The Anatomy of Indifference.

Silence swallows screams, unheard, unseen,

Isolation's icy fingers intervene.

Worthless, weightless—a whisper in the wind,

Concern and care consistently rescind.



Learned helplessness lingers, a phantom limb,

Diffusion of responsibility—humanity’s whim.

Each turns away, eyes averted, hands clean,

"Someone else will help," the collective keen.



Trust shattered like shards of brittle glass,

Faith in humanity—a fading, futile farce.

Social supports crumble, connections corrode,

Leaving loneliness to lighten the load.



Voices echo in vacant vestibules,

Pleas for help—perceived as ridicules.

Invisible, invalidated, incessantly ignored,

Self-worth withers, relentlessly deplored.



Hope's horizon blurs, hazy and distant,

As apathy's armor grows more resistant.

In this wasteland of indifference, we wander,

Unseen, unheard—left alone to ponder.



The weight of the world, once shared, now solely borne,

In a society seemingly sworn

To turn blind eyes and deaf ears to pain,

Leaving the vulnerable out in the rain.


Yet still we stand, silent sentinels,

Amidst the chaos of life's cruel carousels.

Unheard, unloved, but unbroken still,

Surviving spite of society's ill will.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

 I stupidly tried to reach out again for help and understanding. I joined numerous support groups over multiple platforms. One theme connected them all. Ignoring or treating my input with cold indifference. Once or twice you can excuse, people have bad days. Then it became clear. Simply, the world is just not made for people like me. My faith in humanity dwindled as did my trust in people, especially ones who should be allies. I grow weary. I am exhausted. I yearn for eternal sleep.

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Invisible Battles

Shattered shards of self, scattered in the silence,

Anxiety amplifies, adheres to every absence.

Doubts dance, depression deepens—a dire duet,

Trauma's tendrils tighten, twisting thoughts to threat.


Unwanted hands, unholy violation,

Trust torn, tattered—a soul's devastation.

Memories mangle, mutilate the mind,

Leaving scars unseen, sanity undermined.



Family's fists fall, words wound worse than blows,

Love's facade fades, fear furiously grows.

Home becomes hell, haven turned to horror,

Childhood choked by chaos, terror, and sorrow.



Fibrous pain flares, fierce and unforgiving,

Vertebrae curve, a visual of vicious living.

Balance betrays, brain baffled by motion,

Vertigo's vortex, a violent commotion.



Slumber slips away, sleep's sweet solace stolen,

Bones brittle, broken—body and spirit swollen.

Migraines march, merciless, through mind's maze,

Cluster strikes, crushing skull in crimson haze.



Eviction looms, a specter ever-present,

Streets once known now seem a sentence.

Childhood's cold corners, revisited in fear,

Adult homelessness—an unthinkable frontier.



Yet they say, "It's all in your head,"

Invalidation spreads, insidious as lead.

Gaslighting glows, gutting truth's ember,

Leaving only lies to remember.



Fur-friends, faithful lifelines in the lonely night,

One battles cancer—an unbeatable fight.

Isolation intensifies, abandonment aches anew,

As time ticks away, taking comfort, and hope too.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Comments are welcome; gaslighting is not.

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