Monthly Archive for May 2003

Title Type Pen Name Comments Categories Date
White Tiger Poem elliot_jordan2003 May 29th
You Can Take Anything You Want From Me Poem eltrue 2 love May 29th
In The Past Poem ericaca525 1 May 29th
Vandals Poem iceblocker2003 May 29th
Canvas Poem iceetwylite 1 Acceptance May 29th
I Am Cassie (school paper) Poem iloveminem08 May 29th
I Am Heather Whitestone (school paper) Poem iloveminem08 May 29th
If I Was in Charge of the World(school paper) Poem iloveminem08 May 29th
I can't belive it Poem imager Breaking Up May 29th
why can't you............... Poem inditanu 1 May 29th
f a t h e r Poem inditanu 2 May 29th
###B O N D S ### Poem inditanu 1 May 29th
SUFFOCATION Poem jenfool 1 Acceptance May 29th
Distraction Poem jenfool 1 Abstract May 29th
A Life Redeemed Poem lostwonder Angst May 29th
Paralyzed Melancholy Poem mystikal May 29th
Advanced Visual Product Poem oh_so_odd May 29th
insomnia Poem hannah 1 May 29th
this is what I think about in the time we dont get to spend together. Poem paradisealone 1 May 29th
Moil Poem pluguan 1 Acceptance May 29th
Tick Tock Poem pluguan 1 Commentary May 29th
* Giving 42 Poems Poem saiom 1 May 29th
* Poems To Gemini 2 Poem saiom May 29th
Maxwell Periwinkle Blue Poem saiom May 29th
Need Not Hurry, Pluck None Poem saiom May 29th
Prunella's Prunes, Thistleblow Poem saiom May 29th
USDA Has Promoted The Slaughter Of Countless Billions of Animals Poem saiom Biden, cyanide bombs, foam, Nebraska, Nevada, trapping, USDA, Vilsack May 29th
* Poems To Leo Poem saiom May 29th
non dreams reality Poem sweetdreams May 29th
for the love of stars Poem sweetdreams 2 May 29th
the boldness of color Poem sweetdreams May 29th
don't let me down Poem tater_tot 3 Immaturity May 29th
dead Poem tater_tot 4 Dark Love May 29th
the last thoughts Poem tater_tot 2 Suicide May 29th
a note to "a john" Poem tater_tot 4 Breaking Up May 29th
hm...undying devotion... Poem tater_tot 2 Abstract May 29th
untitiled01 Poem tater_tot 5 Individuality May 29th
MALAYSIAN HAIKU MAY 29, 2003 Poem tiong_chung_hoo May 29th
PRECIOUS HAIKU FOR YOU MAY 29, 2003 Poem tiong_chung_hoo May 29th
PRECIOUS HAIKU FOR YOU MAY 29, 2003 Poem tiong_chung_hoo May 29th
Carnation Incarnations Poem truths May 29th
Ohio Poisoning 50,000 Water Sites With Larvicide Poem truths May 29th
Z 50 Lb. Sack Carried Poem truths May 29th
150,000 To 300,000 Soldiers In Iraq Poem truths May 29th
NPR's Ad For McDonald's Cadavers Poem truths May 29th
Saskatchewan Mad Cow Poem truths May 29th
CBC Takes Calls Poem truths May 29th
MTV's Indictable Offenses Poem truths May 29th
These Animals Were Rendered Poem truths May 29th
God Protected Charles DeGaulle Poem truths May 29th
7.4 Trillion Dollar Debt Ceiling Poem truths May 29th
5 Year Old Confidence Poem truths May 29th
Walter Matthau Poem truths May 29th
Daryl Hannah Poem truths May 29th
Bea Arthur Poem truths May 29th
Audrey Hepburn Poem truths May 29th
Oxnard Victim Of Police Poem truths May 29th
Who Is Funding The AntiPot Ads Poem truths May 29th
Minot North Dakota And Clear Channel Poem truths 1 May 29th
New Routes To Grass Roots Poem truths May 29th
Republican Infidelity Poem truths 1 May 29th
Mars Uranus In Gemini: U.S. Must Transcend Lying Poem truths May 29th
Mad Henhawk Disease Poem truths May 29th
1 Africa, 1 Europe, 1 S America, 1 Asia Poem truths May 29th
Behind The Curtain Of The Free Marketplace Stalls Poem truths May 29th
Bill Gates.. Ask Him To Stop Abusing Primates Poem truths May 29th
Chickens Fed Their Own Feathers Poem truths May 29th
She Sank Up To Her Neck In Chicken Shit Poem truths May 29th
Haiku Attempt: Bears Of Alaska Poem truths May 29th
A Thought Poem unrulyspring 1 May 29th
chant of a firefly Poem aphantom 2 May 30th
death Poem aphantom 1 May 30th
a lost part Poem aphantom May 30th
the view upon the hilltop Poem aphantom 1 May 30th
the approach of death Poem aphantom May 30th
the new world Poem aphantom May 30th
zit zui Poem aphantom 2 May 30th
shinah Poem aphantom May 30th
a life Poem aphantom 1 May 30th
Issac Poem casper06 May 30th
Necro Desires Poem cjhickman68 Poetry/Writing May 30th
Demonic Rapture Poem cjhickman68 Poetry/Writing May 30th
Abstract figures Poem dhoomedprincess 1 Abstract May 30th
made up Poem With Liz Poem elliot_jordan2003 May 30th
Too Convenient Poem ericaca525 May 30th
That Tuesday Last Summer Poem ericaca525 May 30th
The Game of Life Poem ericaca525 2 May 30th
Hidden Poem ericaca525 1 May 30th
Chewing Pen Poem ericaca525 May 30th
Scrutiny Poem ericaca525 May 30th
Tense Poem ericaca525 May 30th
Non-existent Poem ericaca525 May 30th
The Secret Poem ericaca525 May 30th
Masked Poem iceetwylite 1 Revenge May 30th
Everything Poem imager Breaking Up May 30th
"The Beating" Poem jade_moon Abuse May 30th
LIAR Poem journey_through_life 1 Betrayal May 30th
TRUTH Poem journey_through_life 1 Betrayal May 30th
TOO MANY NIGHTS Poem journey_through_life 1 love May 30th
flag me down Poem ontheverge 1 Abstract May 30th
PERSONAL PARALYSIS Poem profrksingh Angst May 30th
If One Day... Poem respectedpoet 1 May 30th
6 Poems: Tiny Helicopters With Crimson Loads, Lab Animals Fight Back, Cows' Milk & Other Poems Poem saiom 1 May 30th
Wisteria Miracle And 7 Other Poems Poem saiom May 30th
Leonard Cohen And Other Poems Poem saiom May 30th
Divine Seed Protector, Corn Ears, Effortless Spinning, Red Oak Poem saiom almond, avocado, cockleburs, coconut, mango, samaras, tomato, watermelon May 30th
Hand On His Heart, Miracles Of Peace Around The World Poem saiom 1 May 30th
Clover Lamps Poem saiom May 30th
Entwined With You Poem silo11 1 May 30th
Flood My Heart Poem silo11 May 30th
I Say You Say Poem silo11 1 May 30th
Chasing The Wind Poem silo11 1 May 30th
10 Years Ago Poem silo11 May 30th
CoolFool Poem silo11 May 30th
Humbly Broken Poem silo11 May 30th
Salvations Choice Poem silo11 2 May 30th
Because of Me Poem silo11 May 30th
enuff Poem stephanyo Acceptance May 30th
Mark Humble: Growlz the Punk Rawk Bluez! Poem stephanyo May 30th
Kry 4 Help: 4 Danny-Man Poem stephanyo May 30th
Shunned Poem stephanyo May 30th
كان نفسى قولك من زمان : صلاح حاج سعيد Poem sudan Acceptance May 30th
صديقى الأول Poem sudan Acrostic May 30th
مسيحية Poem sudan Abuse May 30th
مساماتك : يحيى فضل الله Poem sudan Abuse May 30th
باكر ضوّاى و صور 00 Poem sudan Acrostic May 30th
وهج الشعاع : مدنى يوسف النخلى Poem sudan Acrostic May 30th
لو كنتى معاى Poem sudan Acceptance May 30th
نوارى: حميد Poem sudan May 30th
أيام زمان L التجانى حاج موسى Poem sudan Abuse May 30th
ألقاك وين : قاسم أبو زيد Poem sudan Acceptance May 30th
أفتش ليك : مدنى يوسف النخلى Poem sudan May 30th
عشقى الخرافى Poem sudan Abuse May 30th
مت فى قلبى : د. عبد القيوم Poem sudan Passion May 30th
أبوعركي - مختارات Poem sudan May 30th
القصيدة بحروف اللغة النوبية Poem sudan Acceptance May 30th
محمد طه القدال : خمســـــين سنة Poem sudan May 30th
تعال نعلم الشفع : كلمات الأستاذ يحي فضل الله Poem sudan May 30th
MALAYSIAN HAIKU MAY 30, 2003 Poem tiong_chung_hoo May 30th
PRECIOUS HAIKU MAY 30, 2003 Poem tiong_chung_hoo May 30th
Republican Gospel Poem truths May 30th
Clevelander Wants To Murder Indian Man Poem truths May 30th
West Nile Is Actually Mad Owl From Eating Mad Deer Poem truths May 30th
Paulownia Vines Poem truths 1 May 30th
! Famous Vegetarians, Vegans, Fruitarians Poem truths 1 May 30th
Fish Stories Poem truths 1 May 30th
Monsanto's Larvicide And Frog Deformities Poem truths May 30th
County Prosecutors Play Both Sides Poem truths May 30th
Ohio Corruption In Chemical Contracts.. E.G. Gypsy Moths Poem truths May 30th
Inspectors and Spectres Poem truths May 30th
Mohammed And Cats Poem truths May 30th
46% Or More? Poem truths May 30th
Mad Cow Can't Be Killed With Irradiation Poem truths May 30th
Jai! For Jay Poem truths May 30th
Bush Bombs Cause Earthquakes Poem truths May 30th
Marry Your Muse Poem truths May 30th
WVIZ And What Causes Arthritis Poem truths May 30th
5th Circuit And Emperor's Clothes Poem truths May 30th
FCC $5 A Month Scam Poem truths May 30th
Glenda Jackson Poem truths May 30th
Vanessa Redgrave Poem truths May 30th
Wackenhut Poem truths May 30th
Why? Poem blaqkmajik May 30th
Friends Poem blaqkmajik 2 May 30th
eye's closed Poem arecreed May 31st
you see me Poem arecreed 1 May 31st
Someone Poem arecreed 2 May 31st
Bye Bye (American Pie) Poem TheHouseOfR 1 May 31st
escapism...... Poem biplab 2 May 31st
Morbid Perception Poem cjhickman68 Poetry/Writing May 31st
Just Temporary Thoughts of You Poem kat 1 May 31st
Stepping into the Light Poem mystikal 2 May 31st
Mistaken Poem netter2_98 May 31st
beneficial friends ** Poem ontheverge 2 Abstract May 31st
Sitting here Poem punknunkies May 31st
Suffocate Poem MatthewWayne 1 break up, Emotionless, heartless, Pain, Psycho- Confessions May 31st
ultimate rox Poem redorb 2 Seasons May 31st
girls Poem redorb Bizarre May 31st
Dunegrass Paintbrushes, Young Souls Unfold And Other Poems Poem saiom anchors, gulls, sea, shallows, shoals May 31st
* Random Poems 71.. Milkweed Miracle And 9 Other Poems Poem saiom May 31st
Fire Is Mother To The Mountain Poem saiom 1 May 31st
*Random Poems 75 8 Poem saiom 1 May 31st
Confused... who's lying? Poem starlite 1 May 31st
التنوع التاريخى Poem sudan May 31st
رسالة الى مريم محمود : ياوالدة يا مريم Poem sudan Acrostic May 31st
قزازة دم Poem sudan Acrostic May 31st
فديتك : بقيت يا وطني Poem sudan May 31st
الهمبريب Poem sudan May 31st
أغنية حب للخرطوم : غنى ياخرطوم غنى Poem sudan May 31st
أكتوبر هدير الحق : محجوب شريف Poem sudan May 31st
أكتوبر هدير الحق Poem sudan Abstract May 31st
أهلاً... أهلاً بال Poem sudan Acceptance May 31st
الحب والثورة : مشتاق ليك كتير والله Poem sudan Acceptance May 31st
طريق الشعب Poem sudan Acrostic May 31st
الشــــــــعب Poem sudan Acceptance May 31st
صباح الخير0مساء النور ست البيت Poem sudan Abuse May 31st
هم هم .. Poem sudan Acrostic May 31st
يا بهلوي أمسك Poem sudan May 31st
رسالة الى الشعب السوداني Poem sudan May 31st
الحرامي Poem sudan May 31st
الإلتزام بالوحدة: رؤية السودان الجديد Poem sudan May 31st
الوحدة فى التنوع Poem sudan May 31st
التنوع المعاصر Poem sudan May 31st
مشكلة السودان وليست مشكلة الجنوب Poem sudan May 31st
الدين والدولة Poem sudan May 31st
الحاجة الى بناء دولة قوميَّة(أمة - دولة Poem sudan May 31st
العريس وطحالب القاع : د. جيلى عبدالرحمن Poem sudan May 31st
الحريق وأحلام البلابل Poem sudan May 31st
قسم العودة Poem tariqasrawi Acrostic May 31st
MALAYSIAN HAIKU MAY 31, 2003 Poem tiong_chung_hoo May 31st
PRECIOUS HAIKU FOR YOU MAY 31, 2003 Poem tiong_chung_hoo May 31st
The Marriage Of Steven Griles and Condoleeza Rice Poem truths May 31st
Elephants On Hard Surfaces Poem truths May 31st
80 Ocras Left In Puget Sound Poem truths May 31st
J Steven Griles, Criminally Liable Poem truths May 31st
Decapitator Poem truths May 31st
Who Is Mark Himmelstein? Poem truths May 31st
Who is William Myers? Poem truths May 31st
11 Million Children Shafted By Bush Poem truths May 31st
Da Vinci Was A Fruitarian Poem truths May 31st
Prudential Imprudence Poem truths May 31st
John Hancock No Longer Means Siganture Poem truths May 31st
Tom Friedman's Brain Poem truths May 31st
Chimp Womb Chimp Tomb Poem truths May 31st
Arkansas Ark? Poem truths May 31st
Isabelle Allende Poem truths May 31st
Noriega Poem truths May 31st
Baby Chimps Poem truths May 31st
Basra's Mass Graves And Tom Friedman And George Bush Poem truths May 31st
Office Max.. Maxing Out Endangered Forests Poem truths May 31st
Orange Costs Money Poem truths May 31st
Paul Robeson: The Voice Of God Poem truths May 31st
Dragon Tiger Phoenix Poem truths May 31st
Janet Parshall, For Shell Martial Poem truths May 31st
باقة ورود Poem t_almamlouk May 31st
Boston Poem reneedrake 1 Song Lyrics May 31st