Old man lies in his decrepit corner
wearing a mask of serenity
his countenance never grows any warmer
yet we never doubt his divinity
we quest for our future, he asks for a buck
placing our lives in his hands without a seconds care
we know if we believe him we're pressing our luck
as he regards us with a demons blank milky stare
Reality warps as he tells us
our crew all fall through his eyes
of the tradgedies that have befelled us
under these great storm blackened skies
he says the demons blade lies in wait
for the one chosen to save her
but for those who test their state
will be destined for hells labor
the disfigured one wishes for power
ill gotten by deadly sacrifice
he will willingly scorch the flower
after sailing the blood red river thrice
the man with tow minds may fall
victim of his own flask
on the demons blade you must call
if you wish to complete your task
so sail on, defy the gallows
meet the wonders of your fate
but beware the man of shadows
for he is nothing but hate.