
tHe CoInCiDeNcE oF oPpOsItEs

simple truths preclude 

their opposites they 

say deep truths include 

their opposites 

c'est la vie in 

a hope(ful)ly relative 


male and  

female black and 

white wave  

and particle the 

relations proceed the 

relata the whole  

cannot be reduced to 

the sum of its parts 

i say this and you 



how else could it 

BE literally 

the entire universe  

trying to per- 

ceive itself  

through this one 



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I lay in bed trying to calm my mind. 

But my panic rises and roams free in my head, 

All I can think of is the silence. 

It's funny how silence affects us. 

In it we can find solace and peace, 

Or in it we can find anxiety and worry. 

Did I do something wrong? 

Am I not interesting enough? 

Am I not good enough? 

Did I cause this silence?  

I know the world doesn't revolve around me. 

But just once maybe I want to be someone else's world. 

It's the silence that destroys my peace. 

I withdrawal into myself, 

The past has taught me well. 

Silence is a weapon.

It gets into my head and destroys any peace I've found, 

In silence my insecurities scream. 

Don't be too much.... 

Another sleepless silent night alone. 

I resolve to take a step back. 

Don't give so much of me.

Trying to find my peace in the cloak of night. As the sun peaks over the morning horizon, 

I finally fade to sleep, 

In silences cold embrace. 

View justshan1983's Full Portfolio

Break Me Down

New Lyrics
Author's Notes/Comments: 

Very old one that never felt finished until recently.  Hope it's not too sappy. Written on 6/24/03, updated 7/21/23.

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buh-bye na (in Tagalog/Filipino language)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Reedited 12.14.2023:  Added parentheses on title.


Dedicated to someone whom I liked recently and which was written in an informal Tagalog/Filipino/Taglish format.  Thank you for reading on.


Reedited on: 08.11.2023 (I have simply changed the "din" to "rin" to adhere to proper Tagalog grammar rules.)

Unfinished Masterpiece

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I'm not sure if this is done yet ...... 

taglamig (in Tagalog language)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Reedited 12.06.2022 [22:25];11.23.2022 [09:09]; 11.22.2022 [20:38]



1.  Prior changes have been made to this poem at an earlier time (but not enumerated them all at this moment).

2.  Changed the word "mukha" to "wangis" instead (just to avoid redundancy or the word being doubled in my verses).

3.  (11.23.2022)  Omitted a comma (placed formerly in following line: "o, baka.." (unedited version)

4. (12.06.2022) the line "parang itong asul sa taas," was changed to the grammatical "para itong asul sa taas,"