


It is been little profits

living in comfort zone.

Time and tide,

throws new challenges and

may all shuts at once.

But burning desire

let's learn more and more.

A better tomorrow can’t be choice

while every move

craves for consistency.

Luck is no longer a buzzword,

eventually hard work pays.

Those hard times and

dark clouds shall see

a rainbow arch.

Finally, the patience may

bestow many!

Wait, wait and wait till well served.

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Midnight Goddess

New Lyrics


Hey beautiful,

Come on over, let me get a good look at you

Let's get closer, tell me you want me inside you


You sweet angel,

Come down my way, let me be mesmerized by you

Call out my name, tell me the things you want me to do to you


-And I don't know how you do all the things that keep me chasing you

And all I know is that there's nothing in this world that I won't do

for you

My midnight goddess- (chorus)


Hey delightful,

Lay down with me, so I can feel your skin on mine

Crash into me, so we can become intertwined 


Lovely angel,

You're in my dreams, I can't get you out of my mind

Come back to me, don't leave me here all alone tonight, I'll die


And I don't know how you do all the things that keep me chasing you

And all I know is that there's nothing in this world that I won't do

for you

My midnight goddess


Oh my God you are so divine

I get drunk from you every night

You taste like strawberries and wine

Could you refill my cup this time?


And I don't know how you do all the things that keep me chasing you

And all I know is that there's nothing in this world that I won't do 

No, there's nothing in this world that I won't do for you

My midnight goddess


Author's Notes/Comments: 


I must have been thinking of some Dave mathews songs when I wrote this one. (My wife's fav artist).


Laying next to you

I just want to stare into you

Into your beautiful soul



Staying close to you

I just want to stay inside you

Yeah, until we become one



-I know what you want

You're all that I want

I've got all I want in you

You know what I want

I'm all that you want

You've got all you want, it's true-(chorus)


Coming up for air

I just want to breathe into you

And then I'll go back for more



Reaching out for you

I just want to grab onto you

And I'm never letting go

So tender


I know what you want

You're all that I want

I've got all I want in you

You know what I want

I'm all that you want

You've got all you want, it's true


Rolling in the sheets, I'm lost inside of you

When I start to dream, I just envision you


I know what you want

You know what I want...

I know what you want

You're all that I want

I've got all I want in you

You know what I want

I'm all that you want 

You've got all you want, it's true





Author's Notes/Comments: 

A newer one. This one is for my wife.  Finished 1-6-23. 

Comments welcome.

View uninvited_1's Full Portfolio

selfishly mine

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written 5/15/22

View tallsquirrelgirl's Full Portfolio

Let me work!

View shailaenglish's Full Portfolio

Time and Memories {Revisited}

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Just felt like tweaking it a bit, the first part is still my favorite


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written 10/31/18

View tallsquirrelgirl's Full Portfolio

what it takes

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written 8/13/18

View tallsquirrelgirl's Full Portfolio

unsung story

first time
Author's Notes/Comments: 

well one can say its imagination where someone is looking at the other person (the person is not completely a stranger, its just not easy for her to interact) and he/she wanted that person to realise her/his desire 

View alkaharuno's Full Portfolio