"The Love Of My Life"

Alana Cheng


"The Love Of My Life"

Written by Alana Cheng


The love of my life is who you are, and I am praying and hoping for us to reach out for a shining star, and that the love of my life is who you will always be for so many years to come and go, and I just want to let you know that you are the love of my life, and you are the one that gets me through everything of life's major roller coaster along with the strife.


You are the love of my life that keeps me going, and it doesn't matter for however long, because when it's you and me, however long is like a long, sweet song.


The love of my life is who you are, and the love of my life is both you and me that will be going very far, as we can work together to reach a shining star.

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and i hope you do

and i hope you do

ron parrish