Addendums, Annotations, Footnotes... :
quotes that I actually remember the sources of or which book I read them in or where I might have heard it or who may have said it...
"The difference between the almost-right word & the right word is the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning" - Mark Twain
"No siren did ever so charm the ear of the listener as the listening ear has charmed the soul of the siren" - Henry Taylor
"Every day people are straying away from the church and going back to God" - Lenny Bruce... if you will permit me Lenny to add in "& turning their backs on the government"... that wall we've built between "Church&State" doesn't really exist... ya'll go ahead and keep trying though, I'll watch from here... no I will not hand you that brick...
"My real thoughts are in my mind - I would like to find them" - A Course in Miracles, supportive thought for Lesson #45
"If I should die in my sleep tonight I don't want to have wasted today worrying about the tomorrow that will never come" - Author Unknown (just gonna file that under Words-To-Live-By)
"Democracy is Anarchy mixed with Polity" - Terence McKenna
Thank you. Alexei led me to: Thank you. Alexei led me to the Orthodox Faith, I believe. I have written and posted a couple of "alternate history" poems about him. Thanks muchly for your comment.
As a sickly child learning: As a sickly child learning first of distant ascendants who were persecuted during the Great Inquisition, the Tsarevich became an ally and companion even when most of the attention was on his sister Anastasia (for quite obvious reasons). All that I had were encyclopaedic articles and passing mentions from literature on the Bolshevik era and the connection of the European royal houses through Victoria's issue.
Yes, I am. That’s why I write this stuff..: Yes, I am. That's why I write this stuff, to relieve the tedium. As far as your recommendations about what I should do, they're very good suggestions. I wish I could do them but unfortunately, I have a medical condition which prevents me from participating in those activities. Thank you for your comment.
You must just be chronically bored: You should consider going outdoors and exploring for a bit of exercise, a hike, discovering a trail you really like, go for a bike ride...