I see carrion lying discarded by the road side.
I sit and wonder what it must have felt as it died.
Mangled and torn I can see it's flesh
Bones crushed and brain matter splattered from it's head
Poor gentle creature, why did you get in it's path?
Soon your body will bloat and maggots will feast
The stench of decomposition will fill the summer air
Did you die all at once or did you suffer till the end?
What curious things I wonder as you lie there dead
Was it a car or a truck that took you from this place?
Did you see it coming, this unyielding train?
What random thoughts did your conciousness conceive?
Did you watch each glimpse of your life flash by?
Now you are no longer with us in this livid life
You are but a pile of flesh soon putrefying the soil.
Why did you run across the road this day?
Was I so bad that you didn't have any other way?
I'm sorry I scared you, I never meant to make you flee
But you were gone in an instant, no longer here with me
Why did I loosen my grip and let you slip away?
All I can think as I see you lying on the ground
Is I wish that I hadn't yelled and scolded you down
I feel the tears swelling and my heart is soon to burst
I just want to say I love you, I know I hurt you most
It is now that I realize exactly what I see
It's you.... my lover lying in this dead misery...