Divine Seed Protector, Corn Ears, Effortless Spinning, Red Oak




He makes tomato seeds
slippery beyond the
crunching teeth to slide

He clothes mango seeds
in saffron silk strands
that they discarded
catch the dew and
with life ignite

and gives maple seed
helicopter propellers
to take them far

and gathers dandelion seed spears
into a snowy perfect sphere
that the wind may
blow them to all points away

The almond he
bequeaths a hard shell
that it survive
January cold hells

Cockleburs He created
to travel, sticking to clothes
which gave someone the idea
for adhesive velcro.

The palm tree's coconuts
.. which might drop into the sea
He plasters with a hard husk
to guard inner coconut milk sea

and sends apple seeds unharmed
through the bodies of birds...
these seedstorks..
drop them into chimneylike
chutes in distant climes

The seed inside
soft avocado
is hard and
until the tiruna
when it will delve
into the earth

He seeps sap out of
female pinecones to
attract male pine cone

Black watermelon seeds
He packs in pink satin
along with captured stormdrops
that they both quench human thirst
and nurse the seeds.

Unlike the peachpit
hard as granite
soft and sweet..
seeds .. pomegranate...
Their ruby juiced beauty
multiplies them.

But in divine compassion
he weaves inaide cornhusks
the light of dusk
revealing corngold
easily unsheathable
for humans and crows




Marc Antony asked the
crowd to lend him an ear..
(Perhaps Van Gogh took
this too literally.)
and the corn responded.
She grew on cobs
she grew on curbs
and like a healing listener
she did not lend but
gave her ears.




With the oaks and maples
the fir trees do not spar
as toward heaven point
their treetop spears.
Beneath them
dandelions crowned by
spores grow by grass spires
needing no spur iin jadespinning
as to grow bigger they aspire.




The leaves of oak...
summer's dark green cloak
...in October redgreen
crimson in November
.. then scarlet brown
next solid brown
.. then all fall down
until April's resurrection
... a lime green gown


-Saiom Shriver-

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