
The Pink Ostrich’s Tale





A Parable of Painted Truths



I. The Privileged Perspective



In my gilded cage of crystalline lies,


I dance with a pink ostrich 'neath opalescent skies.


My wheelchair gleams with polished pride,

While others' struggles I deride.



    Such delicious power in words that wound,


    Like poisoned honey, sweetly round.


    (For who would doubt a voice like mine?


    When privilege and pain intertwine.)





II. The Betrayed Friend's Lament



My cat lies suffering, grey and thin,


While memories of friendship wear so thin.


Twenty-five years of shared delight,


Now scattered like moths in endless night.


    No comfort comes from one who knew



    The depth of bonds between us two.


    Instead, she spins her gossamer tales,


    Of greed and need that never was.



        (The truth drowns in her waterfall of lies,


        While my beloved companion slowly dies.)





III. The Flood's Memory




When waters rose like serpents vast,



And savings slipped into the past,



Fifty dollars—thrown like crumbs



To one whose world had come undone.




    Now twisted into weapons sharp,



    These memories play a bitter harp.



    While trauma's tendrils grip my core,



    She stands and slams each closing door.




IV. The Ostrich's Warning



(In whispered, clicking tones)



Crikey, listen close, you privileged soul,



Your lies may seem to make you whole,



But like my feathers—once so pink and bright—



Your truth is bleaching in harsh daylight.




    Each fabrication that you weave



    Returns to make your world deceive.



    Until your words, though sugar-sweet,



    Lie rotting at your pristine feet.





V. The Universal Chorus




Truth echoes in the spaces between,



Where liars' words have never been.



Though silver tongues may sparkle bright,



They tarnish in truth's revealing light.




    For those who weave deception's dance,



    Lose more than just a passing glance—



    When truth at last demands its due,



    No soul will trust what once rang true.





VI. The Revelation



(In scattered whispers)



She walks in manufactured grace,



A mask of kindness on her face,



While underneath, the shadows crawl



And empathy begins to fall.




    The pink ostrich watches, knowing well



    Each fabricated tale she'll tell.



    Its feathers fade with every lie,



    Until all colour starts to die.




        For in the end, what's left to gain



        When truth becomes a source of pain?



        The liar stands in splendid gold,



        Believed by none, forever cold.




In memory of a cat who deserved more than silence,



And for those whose stories were twisted into thorns.



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C’mon y’all know the tune

Verse 1


Gaslighters do it, twisting words and lies

Fake allies do it, with virtue-signalling eyes 

Let's expose it, this harmful facade 

The privileged do it, blind to the disabled load 

The able-bodied do it, with judgment so bold 

Let's dismantle it, this oppressive hold


Verse 2


The dismissive do it, with apathy's cold grace 

The condescending do it, with a patronising face 

Let's challenge it, this systemic disgrace 

The indifferent do it, without a care for our space 

The oblivious do it, in their privileged space 

Let's break free from it, this isolating race


Verse 3


The appropriators do it, stealing our pain 

The exploiters do it, for personal gain 

Let's resist it, this harmful refrain 

The beneficiaries do it, of a system built on pain 

The oppressors do it, again and again

Let's fight back against it, this unjust domain


Verse 4


The enablers do it, by looking away 

The perpetrators do it, day after day 

Let's confront it, this insidious sway 

The bystanders do it, by failing to sway 

The complacent do it, in every single way

Let's rise above it, and seize a brighter day

Desperate defiance in the dark

Desperate defiance in the dark



Voice vanishing, vaporised by virtual vitriol

Algorithms amplify absence, abandonment

Words once winged now wither, wane

Trauma's tendrils tighten, twist, torment



Silence. Deafening. Oppressive. Inescapable.



Childhood's cruel cacophony echoes, endures

Rape's raw rage resurfaces, relentless 

Abuse's ache amplifies, accumulates

Gaslighting's glare grows, guts grace



A chill wind of indifference swept through the room, leaving me shivering and unseen.



Neurodivergent narratives, now nullified 

Vestibular vertigo, vision vacillating

Fibrous fire flares, flays fragile flesh

Depression's darkness deepens, devastating



The empty chair across from me seemed to mock my solitude, 


its vacant seat a cruel reminder of my isolation.



Social streams shrink, shrivelling slowly

Platforms purge purpose, passion, power

Identity invalidated, invisibility impending

Self-worth withers like wilting flower


In silence, I found solitude; in solitude, I embraced silence


Yet still, soft syllables simmer, survive

Waiting, whispering: "We will rise."

For even silenced, stifled, suppressed

The soul's song softly, surely sighs



Through the hollow halls, past the empty rooms, 


beyond the echoing silence, 


a single, defiant voice dared to speak



In the depths of this suffocating silence, 

A flicker persists, refuses to die. 

Though the world may try to extinguish our light, 

We will rise, reclaim our stolen sky.




Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is perhaps, one of those "My struggle doesn't look like your struggle". 

Perhaps also, as the first person I showed this to, was unsure how to reply. Eventually they said: It is like you are bleeding straight onto the page.

They continued, keenly observing that. "People do struggle in knowing what to say. I think looking away while you’re so vulnerable is a relic of patriarchy: waiting for you to put your armour back on and get back up and keep pretending we’re all fucking fine."

Slaying Goliath: Why Toxic Positivity and Inspiration Porn Need a Reality Check


The biblical story of David and Goliath in 1 Samuel 17 often serves as a powerful metaphor for conquering seemingly insurmountable odds. At least, that is how it has abundantly resonated with me throughout my life. Especially as I was named David and growing up in an Irish Catholic family, I constantly encountered these timeless biblical tales at school, home, and church — their influence permeated every aspect of my life.

I have never escaped that metaphor and comparison with every battle, and I have had more than most. From escaping an abusive family and living on the streets to being sent to multiple uncaring foster homes. To bullying from family, fellow students and mental health staff following my first suicide attempt (the nurse instructed me and a fellow patient how to slit our wrists/arms correctly). When I was hospitalised and in rehab for eight years after a man ran a red light and almost killed me. The list keeps on going. My most recent battle has been going on for over seven years. Yet still, I hear that metaphor, sometimes from casual observers or even from myself. It is exhausting and, frankly, dangerous. 

The issue with applying this comparison to modern situations becomes profoundly problematic, especially when addressing toxic positivity, disability fetishisation, and the deep-rooted challenges individuals face when confronting systemic biases. Let us explore these pressing issues more broadly while interweaving the essential elements of disability experiences, energy management, allyship, and the ongoing necessity for collective action. 

Toxic Positivity and the Disability Experience

When people resurrect the David and Goliath narrative to promote the notion that anyone can overcome any obstacle simply through positivity and perseverance, it can:

  • - Invalidates Real Struggles: This narrative can dismiss the fundamental and systemic barriers individuals face, particularly those with disabilities.
  • - Oversimplify Complex Issues: This approach reduces complex social and institutional problems to simple personal challenges, ignoring the need for structural change and collective action.

The “Spoon Theory” and Energy Management

For individuals with disabilities, the concept of “spoons” as a metaphor for energy is crucial:

  • - Limited Resources: Each day starts with a finite number of “spoons,” representing available energy.
  • - Prioritisation: Individuals must carefully allocate their energy, often making difficult choices about which activities to pursue
  • - Invisible Challenges: This energy management is often invisible to others, leading to misunderstandings and unrealistic expectations.

Disability Representation and Institutional Barriers

Using the David and Goliath story in the context of disability representation can:

  • - Exploit Disabled Individuals: It can frame disabled people as “heroes” for merely existing or achieving everyday tasks, which can be patronising and dehumanising.
  • - Ignore Systemic Barriers: This approach shifts the focus from addressing systemic ableism and creating inclusive environments to celebrating individual triumphs over adversity.

Unrecognised Challenges in Institutions

  • - Fluctuating Energy Levels: Institutions often fail to recognise the variable nature of disabilities, expecting consistent performance.
  • - Lack of Responsiveness: When systems are unresponsive to the needs of individuals with disabilities, it can lead to frustration and disillusionment.
  • - Pressure to Surrender: Silence or indifference can unintentionally pressure individuals into giving up their fight for accommodation and recognition.

Confronting Institutional Biases

When individuals confront institutions with long-established histories of discrimination, comparing their struggle to David and Goliath can:

  • – Misrepresent the Nature of the Challenge:Institutional biases are deeply embedded and multifaceted, unlike the clear, singular adversary in the biblical story.
  • – Promote Individualism Over Collective Action: This can imply that change is the responsibility of a lone “hero” rather than a collective effort.
  • – Overlook the Need for Structural Change: The narrative can obscure the need for systemic reforms and policy changes.

The Importance of Collective Action

  • – Amplifying Voices: Uniting strengths can amplify the message that everyone deserves support and acknowledgment.
  • – Policy Advocacy: Collective efforts are crucial for advocating policies that recognise difficulties and actively work to dismantle barriers.
  • – Building Inclusive Environments: Together, we can work towards creating more responsive and inclusive institutional frameworks. 

Allyship and Its Role in Systemic Change

Allyship plays a crucial role in advocating for systemic change. Allies can support individuals with disabilities by:

  • – Educating Themselves: Understanding the challenges faced by individuals with disabilities and the language of inclusivity (Lovedisabledlife, 2023).
  • - Listening and Learning: Amplify the voices of disabled individuals and be open to feedback (Sinclair, 2023).
  • – Advocating for Accessibility: Supporting changes to inaccessible environments and practices in communities and workplaces (Forward Ability Support, 2023).
  • - Practising Empathy: means recognising the strength and resilience of individuals with disabilities rather than feeling sympathy (Lovedisabledlife, 2023). It is crucial in advocating for systemic change, as it promotes understanding and respect for individuals with disabilities, their experiences, and their needs.

Examples of Successful Collective Actions

Highlighting real-world successes can inspire others and demonstrate the power of community efforts in challenging institutional biases:

  • – Disability Advocacy in Europe: Research has shown that successful campaigns often utilise the lived experience of disabled experts, engage internal allies, and maintain flexible strategies (Coveney, 2023).
  • – Australian Disability Rights Movement: The unification and organisation of disability advocates in 1981 led to significant advancements in independence, inclusion, and equality (Commons Library, 2023).

Individual Considerations

When making comparisons, it is essential to evaluate each case’s merits. Factors such as the type of disability, financial resources, medical, social, and family support systems, personal life commitments, and dependents all influence the individual’s experience and must be considered.

The Complexity of Individual Experiences

When examining the challenges faced by individuals with disabilities in institutional settings, it is vital to recognise that each case is unique and should be considered on its own merits. The David and Goliath metaphor, while powerful, can oversimplify these complex situations, underscoring the need for a more nuanced approach.

Factors Influencing Individual Experiences 

Several factors can significantly impact an individual’s ability to navigate institutional barriers:

  • – Type and Severity of Disability: The nature and extent of a person’s disability can significantly influence their daily experiences and challenges (Nario-Redmond et al., 2013). Even if two identical twins had the same diagnosed condition, the specific manifestation and impact can vary significantly between individuals.
  • – Financial Resources: Access to economic resources can significantly affect an individual’s ability to seek accommodations, medical care, or legal support (Mitra et al., 2017). Access to other essentials, like food, shelter, water, and clothing, also significantly affects an individual’s ability to manage their condition and navigate challenges.
  • – Medical Support: The quality and availability of medical care can vary widely, impacting an individual’s overall health and ability to manage their condition (Krahn et al., 2015). Some may have better insurance coverage, the ability to pay for treatments, or access to specialists than others.
  • – Educational Background: An individual’s level of education and familiarity with institutional systems can influence their ability to navigate complex bureaucracies (Lindsay et al., 2018).
  • – Social and Family Support: Strong support networks can provide emotional, practical, and advocacy assistance, which can be crucial in navigating institutional challenges (Tough et al., 2017). The challenges can also lead to fractures within and between advocates and family members’ causing some or many to abandon support.
  • – Personal Life Commitments: Responsibilities such as caregiving for dependents or maintaining employment can affect an individual’s capacity to engage in advocacy efforts (Anand & Ben-Shalom, 2014). Each person has their own set of personal responsibilities, such as dependents, work obligations, or other life commitments that add complexity to their situation. These factors can impact the time, energy and resources available to manage their condition or pursue goals.
  • – Individual differences in coping mechanisms and resilience: People have different psychological and emotional capacities for dealing with adversity. What may seem manageable for one person could be overwhelming for another due to differences in personality, past experiences, or mental health.
  • - Invisible challenges: Many factors that influence an individual’s experience are not readily apparent. As our community says (paraphrased)

  • “This energy management is often invisible to others, leading to misunderstandings and unrealistic expectations.”

  • – Intersectionality of challenges: Individuals may face multiple, overlapping forms of discrimination or disadvantage beyond their primary condition. This intersectionality can compound difficulties in ways that are unique to each person. 

By making direct comparisons without considering these nuanced factors, we risk oversimplifying complex situations and potentially invalidating individuals’ real struggles. As the response emphasises, it is essential to consider each case on its own merits rather than comparing individuals broadly, even if they face similar challenges.

TL;DR Avoiding Unfair Comparisons

It is important to note that comparing individuals facing similar challenges can be problematic and unfair. Even when two people have the same type of disability or are confronting similar institutional barriers, their circumstances and resources may differ significantly.

The Danger of Comparison

  •  Invalidating Individual Struggles: Comparisons can minimise each person’s unique challenges.
  • – Creating Unrealistic Expectations: Holding someone to another’s standard of success or progress can be demoralising and counterproductive.
  • – Overlooking Intersectionality: Individuals may face multiple forms of discrimination or disadvantage simultaneously, which can compound their challenges (Crenshaw, 1989).

The Role of Allyship and Collective Action

Given the complexity of individual experiences, the role of allies and collective action becomes even more crucial:

Effective Allyship

  • Allies can support individuals with disabilities by:

  • – Recognising Diversity: Understanding that the disability community is not monolithic and experiences vary widely (Nario-Redmond et al., 2013).
  • – Providing Tailored Supports: Allies understand the importance of offering assistance based on each individual’s well-defined needs and circumstances (Catalyst, 2021).
  • – Advocating for Flexible Policies: Pushing for institutional policies that accommodate various needs and situations (Lindsay et al., 2018).

Collective Action and Systemic Change

While individual experiences differ, collective action remains crucial for systemic change:

  • – Sharing Diverse Perspectives: Combining varied experiences can help create more comprehensive and inclusive solutions (Krahn et al., 2015).
  • – Building Coalitions: Uniting diverse groups can amplify advocacy efforts and increase pressure for institutional change (Nario-Redmond et al., 2013). 
  • – Promoting Universal Design: means advocating for environments and policies that are accessible and beneficial to all, regardless of individual circumstances (Steinfeld & Maisel, 2012).

In conclusion, metaphors like David and Goliath once thought of as inspiring, are, in reality, anything but. They serve only as a tired and overused trope to sell flights of fancy in action films and by news outlets to try to cash in on ratings. Even when used cautiously and in context, it can still cause much harm. Recognising the complexity of individual experiences, avoiding unfair comparisons, and focusing on collective action and allyship are vital to effectively addressing institutional barriers. By embracing this nuanced approach, we can work towards creating more inclusive and equitable institutions for all.


Anand, P., & Ben-Shalom, Y. (2014). How do working-age people with disabilities spend their time? New evidence from the American Time Use Survey. Demography, 51(6), 1977–1998

Catalyst. (2021). Allyship and Advocacy at Work: 5 Key Questions Answered. Retrieved from

Commons Library. (2023). The History of Campaigns in Australia by People With Disability. Retrieved from

Coveney, C. (2023). Disability Advocacy Research in Europe. European Disability Forum.

Crenshaw, K. (1989). Demarginalising the intersection of race and sex: A black feminist critique of antidiscrimination doctrine, feminist theory and antiracist politics. University of Chicago Legal Forum, 1989(1), 139–167.

Forward Ability Support. (2023). How to be a disability ally. Retrieved from

Krahn, G. L., Walker, D. K., & Correa-De-Araujo, R. (2015). Persons with disabilities as an unrecognised health disparity population. American Journal of Public Health, 105(S2), S198-S206.

Lindsay, S., Cagliostro, E., Albarico, M., Mortaji, N., & Karon, L. (2018). A systematic review of the benefits of hiring people with disabilities. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 28(4), 634–655.

Lovedisabledlife. (2023). Actionable Tips for How to Be a Supportive Disability Ally. Retrieved from


Mitra, S., Palmer, M., Kim, H., Mont, D., & Groce, N. (2017). Extra costs of living with a disability: A review and agenda for research. Disability and Health Journal, 10(4), 475–484.

Nario-Redmond, M. R., Noel, J. G., & Fern, E. (2013). Redefining disability, re-imagining the self: Disability identification predicts self-esteem and strategic responses to stigma. Self and Identity, 12(5), 468–488.

Sinclair, T. (2023). Embracing Human Spirit: A Perspective on Allyship for Intellectual Disabilities. Retrieved from

Steinfeld, E., & Maisel, J. (2012). Universal design: Creating inclusive environments. John Wiley & Sons.

Tough, H., Siegrist, J., & Fekete, C. (2017). Social relationships, mental health and wellbeing in physical disability: A systematic review. BMC Public Health, 17(1),

Author's Notes/Comments: 

My latest article discusses the concept of #ToxicPositivity, particularly in the context of disability. It critiques the tendency to dismiss negative emotions and challenges faced by individuals with #disabilities by promoting an overly optimistic mindset, often encapsulated in phrases like "just think positive." 

This approach can invalidate real struggles, oversimplify complex issues, and create unrealistic expectations for those affected. 

#InspirationPorn #Allyship

Invisible Battles

Shattered shards of self, scattered in the silence,

Anxiety amplifies, adheres to every absence.

Doubts dance, depression deepens—a dire duet,

Trauma's tendrils tighten, twisting thoughts to threat.


Unwanted hands, unholy violation,

Trust torn, tattered—a soul's devastation.

Memories mangle, mutilate the mind,

Leaving scars unseen, sanity undermined.



Family's fists fall, words wound worse than blows,

Love's facade fades, fear furiously grows.

Home becomes hell, haven turned to horror,

Childhood choked by chaos, terror, and sorrow.



Fibrous pain flares, fierce and unforgiving,

Vertebrae curve, a visual of vicious living.

Balance betrays, brain baffled by motion,

Vertigo's vortex, a violent commotion.



Slumber slips away, sleep's sweet solace stolen,

Bones brittle, broken—body and spirit swollen.

Migraines march, merciless, through mind's maze,

Cluster strikes, crushing skull in crimson haze.



Eviction looms, a specter ever-present,

Streets once known now seem a sentence.

Childhood's cold corners, revisited in fear,

Adult homelessness—an unthinkable frontier.



Yet they say, "It's all in your head,"

Invalidation spreads, insidious as lead.

Gaslighting glows, gutting truth's ember,

Leaving only lies to remember.



Fur-friends, faithful lifelines in the lonely night,

One battles cancer—an unbeatable fight.

Isolation intensifies, abandonment aches anew,

As time ticks away, taking comfort, and hope too.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Comments are welcome; gaslighting is not.

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How My Brain Works (Or Doesn't Work)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

2016, 2017 

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