Rice a la Condy is contamined
by contact with the rotting
flesh of little ground animals:
victims of rapacious top of
the food chain henhawks, the first
to contract Mad Henhawk Disease..
Condoleeza Rice, Kay Hutchison,
Diane Feinstein..Hillary Clinton,
Olympia Snowe.. and many others
have this disease..
Eagleburgers made of
dead populist dreams
are also full
of pcb's, arsenic, chromium,
lead, mercury, and thousands
of other contaminants.
http://www.maddeer.org http://www.nhgazette.com (lists more
chickenhawks than henhawks)
Father Mother God we pray that You will stop C Rice as quickly as you stopped Paul on the road to Damascus. You have said we have no right to judge anyone... that we should speak positively and see the divine in all. Help us to see the divine in even those who attempt to send innocent soldiers into harm's way.. those who attempt to bomb the innocent. http://www.mad-cow.org http://www.maddeer.org http://www.madcowboy.com http://groups.msn.com/madfish9 A henhawk is someone who promotes sending soldiers into harm's way, who promotes violence against civilians, but has not served in the military. Mother Father God we pray that you will give all of us including those listed here, grace to put peace ahead of career. In the US the CDC has classified Mad Cow deaths as encephalitis, meningitis, Alzheimer's, brain tumors, food poisoning, leukemia, Newcastle Disease, West Nile Virus and other diseases to attempt to protect the multi trillion dollar slaughterhouse industry http://www.mad-cow.org 7700 articles http://www.maddeer.org http://groups.msn.com/madfish9 http://www.pcrm.org http://www.peta.net/feat/military http://www.mccruelty.com http://www.mcspotlight.org http://www.doctorswithoutborders.org http://www.vegweb.com/food http://www.ivu.org/recipes
2002-10-10 18:28:55