If I Was in Charge of the World(school paper)

If I was in charge of the world there would be no heartbreaks,

everyone would be happy,

no one would be shy,

there would be no one who would cheat on someone,

No one would gossip, or tell a lie.

If I was in charge of the world no one would be without a job,

everyone would have a loving family to go to,

everyone would have a home,

no one would be poor,

No one would be alone.

If I was in charge of the world you could eat all you wanted without gaining a pound,

everyone would look just the way they wanted,

there would no longer be discrimination,

there would be no racism in the world,

Since we all would speak the same language there wouldn’t be a need for any translation.

If I was in charge of the world no one would care about what you wore,

they wouldn’t care how you look,

what you’re like,

how you act,

‘cause everyone would be treated alike.

And someone who didn’t care for bluegrass music could still be in charge of the world.

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