I really enjoyed this..: I really enjoyed this. Good to read during those inevitable times of self-doubt. I'm a Bill Withers fan as I'm guessing you are. Bill Withers may be gone, but Bill never does. Have a Lovely Day!
You're too kind smoothie,: You're too kind smoothie, thank you!
Think it still might need a bit more refining but I'm very happy with these bones, thanks for checking in!
Thanks Patricia! Patrick was: Thanks Patricia! Patrick was meant to be my first name or at least one of them. But my dad thought to be smart and only gave me the "-rick" part of it. Harr-Dee-harr
Your hilarious and sparkling: Your hilarious and sparkling frolick was pure enjoyment, and the vernacular: priceless!
A feel-good tribute to my Irish ancestors.
With tumultuous realism and: With tumultuous realism and wrenching metaphors, you revealed the path to victory over deception. Often The Lie is so convincing that it contorts our inner being into a state of disorienting agony, as you expressed with fierce and exquisite artistry in this powerhouse of spiritual discovery.
But there’s more. The poem takes a sharp and inspiring turn with: “It knows, it knows” (The perfect words shatter the fragile illusion of indelible darkness) and from there your gifted pen pulls back the curtain.
In the midst of the cyclone “nothing happened”.
A stunning pilgrimage of renewal through acceptance, courage and truth. You are a treasure.
YES! all too easy.. and then: YES! all too easy.. and then Regret, the ever faithful, graces the scene with more interior struggle... Good old Shaekespeare, thanks for bringing him along...