! |
Poem |
Azmia_Jannah |
#HappyBirthday #Reminiscing #sisterlove |
May 4th |
Fears |
Poem |
Azmia_Jannah |
#fears #darkness #alone |
May 4th |
To my first love |
Poem |
Azmia_Jannah |
#love #lessonlearned #firstlove #heartbreak #inspiration |
May 4th |
Sadness |
Poem |
Azmia_Jannah |
#sadness #family |
May 4th |
"The Love Of My Life" |
Poem |
alanacheng |
May 4th |
"This Merciless Love" |
Poem |
alanacheng |
May 4th |
His Fame |
Poem |
not_an_addict |
May 4th |
? |
Poem |
KindredSpirit |
May 4th |
the remnants of love lay's dormant somewhere in a place of dying flowers and cemetery whispers |
Poem |
Daniel-59 |
May 4th |
Transit |
Poem |
May 4th |
Sandpaper |
Poem |
satishverma |
# #betrayal #life #forgivness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #poetry love |
May 4th |
The Silence Of Eternal Flame |
Poem |
satishverma |
# #betrayal #life #forgivness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #poetry love |
May 4th |
Life |
Poem |
LittleLennonGurl |
May 4th |
A Tragic Reality |
Poem |
Batcat |
foundpoetry |
May 4th |
Prisoner |
Poem |
Carcass |
May 4th |
At A Quiet Moment With The Apostle Saint Peter |
Poem |
C03ru135c3n7 |
May 4th |
'When' |
Poem |
ClyricJLawstory |
May 4th |
Don't |
Poem |
KindredSpirit |
May 4th |
চড়ুই পাখীর খেলা [Bangla Rhyme] |
Poem |
KingofWords |
Rhyme |
May 4th |
তাজরিয়ান কি করে? [Bangla Rhyme] |
Poem |
KingofWords |
Rhyme |
May 4th |
"If Only" |
Poem |
alanacheng |
May 4th |
Using My Computer |
Poem |
poetry_Speaks_M... |
#technology #help #Anxiety #Heart #Mind |
May 4th |
"Manipulation" |
Poem |
alanacheng |
May 4th |
"Everything Will Be Okay" |
Poem |
alanacheng |
May 4th |
"This Beautiful Feeling" |
Poem |
alanacheng |
May 4th |
"Facing The Music" |
Poem |
alanacheng |
May 4th |
"Hello" |
Poem |
alanacheng |
# #life |
May 4th |
"Blackout" |
Poem |
alanacheng |
# #life #suffering #sadness #pain |
May 4th |
Smile |
Poem |
poetry_Speaks_M... |
Bisexuality Childhood Smile Emo |
May 4th |
Open Air Concert [Nursery Rhyme] |
Poem |
KingofWords |
Rhyme |
May 4th |
I Want the Cycle Now [Nursery Rhyme] |
Poem |
KingofWords |
Rhyme |
May 4th |
To Live Forever, to Be an Immortal |
Poem |
giajl |
May 5th |
Council of Brent |
Poem |
mrpoofs |
May 5th |
Shadowstep |
Poem |
mrpoofs |
May 5th |
The First |
Poem |
Megalomaniac |
May 5th |
Axeman |
Poem |
mrpoofs |
May 5th |
Into the cold |
Poem |
mrpoofs |
May 5th |
Walk |
Poem |
RoC |
May 5th |
অজ্ঞতা [Bangla Story] |
Poem |
KingofWords |
story |
May 5th |
Worlds |
Poem |
Jorgedlg |
May 5th |
Country Lane. |
Poem |
sweetwater |
May 5th |
Inner Voices |
Poem |
satishverma |
# #betrayal #life #forgivness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #poetry love |
May 5th |
On The Name Of ……………….. |
Poem |
satishverma |
# #betrayal #life #forgivness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #poetry love |
May 5th |
The five about the jive |
Poem |
KindredSpirit |
May 5th |
I wrote it for her |
Poem |
KindredSpirit |
May 5th |
My Darling Daughter |
Poem |
cutegurl1316 |
May 5th |
I'm Giving up on You |
Poem |
cutegurl1316 |
May 5th |
Fourteen Years Ago Today |
Poem |
Tasmanian_Goddess |
death, Tragedy, trauma |
May 5th |
When Some People See The Stars On Pennsylvania Avenue |
Poem |
lyrycsyntyme |
May 5th |
Fester and choke |
Poem |
SSmoothie |
#Festeringemotions |
May 5th |
Unbirthday |
Poem |
Megalomaniac |
May 5th |
Underneath the Veil |
Poem |
Megalomaniac |
May 5th |
Existential Dilemma |
Poem |
shewhodwellsint... |
May 6th |
Losing focus |
Poem |
May 6th |
Right Down to Everything |
Poem |
RudyPoetryColle... |
May 6th |
Titanic Heart |
Poem |
RudyPoetryColle... |
May 6th |
What I Cannot Change |
Poem |
RudyPoetryColle... |
May 6th |
To Be Loved By You |
Poem |
RudyPoetryColle... |
May 6th |
I Want to Come Home |
Poem |
RudyPoetryColle... |
May 6th |
ঠাণ্ডায় মশা কমে! [Bangla Rhyme] |
Poem |
KingofWords |
Rhyme |
May 6th |
মেলা থেকে ফিরে [Bangla Rhyme] |
Poem |
KingofWords |
Rhyme |
May 6th |
Truth |
Poem |
Anonymous |
May 6th |
হায় এগামেমনন! |
Poem |
KingofWords |
পাপ |
May 6th |
মূল্যবান তুমি |
Poem |
KingofWords |
তুমি |
May 6th |
Wired for Wealth |
Poem |
Wolfy |
May 6th |
Ever Regretfully I'll |
Poem |
giajl |
May 6th |
We Went to War in an |
Poem |
giajl |
May 6th |
অধিকার [Bangla Story] |
Prose |
KingofWords |
story |
May 6th |
Nothing Can Touch You |
Poem |
RudyPoetryColle... |
May 6th |
Waiting |
Poem |
RudyPoetryColle... |
May 6th |
Perversions |
Poem |
EventHorizon |
May 6th |
Nothing |
Poem |
EventHorizon |
May 6th |
Precious |
Poem |
EventHorizon |
May 6th |
Here you are... |
Poem |
ThatCaptainguy |
May 6th |
Her reflection |
Poem |
Gabriel8a |
May 6th |
Tomorrow |
Poem |
WhoIsKitKat |
# addiction # love #learninlove # life # truth # joy # happiness # beauty # beast # peace # music # soul # body # mind #emotions # awe # poetry # heart # humanity # words, desire, feelings, her, love |
May 6th |
forgotten |
Poem |
WhoIsKitKat |
miscellaneous, random |
May 6th |
(Song) Down The Rabbit Hole |
Poem |
bountyhunter0001 |
May 6th |
can't we go without the walls? |
Poem |
bolt |
May 6th |
Don't fear the Angel |
Poem |
susanadg |
May 6th |
Berns Fairiez |
Poem |
bishu |
May 6th |
Jealousy |
Poem |
RudyPoetryColle... |
May 6th |
Die Bitch |
Poem |
RudyPoetryColle... |
May 6th |
Guilty as Charged |
Poem |
RudyPoetryColle... |
May 6th |
For the Sake of You |
Poem |
RudyPoetryColle... |
May 6th |
Free for All |
Poem |
RudyPoetryColle... |
May 6th |
Sleep Well |
Poem |
RudyPoetryColle... |
May 6th |
In This Cruel World |
Poem |
RudyPoetryColle... |
May 6th |
A Dead Song |
Poem |
satishverma |
# #betrayal #life #forgivness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #poetry love |
May 6th |
Upright Mirrors |
Poem |
satishverma |
# #betrayal #life #forgivness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #poetry love |
May 6th |
Falling Apart |
Poem |
ModiOperis |
May 7th |
Country smeared with Grey |
Poem |
anonymoususer |
May 7th |
The Gnawing |
Poem |
ModiOperis |
May 7th |
Goodbye letter |
Poem |
dukieee |
death, Goodbye, sad |
May 7th |
Above All Else |
Poem |
wisdomscry |
May 7th |
Connived |
Poem |
satishverma |
# #betrayal #life #forgivness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #poetry love |
May 7th |
A Secret Self |
Poem |
satishverma |
# #betrayal #life #forgivness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #poetry love |
May 7th |
Overboard |
Poem |
randyjohnson |
May 7th |
A Good Morning |
Poem |
wisdomscry |
May 7th |
Fame |
Poem |
tallsquirrelgirl |
May 7th |
A merger |
Poem |
wisdomscry |
May 7th |
Poem |
wisdomscry |
May 7th |
Sandy Beach |
Poem |
and_hera_met_zeus |
May 8th |
I'm Only Looking for, |
Poem |
giajl |
May 8th |
Come Soft The Night |
Poem |
Wordman |
May 8th |
Cowardice Affection |
Poem |
WillRemainAnonymous |
deep love passion, romance |
May 8th |
প্রহসন! [Bangla Story] |
Prose |
KingofWords |
story |
May 8th |
ডব্লিউ এইচ অডেনের “ফিউনারেল ব্লুজ”: এক মৃত্যুঞ্জয়ী প্রেমের গাঁথা! [Bangla Essay] |
Prose |
KingofWords |
Essay |
May 8th |
my mom and guardian angel |
Poem |
matthew007 |
May 8th |
Happy Mother's Day, Mom - Part III |
Poem |
randyjohnson |
May 8th |
মাগো! কি করে তোমায় ভুলি? |
Poem |
KingofWords |
মা |
May 8th |
সুন্দর তার কথা |
Poem |
KingofWords |
সুন্দর কথা |
May 8th |
Happy Mothers Day Mom |
Poem |
LittleLennonGurl |
May 8th |
কষ্টের ফল [Bangla Rhyme] |
Poem |
KingofWords |
Rhyme |
May 8th |
দুপুর হাসে [Bangla Rhyme] |
Poem |
KingofWords |
Rhyme |
May 8th |
Thank You |
Poem |
katpatmc1518 |
#mom #life #mothers day #love #relationship |
May 8th |
Existence |
Poem |
satishverma |
# #betrayal #life #forgivness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #poetry love |
May 8th |
এখনও কি...? |
Poem |
KingofWords |
এখনও |
May 8th |
Day Off! [Nursery Rhyme] |
Poem |
KingofWords |
Rhyme |
May 8th |
Shish Kebab! [Nursery Rhyme] |
Poem |
KingofWords |
Rhyme |
May 8th |
Took her away |
Poem |
dukieee |
God, heaven, sad |
May 8th |
Free style |
Poem |
daniellejeanne |
love |
May 9th |
My New Dog |
Poem |
randyjohnson |
May 9th |
Clumsy |
Poem |
dbwalters26 |
author, awkward, book, bump, chick, clumsy, Coffee, cool, friend, girl, Novel, Poems, poet, POETRY, published, spill, visit, work, writer, Writing, Yoga |
May 9th |
gray or grey |
Poem |
absolem |
May 9th |
على فلوات أشواقي |
Poem |
nasheed |
May 9th |
Lionist |
Poem |
MrGone2morrow |
relationship |
May 9th |
Poem |
chris |
May 9th |
unexpected |
Poem |
Vrnka |
May 9th |
i'm real |
Prose |
rose |
May 9th |
Staying with the Truth |
Poem |
KingofWords |
truth |
May 9th |
অনেক প্রশ্ন ছিলো মনে |
Poem |
KingofWords |
প্রশ্ন |
May 9th |
Soldier |
Poem |
tannerm303 |
Military, soldier |
May 9th |
Little Boy |
Poem |
tannerm303 |
Finding a way, Young |
May 9th |
Life |
Poem |
tannerm303 |
Life |
May 9th |
Drumming |
Poem |
satishverma |
# #betrayal #life #forgivness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #poetry love |
May 9th |
Loving A Street |
Poem |
satishverma |
# #betrayal #life #forgivness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #poetry love |
May 9th |
Napkin |
Poem |
kiparyn |
May 9th |
Lingering Kate (and a Lack of Good Timing) |
Poem |
deepblue |
May 9th |
কি গজব রে বাবা! [Bangla Rhyme] |
Poem |
KingofWords |
Rhyme |
May 9th |
কিউট! [Bangla Rhyme] |
Poem |
KingofWords |
Rhyme |
May 9th |
গোপনে |
Poem |
KingofWords |
গোপন |
May 9th |
Palate |
Poem |
dbwalters26 |
author, bitter, book, day, flavor, Food, herb, many, memory, moment, Novel, Poems, poet, POETRY, published, salt, salty, sour, spice, sweet, taste, time, work, writer, Writing |
May 9th |
The shit we do when we love someone |
Poem |
tallsquirrelgirl |
love |
May 9th |
Yards Away |
Poem |
bardinme |
#Drugs, City |
May 9th |
Virus [Nursery Rhyme] |
Poem |
KingofWords |
Rhyme |
May 9th |
Banana Tree [Nursery Rhyme] |
Poem |
KingofWords |
Rhyme |
May 9th |
Happy Birthday Hugh |
Poem |
LittleLennonGurl |
May 9th |
2 shoulders |
Poem |
not_an_addict |
May 10th |
The Master |
Poem | |
May 10th |
Esmerelda Listen to, The Bells |
Poem |
giajl |
May 10th |
The Busy Man |
Poem |
baniv |
#missu#love#relality#hurt |
May 10th |
In Reverse |
Poem |
satishverma |
# #betrayal #life #forgivness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #poetry #broken |
May 10th |
Heart Beat |
Poem |
lalo.bazgomz |
May 10th |
Gods Cabinet |
Poem |
juniA |
#racism |
May 10th |
To Forget |
Poem |
EventHorizon |
May 10th |
অসহ্য গরম! [Bangla Rhyme] |
Poem |
KingofWords |
Rhyme |
May 10th |
উটের পিঠে [Bangla Rhyme] |
Poem |
KingofWords |
Rhyme |
May 10th |
Happiness |
Poem |
kevin_hdz97 |
May 10th |