
Md. Ziaul Haque [King of Words]

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Chattogram [previously called 'Chittagong'], Bangladesh

More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

Md. Ziaul Haque is originally from Zakiganj, Sylhet, Bangladesh. He is an international award-winning poet, writer, actor, novelist, dramatist, director, film writer [screenwriter], literary critique, academic, thinker, philosopher, singer, songwriter, short story writer, rhymer, translator, reviewer, columnist, essayist, researcher and scholar. He earned his B.A [Hon’s] and Master’s degrees in English language and literature from Shah Jalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet. He is also an alumnus of George Mason University, America. His pen name is 'শব্দরাজ' [transliteration- 'shobdoraj'] in Bangla and its translation is 'King of Words' in English. He is honourably called 'The Poet of Creativity' and 'The Great Poet' by the readers. Md. Ziaul Haque's writings are frequently published in the famous national and international literary journals, newspapers and magazines. His favourite pastime activities include- playing chess, listening to good music, angling, acting, and occasional theatre directing. In addition, he likes to keep in touch with friends and readers on various social networking sites. His writings are full of 'creativity'. It is worth mentioning that he is a dreamer and optimistic by nature. He dreams of making films! At present, he teaches English Language and Literature at the University of Creative Technology, Chittagong, Bangladesh.

Invented New Poetic & Literary Forms:

1. "Poetenry" [poems of ten lines]

2. "Kurine" [poems of twenty lines]

3. "Haqueian Verse" [A new form of poetry created by me is called ‘Haqueian Verse’, which starts with a single word; it has five lines that contain ten words in total. The poem ends with a single word that rhymes with the first word]

4. "Poestory" [Poetry + Story]- [A new genre of writing in literature that is created by blending two words i.e. poetry + story. In a word, it is a type of writing where a story has both the qualities of poetry and prose]

5. "Fiverse" [Five + Verse: Poems of Five Lines, a new poetic form created or invented by me. In Bangla, it is called পাঁচপদী কবিতা. There are 5 lines and total 15 words in it. 1st line has 1 word; 2nd line has 2 words; 3rd line has 3 words; 4th line has 4 words and 5th line has 5 words. 1st line rhymes with the 2nd line; 3rd line is unrhymed; 4th and 5th lines rhyme with each other. The rhyme scheme is: AABCC. There are no punctuation marks at the end of the lines]

6. "Tennet" [Poems of Ten Lines] [The word 'tennet' is a mixture of 'ten' and 'net'. The word 'net' is taken from 'sonnet'. The rhyme scheme is usually abab–cdcd–ee, which is nearly similar to the rhyme scheme of the English sonnet- abab–cdcd–efef–gg; sometimes, the rhyme scheme may also be abba–abba–cc that is almost similar to an Italian or Petrarchan sonnet!]

Invented New Words & Terms:

1. "Distant-author" [a writer who is currently a citizen of another country but writes about his motherland and its people, culture etc.]

2. "Prosaic-ideas" [ideas in brain appear in prosaic forms, they do not normally follow any metrical composition]

3. "Translation of Objects" [in literary works, objects can also be translated and mistranslated since they are considered as equivalents to something else],

4. "Post-postmodern Age" [the proposed name of the era after Post-modernism as the writer mentioned in a newspaper article], "Intentional Delay of Vision" [not seeing or avoiding the reality intentionally]

5. "Jealouty" [jealousy + beauty]- [a feeling of being jealous of another person's beauty or handsomeness; in Bangla, পরশ্রীকাতরতা]

6. "Inextrovert" [introvert + extrovert]- [a person who is normally quiet or shy and feels uneasy to talk to other people but sometimes becomes friendly and likes the company of others]

7. "Kidultnap" [kid + adult + nap]- [the action of taking away both kids and adults by force to detain them as prisoners and demand money from their family members for returning them]

8. "Foolligent" [fool + intelligent]- [a person who behaves foolishly sometimes but acts intelligently in certain circumstances; foolish but sometimes intelligent]

9. Defined the word "Simplex" in a new way- [Simple + Complex = Simplex]- [A problem or something else that seems simple but is complex actually]

10. "A Writer’s Religious Partiality" [A writer’s religious partiality becomes clear when he chooses the names of the characters for most of his stories, novels etc. from his own religion]

11. "Prosetic" [Prosaic + Poetic]- [A poem that is prosaic in form but looks poetic also since it has rhymes]

12. "Consequential Colonialism" [The names of places of the colonised countries that remind the local citizens about the colonial moments of the past]

13. "Smellwitness" [A person who has smelt something and is able to tell about it to others]

14. "Poeten"- [The poet who writes only ten-line-poems]

15. "Prosetry" [Prose + Poetry]- [Having the qualities of both prose and poetry]

16. "Death-vision in the Objects and Minor Accidents"- [Objects and minor accidents that sometimes indicate at bigger and terrible accidents where people may die]

17. “Murder Committed by Using Words and Gestures” [Iago drives Othello towards the point of insanity by spreading rumour about Desdemona. He suffers psychologically as his honour is at a stake and his self-respect is ruined. As a result, Othello murders his wife; Broadly, Iago commits the murder of Desdemona and Othello by using his cunning words and gestures.]

18. "Deathreat" or "Dethreat" [An expression of intention to murder someone; a threat by one person or a group of people to kill another person or group of people.]

19. "Philogy" [Philogy is a mixture of two words- Philosophy and Logic. It means the study of philosophy and logic at the same time. In other words, it is the branch of knowledge that deals with philosophy and logic.]

20. "Philogical" [Philogical is a mixture of two words- Philosophical and Logical. It means an idea, expression or thought that is philosophical and logical at the same time.]

21. "Medition" [Medition is a noun and verb. It is a mixture of two words- Medicine + Meditation. As a noun, it means the action or practice of meditating or meditioning by taking some friendly medicines or drugs that have no side-affects. It is the act of taking some legal or less harmful drugs and giving one's attention to only one thing as a way of becoming calm and relaxed. However, the drugs are not allowed in the religious meditations; as a verb, it means to take harmless drugs and think deeply about something. It also means to take drugs that have no side-affects and think calm thoughts in order to relax. However, drugs are not allowed in religious kinds of meditations.]

22. "Shakespeareius" [It is a noun and adjective; a mixture of two words- Shakespeare + Genius. As a noun, it means someone who has William Shakespeare's exceptional, intellectual or creative power in him; as an adjective, it means a person, ideas, writings, thoughts etc. have the qualities or characteristics of William Shakespeare or his writings]

23. "Songer" [A songer is a person who writes songs or lyrics. It also means a person who writes popular songs or the music for them.]

24. "Ellian" [The teachers, students, researchers, things etc. of English Language and Literature (ELL)]

25. "Chattogramian" [ A person from Chattogram, which is a port-city in Bangladesh. Belonging to or relating to Chattogram or its people. The city was previously called Chittagong.]

26. "Sporshophone" [That is what he calls the ‘Touch Phone’ in Bangla]

27. "Powery" ['Powery' is an adjective that is similar to 'powerful'. It means having great power or strength.]

28. "Platonisexual Love" [‘Platonic Love’ is a close relationship between two persons where sexual desire does not exist or has been suppressed or sublimated. The unification of the souls is important, not the bodies. The souls are attracted to each other rather than the bodies. However, ‘Platonisexual Love’ is an affectionate relationship where the souls of the lovers are united and sexuality is also present. For example, the love between the husband and wife, and the lover and beloved. If the souls of the spouses are one, then it is ‘Platonic’; if they have a physical relationship, then it is ‘sexual’- Platonisexual.]

29. "Realies" ['Real' plus 'Lies': A real, not playfully said, false statement that is intentionally presented as being true.]

30. "Smartty" [Smart + Witty]: Displaying or described by fast and creative verbal and written humour.


• University of Creative Technology Chittagong, Bahaddarhat, Chattogram.

- Have been working as an Assistant Professor since January 5, 2019.

• Sylhet International University, Shamimabad, Bagbari, Sylhet.

- Worked as a Lecturer in English from September 20, 2010 and as an Assistant Professor of English from March, 2015 to May 17, 2018.

• SCHOLARSHOME, an English medium school and college, East Shahi Eidgah, Sylhet.

- Worked as a Lecturer in English from January 15, 2008 to September 18, 2010.

• Leading University, Modhubon, Bondor, Sylhet.

- Worked as an IELTS Instructor from September, 2007 to April, 2008.

• International Journal of Literature, Language and Linguistics, USA.

- Have been working as an Editor since October 24, 2016.

• Education, Language and Sociology Research, USA.

- Have been working as an Editorial Board Member since March 14, 2020.

• World Journal of Education and Humanities, USA.

- Have been working as an Editorial Board Member since March 25, 2020.

Research Articles Published in International Journals:

1. A research article titled, Translating Literary Prose: Problems and Solutions, was published in a Canadian journal viz. International Journal of English Linguistics in November 2012.
2. A research article titled, The Concept of Blindness in Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman and Sophocles’ King Oedipus was published in an Australian journal viz. International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature in May 2013.
3. A research article titled, Expanding the Horizon of Equivalence: The Translation of Certain Objects in William Shakespeare’s “Othello” and “The Merchant of Venice” was published in International Researchers in December 2013.
4. A research article titled, The [Un]translatability of the Bangla word পরশ্রীকাতরতা: The Search for an Equivalent Expression was published in an Indian journal viz. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention in May 2014.
5. A research article titled, The Evil Bond in William Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice: The Source of Irrationality was published in an Indian journal viz. International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature in September 2014.
6. A research article titled, Visions and Deaths: Trying to Reveal the Mystery behind the Extremely Unnatural Deaths was published in an Indian journal viz. Journal of Humanities and Social Science [IOSR-JHSS] in October 2016.
7. A research article titled, “One of Us” in Joseph Conrad’s Lord Jim: Fact or Myth? was published in the Journal of English Language and Literature in 2015.
8. A research article titled, The Mad Othello: A Psychological Perspective was published in an Indian journal viz. Journal of Humanities and Social Science [IOSR-JHSS] in January 2018.
9. A research article titled, Murder of the Sleepless Souls by the Society: Madness and the Theoretical Suicide in William Shakespeare’s Othello was published in the American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research on January 2, 2020.

Attended & Presented Research Papers in International Seminars and Conferences:

• Attended the conference on Bangladesh English Language Teachers Association [BELTA] that was held at Shah Jalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet in May 30, 2014.

• Presented a research paper titled, “One of Us” in Joseph Conrad’s Lord Jim: Fact or Myth? in a seminar called, ‘Modern English Literature: Influential Aspects’ at Sylhet International University on June 04, 2015.

• He presented a research paper on William Shakespeare’s Hamlet in an international conference to be held at East Delta University, Chittagong in October, 2019.

• On 24 October 2014, he attended a seminar on ELT Methodology for 21st Century organised by the English department of Sylhet International University in co-operation with American Corner, Sylhet.

National & International Memberships

• Worked as an organising member of Fresher’s Reception of English Department & other cultural programmes at Shah Jalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet.
• Former member of Shikor, a theatre association, Shah Jalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet.
• He is the Lifetime Member of 'Alokito Malitari Futonto Ovijan Gronthagar', Lalmonirhat, Bangladesh.
• He is the Member of BELTA [Bangladesh English Language Teachers Association].
• He is the Member of the American Corner at Jamal Khan Road, Chattogram, Bangladesh.
• The famous radio broadcaster Al Cole from CBS Radio, America interviewed him on 13th July 2019 and the interview was aired in numerous networks in November 2019.
• A member of Oxford Teachers’ Club since March 19, 2020.

Awards & Recognitions:

• Received a literary award called ‘Gronthagar Sahitya Padak’ in 2016 from Lalmonirhat.
• His book "Give Me a Sky to Fly" is considered by many scholars as the beginning of Post-postmodernism in literature [].
• His research article became a part of the syllabus in public and private universities and colleges in America, England, Italy, Spain, and the Philippines.
• His poem secured a prize in an Indian Literary Competition in 2016 [].
• He was considered as the ‘Best Poet’ by an online literary website named [].
• His research articles are highly cited by eminent scholars all around the world.
• His poem secured a prize in a Bangladeshi Poetry Competition on May 15, 2016, organised by the esteemed newspaper The Daily Star. [].

National & International Interviews and TV Presence:

• The famous radio broadcaster Al Cole from CBS Radio, America interviewed him on 13th July 2019 and the interview was aired in numerous networks in November 2019 [].
• Bengali Pratilipi, India, an online literary platform, took his interview [].
• He was invited as a guest in the programme named 'Shikkhai Alo' [Education is Light] arranged by GB television on 25th October 2018!
• He was invited as a guest in the programme named 'GB Byetikrom' [GB Exception] arranged by GB television on 20th March 2019!
• He has been nominated for the Tällberg/Eliasson Global Leadership Prize 2019, Sweden!
• He got an invitation to receive an honorary doctorate degree. The London Graduate School has joined hands with Commonwealth University (London Office) to stage the workshop named, Growth and Sustainability Strategies for Top Leaders, Professionals & Entrepreneurs 2019. In the invitation, these words were mentioned: “As part of the activities lined up to celebrate and challenge leaders like you, a selected number of distinguished personalities who will accept to attend and participate in the Dubai Leadership Workshop have been nominated to receive the Honorary Doctorate Degree of the Commonwealth University. You are among the persons selected in recognition of your achievement and contributions.”

Extracurricular Activities/Scholarships

• Performed the duty of host on a variety of occasions.
• Carried out the task of the Invigilator in the ‘S.S.C Examination 2008’ in Sylhet.
• Worked as a Debate Instructor at Sylhet International University.
• In September 2013, performed the duties of Moderator and Judge in the ‘National Debate Championship’ at Shah Jalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet.
• Worked as an actor and director in a number of theatre-related activities at Sylhet International University.
• Attended the webinar conducted by the American fellows on English Language Teaching at Sylhet International University from April 2014 to June 2014.
• Worked as a Peer Reviewer in September 2014 for the Journal of Applied Life Sciences International and the reviewed article was- A Scenario English-Arabic Translation System [SEATS].
• Worked as a Peer Reviewer in December 2014 for the Journal of Basic and Applied Research International and the reviewed article was- Connotative Code of S/Z: A Semiological Reading of James Joyce’s “Two Gallants”.
• Completed an online course at Harvard University entitled ‘Poetry in America: Whitman’ that started on January 07, 2015, and ended on February 06, 2015. It was led by Elisa New, the Powell M. Cabot Professor of American Literature at Harvard University [].
• He acted in a TV serial called “Vejal Daktar” [Fake Doctor] in January 2017.
• On August 8, 2018, presented a speech on William Shakespeare’s Othello in the English department at Shah Jalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet.
• On February 2019, recited a self-composed Bangla poetenry [poem of ten lines] titled “ভাষা শহীদদের প্রতি” in a programme on the International Mother Language Day at University of Creative Technology, Chittagong.
• On 24th January 2019, he attended a seminar on Educational Training conducted by Dr. Muhammad Abdullah Al-Mamun, a faculty of Business Administration Department, Chittagong University.
• On 4th January 2019, recited a self-composed poetenry [poem of ten lines] titled “It’s My Time to Fly!” in an orientation programme at the University of Creative Technology, Chittagong.
• Worked as a Peer Reviewer in February 2019 for the Asian Journal of Language, Literature and Culture Studies and the reviewed article was- Objectifying Intuitive Response in Stylistic Analysis: Maya Angelou’s ‘Still I Rise’, as a Case Study.
• Worked as a Co-convener concerning the University of Creative Technology Study Tour at Cox’s Bazar, 2019.
• Recited a self-composed Bangla poetenry [Poem of Ten Lines] and sang a song on Pahela Baishakh 1426 at the University of Creative Technology, Chittagong.
• Worked as a Director of the stage-drama, William Shakespeare’s Hamlet. The drama was staged on 6th May 2019 at the University of Creative Technology, Chittagong.
• From November 27, 2018, to January 13, 2019, attended a Training Course on Research Techniques in Social Sciences organized by SUST Research Centre at Shah Jalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet.
• On 18th April 2019, he received an invitation to attend the BookCon Book Fair 2019, America.
• On 18th May 2019, he received an invitation to attend the Miami Book Fair International 2019, America.
• He was the Chairman of the Recruitment Committee [Autumn 2019] at the University of Creative Technology, Chittagong.
• He contributes to the betterment of the underprivileged people of Lalmonirhat and Chattogram regularly.
• Received an American English (AE) E-Teacher Scholarship on July 29, 2019, and successfully completed it and became an alumnus of George Mason University, America.
• He is working as a Chief Adviser of the UCTC Sports Association.
• He is working as an Honorary Adviser of the Cultural Affairs Division at the University of Creative Technology Chattogram.
• Attended a daylong teacher training workshop at Asian University for Women on 7th January 2020
• Recited a self-composed poetenry “Be Like Water!” on 27th January 2020 in the Freshers’ Reception programme at the University of Creative Technology Chattogram.
• On 13th February 2020, he worked as the anchor of the Spring Festival [Bosonto Utsob 1426] organised by the English department at the University of Creative Technology Chattogram.
• Worked as an anchor in the Ekushe February Programme [International Mother Language Day] at the University of Creative Technology Chattogram.
• Attended the English Language Teaching Online Conference 2020 organised by the Oxford University Press from 27-29th February 2020.

List of His Books Published in Bangladesh and Abroad:


1-1. Advanced Reading and Writing, The Easy Way [2011]

2-2. Advanced Reading and Writing: History, Developments, Concepts and Techniques [2014]

3-3. Prose Translation: Problems and Solutions [2017]

Poetry/Poetenry/Kurine/Epic/Haqueian Verse/Fiverse-

4-1. Give Me a Sky to Fly [2014]
- 2nd Edition, [2015]

5-2. Fragrance of Love [2016]

6-3. হযরত শাহ্‌ জালাল (রা.): একটি মহাকাব্য [Hazrat Shah Jalal (R.A): An Epic] [2015]

7-4. Poems of Love [2015]

8-5. Poetenry: Poems of Ten Lines [2015]

9-6. Kurine: Poems of Twenty Lines [2015]

10-7. A Farewell to Love [2016]

11-8. Do not 'FALL' in Love, 'RISE' in Love! [2017]

12-9. Haqueian Verse: A New Poetic Form [2017]

13-10. Fiverse: Poems of Five Lines [2018]

14-11. Sexual Poetenry: Poems of Ten Lines [2019]

15-12. Sexual Fiverse: Poems of Five Lines [2019]

16-13. Tennet: Poems of Ten Lines [2019]

17-14. Erotic Fiverse: Poems of Five Lines [2019]

18-15. LUV All Around [2019]

19-16. The Last Embrace [2019]

20-17. The New Literary & Poetic Forms Created by Md. Ziaul Haque [2020]

21-18. নীল প্রেমে লীন [2020]

22-19. A Wall of Love [2020]

23-20. Be the Sky! [2020]

24-21. Let the Universe Know! [2020]

25-22. A New Tide of Love [2020]

26-23. My Queen You Are! [2020]

27-24. Kun Faya Kun: “Be” & ‘It Is’! [2020]

28-25. You Talk Like Magic! [2020]

29-26. In the Name of Love [2020]


30-1. Eastern Thoughts: Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Beyond [2015]

Religion and Science-

31-1. Visions and Deaths: Trying to Reveal the Mystery behind the Extremely Unnatural Deaths [2016]

Short Story-

32-1. Hell Followed Him! [2015]

33-2. Characterless [2015]

34-3. কীভাবে মানুষকে পাগল বানানো হয়? [How are the People Driven Mad?] [2019]

Literary Criticism-

35-1. The Shakespeare-mystery: Much Ado about Nothing [2015]

36-2. Othello's Murder [not suicide] by Iago! [2017]


37-1. Rocket in My Pocket [2015]

38-2. Tom and Jerry [2016]

39-3. Rat in the Hat [2016]

40-4. ভয়ংকর সাবলেট [2016]

41-5. Pokemon [2017]

42-6. Batman [2018]


43-1. Love Songs of Md. Ziaul Haque [2016]

Poestory [Poetry + Story]:

44-1. Poestory [Poetry + Story]: A New Literary Form Created by Md. Ziaul Haque [2017]

45-2. মো. জিয়াউল হক প্রণীত ‘গল্পিতা’ [গল্প + কবিতা] [2020]


46-1. Not English, We Want a New International Language! [2018]


47-1. Famous Quotes of Md. Ziaul Haque [2020]

About My Navel


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Bengali Pratilipi:

Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

"A talented person is supposed to be studious but a studious person may not be talented"- quote from me.

Hobbies: Acting, Playing Chess, Badminton, Listening to Good Music, Angling and Occasional Theatre Directing.


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