The demon known as Zit Zui walking the night!
Notice how his eyes are green and bright!
The last thing you will ever see,
Is the darkness and what is he.
A demon who pleassures in death!
People say he is the best!
Was he ever human we will never know?
But his power will forever grow!
I wish I may I wish i will be,
The Dark warrior to kill thee!
One day my training will be complete,
Then Zit Zui will be beat!
You hear everything I say,
Please g-d bring me to the day,
The day of my way,
The day of war, the day of peace,
On my friend Zit Zui I will feast!
wow.! brian, ur writing has developed amazingly. ur so talented. i miss you and hope ur happy in college. maybe we'll see each other soon. -sivan , ur sis ;)
this is
tight :*)