Monthly Archive for May 2022

Title Type Pen Name Comments Categories Date
OBSERVE Poem pamschwetz National Poetry Month, Observe, Pam Schwetz, pamschwetz May 1st
Cup Of Letters Poem saiom May 1st
JBO Poem saiom May 1st
Coral Reefs Poem saiom May 1st
Angel Falls Poem saiom May 1st
Tom Lehrer Poem saiom May 1st
May Day Poem allets May 1st
FINE LINES Poem pamschwetz FINE LINES, Pam Schwetz, POETRY May 1st
Vicious Circle Poem saiom 2 May 1st
23RD STREET Poem georgeschaefer #muttermuseum #23rdstreet May 1st
STORMY WEATHER Poem pamschwetz Pam Schwetz, POETRY, stormy weather May 1st
Insect And Animal Consciousness Prose saiom May 1st
Building With Stone, Stucco, Brick Of Block Instead Of Wood Prose saiom May 1st
BETTY BOOP BATHES HER PUPPY Prose georgeschaefer #bettyboopbathesherpuppy May 1st
Angels' Gifts Poem saiom May 1st
Theft of People's Property Poem saiom May 1st
In Bell Time Poem satishverma # #betrayal #life #forgiveness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #let me be May 1st
parallels and intersections Poem lizardking 1 May 1st
spacetime. Poem something_vague May 1st
corresponding shapes. Poem something_vague May 1st
infinite sky. Poem something_vague May 1st
Jean Claude, Vampyre Poem allets May 1st
Nothing Lasts, Ask A Pharoah Poem allets 11 May 1st
SOMETIMES THE MIND WANDERS Poem joy #imagination, #mind, #sometimesthemindwanders May 1st
One Birth Separate From The Rest Poem saiom May 1st
Flocks Of Birds, Schools Of Fishes Poem saiom May 1st
Anthony Armstrong-Jones Poem saiom May 1st
Bell Knell Blues Poem allets May 1st
LONG WAY FROM KANSAS Poem georgeschaefer 2 #longway #longwayfromkansas May 1st
Tecumseh Museum Poem saiom May 2nd
Giving Creates A Vacuum Poem saiom May 2nd
Theft Of A Continent Poem saiom 3 May 2nd
Rising Mist Above The Stream Poem saiom May 2nd
CAREFREE DAYS Poem pamschwetz CAREFREE DAYS, Pam Schwetz, pamschwetz, POETRY May 2nd
The Ways Of Water Prose saiom May 2nd
My Body Wants to Leave Prose owlcrkbrg 1 May 2nd
MEATBALL SUB Prose georgeschaefer #meatballsub #magnificentmuraco May 2nd
Deception? Prose allets 4 May 2nd
Sturgeon Poem saiom May 2nd
Poetry of Water Falling Poem saiom May 2nd
Love Is Poem saiom May 2nd
War is a war Poem shailaenglish kiling, russian, Tear, terror, ukraine cilvilians May 2nd
A Sad Story Poem saiom May 2nd
Knight in Shining Armor Poem exthias1983 May 2nd
Meeting Ghosts Poem satishverma # #betrayal #life #forgiveness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #let me be May 2nd
The Sun's Rival Poem saiom May 2nd
THE WISDOM OF A CHILD Poem joy #chld, #thewisdomofachild, #wisdom May 2nd
Chuckling Delight Poem saiom May 2nd
FREDDIE BLASSIE AND IRON SHEIK Poem georgeschaefer #freddieblassie #ironsheik May 2nd
The Eseence Of Love Poem saiom May 2nd
Of Asberger's And Cadaver Burgers Poem saiom May 2nd
Gray Rain Due Poem allets May 2nd
Steer Castration Poem saiom May 2nd
Solitaire Poem osiriss- 1 May 3rd
Trump, RFK Jr And Pfizer Prose saiom 1 May 3rd
Hansel And Gretel Fattened Up Poem saiom May 3rd
Beat Cancer Prose saiom May 3rd
Roe V Wade An Ignored Interpretation Prose saiom 2 May 3rd
Is It Time To Tax Meat To Offset Health Care Costs For Animal Eaters Prose saiom May 3rd
Milt Radney Prose saiom May 3rd
Bees Flown In Plane Poem saiom May 3rd
Compassion Poem allets May 3rd
Advantage Poem elliot_jordan2003 2 May 3rd
Where Dreams Are Killed Poem satishverma # #betrayal #life #forgiveness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #let me be May 3rd
cramped quarters Poem ray_strickland 1 May 3rd
Fresh Air and False Gods Poem 2 May 3rd
Insomnia Poem elliot_jordan2003 1 May 3rd
Toilet Paper Poem saiom May 3rd
Food Bog Poem saiom May 3rd
HAPPY NATIONAL TEACHER DAY Poem joy #happynationalteacherday, #teacherday, #teachers May 3rd
WORD ORCHARDS Poem georgeschaefer 2 #wordorchards May 3rd
NEON MUSEUM OF PHILADELPHIA Poem georgeschaefer #neonmuseum May 3rd
Post-coma Poem owlcrkbrg 1 May 3rd
Gratitude For Gifts Poem saiom May 3rd
Animals Who Need To Scratch Poem saiom May 3rd
All Ways And Always Poem saiom May 3rd
Repentance Prose allets 2 May 4th
Hospital Litany. Prose saiom May 4th
Alcoholism Prose saiom May 4th
JE SUIS UN AUTRE Prose georgeschaefer 2 #rimbaudien #jesuisunautre May 4th
SOFT LAUGHTER Poem georgeschaefer #softlaughter May 4th
It's Real Now Poem allets May 4th
Tiny Lights Poem saiom May 4th
Reproductive Freedom Poem allets May 4th
MIDDLE AGE BEER GEEK PEER PRESSURE Poem georgeschaefer #middleagebeergeek #peerpressure May 4th
Adaptation Poem allets May 4th
ANGELS SINGING Poem joy #angels, #angelssinging, #baby, #death May 4th
Destined By GOD To Have You As My Mother Poem BMosley May 4th
self checkout Poem ray_strickland May 4th
Attack on Women and LGBTQA rights. (Explicit) Poem elliot_jordan2003 7 May 4th
This Cruel Life Poem satishverma # #betrayal #life #forgiveness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #let me be May 4th
Illegal Rainforest Patnts Poem saiom May 4th
There is No Gene For Cancer Poem saiom May 4th
Twinkletoes Poem saiom May 4th
Falling Sky Poem saiom 1 May 4th
In The Middle Of Everything Else Poem allets 2 May 4th
Breaking News Poem lyrycsyntyme 2 May 4th
Pierced By Hooks Poem saiom 1 May 4th
Recent Absence Prose J-C4113D 9 May 5th
All is Well Prose shewhodwellsint... May 5th
INK RUNS DRY Prose georgeschaefer #inkrunsdry May 5th
The Black Vulture Prose owlcrkbrg May 5th
Happy Cinco de Mayo Poem allets May 5th
Most Pledges Of Eternal Love Are Temporary Poem saiom May 5th
Departure notes Poem ray_strickland 2 May 5th
Analyzing Myself Poem satishverma # #betrayal #life #forgiveness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #let me be May 5th
Forever? Poem jade May 5th
Fear Of Dominance Loss Poem allets 4 May 5th
@ 27.105 MHz: Vignette; Cosmic Bulletin Poem J-C4113D 2 May 5th
Monarch Run Poem allets May 5th
The Matador Strikes Again Poem lyrycsyntyme 1 May 5th
Four Biblical Killers Given Clemency Poem saiom May 5th
Woodwinds Poem saiom May 5th
Cans Tied To Marriage Car Back Bumper Poem saiom May 5th
Individual Privacy Poem allets May 5th
Risen To The Sun Poem saiom May 5th
Kevin Kline Poem saiom May 5th
Winter Clashes With Spring Poem saiom May 5th
Increasing The One Light Poem saiom May 5th
Switched at Birth Poem metaphorist May 5th
PERFECT HARMONY Poem georgeschaefer #perfectharmony May 5th
THE TRAGEDY OF EVIL Poem joy #evil, #thetragedyofevil May 5th
Stoner Utopia Poem elliot_jordan2003 2 May 5th
Lizard And Spider Poem saiom May 5th
Bye bye baby, bye bye Poem ray_strickland May 5th
Problems With Beekeeping Poem saiom May 5th
MISDIRECTION Poem georgeschaefer #misdirection May 6th
HANG IN THERE Poem mil57man 4 Listen Learn, look May 6th
Farmer's Rain Day Poem lyrycsyntyme 6 May 6th
LIKE COUNTING RAINDROPS Poem joy #likecountingraindrops, #love May 6th
Redemptive Things Poem allets May 6th
Richard Blum's Death Poem saiom May 6th
Camelot Poem saiom May 6th
Aborted Faith Poem satishverma # #betrayal #life #forgiveness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #let me be May 6th
so I got up Poem deepblue May 6th
HAPPY ENDING Prose georgeschaefer #happyending May 6th
Acquisitions Poem allets 2 May 6th
Undisputable Mothers Poem BMosley May 7th
Different Poem exthias1983 1 May 7th
The Word Club: 2 Meanings Poem saiom May 7th
PRIORITIES OF THOUGHT Poem georgeschaefer #prioritiesofthought May 7th
New New World Prose allets May 7th
Broken Mirrors Poem satishverma # #betrayal #life #forgiveness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #let me be May 7th
Reducing Migraines Poem saiom May 7th
Neo Prometheus Poem allets May 7th
I Caught Old Age Poem allets May 7th
Eulogy for my grandma Poem elliot_jordan2003 2 May 7th
Dragon Folk Poem allets May 7th
Sitting In The Hospital Poem saiom May 7th
Newborn Love Poem saiom May 7th
Antiabortion Pro Choice: 8 Of Many Categories Of Supporters and Opponents Poem saiom May 7th
Christians Taught That Animals Have No Souls Poem saiom May 7th
Weaponization Of Viruses Poem saiom May 7th
Canada Continues The Bloody Clubbing Of Seals Poem saiom May 7th
@ 27.105 MHz: Vignette; Perspective Poem J-C4113D May 7th
+ 27.225 MHz: If I Have, Indeed, Reached My Appointed End; A Poem For Lady Certainly Poem J-C4113D May 7th
Money is obsolete Poem humanfruit 2 May 7th
Can it be? Poem Teytonon 3 May 7th
Time As Bandage Poem allets May 7th
Schenectady Poem saiom May 7th
BEST FRIENDS Poem pamschwetz Best Friends, Pam Schwetz, pamschwetz, POETRY May 7th
MORNING TWILIGHT Poem georgeschaefer #morningtwilight May 7th
Worst Deforesters Prose saiom May 8th
APPLYING FOR A PASSPORT Prose georgeschaefer #passport #applyingforpassport May 8th
Thoughts On Mom Status Prose allets May 8th
Peaceful Plants Prose saiom May 8th
SPELLING NEE Poem chris May 8th
Antidepressants Are Prodepressants Poem saiom May 8th
Snowflakes Poem saiom May 8th
HAPPY MOTHERS DAY 2022 Poem joy 1 #happymothersday2022, #moms, #mothersday May 8th
2 MORNINGS BEFORE Poem georgeschaefer #2morningsbefore May 8th
Mothers Poem allets May 8th
Mother's Day 2022 Poem randyjohnson May 8th
BEARER OF SECRETS Poem georgeschaefer #bearerofsecrets May 8th
SHY HITCHHIKER Poem georgeschaefer 2 #shyhitchhiker May 8th
Loving Mother Poem saiom May 8th
Apropos of nothing Poem Teytonon 2 May 8th
The Way Poem exthias1983 1 May 8th
Dejavu forever Poem humanfruit 1 May 8th
Troubling Me Poem satishverma # #betrayal #life #forgiveness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #let me be May 8th
Special interests and inertial rot Poem orangejumpsuit 1 May 8th
Clients of Verse Poem djtj May 8th
Casino Poem williamjroneyiii May 9th
The Bear Prose owlcrkbrg May 9th
My... Poem cathycavalcante May 9th
Seeking light Poem Seeker 2 May 9th
HER LOVE SONG Poem joy #herlovesong, #love May 9th
Political System Poem allets May 9th
Rodeo Poem saiom May 9th
Politics (Part II) Poem allets May 9th
You Nearly Killed Poem satishverma # #betrayal #life #forgiveness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #let me be May 9th
She Never Made it to Canada Prose owlcrkbrg May 10th
Service Economy Prose allets May 10th
Replies to comments Prose J-C4113D 3 May 10th
Rare Encounters Poem satishverma # #betrayal #life #forgiveness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #let me be May 10th
Releaf Poem saiom 1 May 10th
LONGING AND YEARNING Prose georgeschaefer #longing #yearning #longingandyearning May 10th
NOT SO MUCH THE EARTH Poem georgeschaefer 2 #earth #notsomuchtheearth May 10th
BUDDAH ON THE DASH Poem joy #buddahonthedash, #gods, #roadtrip, #vacation May 10th
Terra Nova Poem allets May 10th
My Name Isn't John Poem williamjroneyiii May 10th
Weeds Poem saiom May 10th
SCARLET FIRE Poem georgeschaefer #fire #scarlet May 11th
The Battle of Stalingrad Begun In 1942 Prose saiom May 11th
LEADS SOMEWHERE EVEN ON A ROAD TO NOWHERE Prose georgeschaefer #leadssomewhere #roadtonowhere May 11th
@ 27.225 MHz: WallStones; At The Villa Diodati, Geneva, Switzerland, July, 1816 Poem J-C4113D 12 May 11th
Window of Opportunity Poem owlcrkbrg 1 May 11th
Caiphas And Annas Stroll Through Laramie, Wyoming Poem J-C4113D May 11th
Christ Mass Poem Atramentous 3 May 11th
OATMEAL IN THE MOUNTAINS Poem joy #mountainbreakfast, #Mountains, #oatmealinthemountains May 11th
The Many Types Of Advertising Companies You Need To Know Poem twelve12 advertising agencies in Newport beach May 11th
In gratitude Poem Teytonon 1 May 11th
Words Crawl On Body Poem satishverma # #betrayal #life #forgiveness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #let me be May 11th
Walnut Poem patriciajj 8 May 12th
Quotes Of Rachel C Poem saiom May 12th
Dare be not deceived Poem humanfruit 1 May 12th
I had a dream I met the Elephant Man Poem ray_strickland 1 elephant man, Ray Strickland, RRFTB May 12th
Why Eyes Were Red Poem satishverma # #betrayal #life #forgiveness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #let me be May 12th
Hoss Died Half A Century Ago Poem randyjohnson 1 May 13th
DRIED BANANA PEELS Poem georgeschaefer #driedbananapeels May 13th
Itinerant Poem adriannemerideth National Limerick day. May 13th
Room To Turn Around Poem saiom 1 May 13th
Pied Sky Prose allets 8 May 13th
PEN STUBBORNLY INSISTING Prose georgeschaefer May 13th
Oops in the chicken coop Poem humanfruit 1 May 14th
Vines intertwined Poem humanfruit 1 May 14th
Amazing Story of How Hard Rock Cafe Owner Tigrett Donated To Help Create A Free Hospital Poem saiom May 14th
O Blood, O Tears Poem satishverma # #betrayal #life #forgiveness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #let me be May 14th
God Damn This Neighborhood Poem 2 May 14th
They Couldn't Breathe Poem saiom May 14th
Poems and Prose Being Edited Poem saiom May 14th
Distractions Poem allets 3 May 14th
WHISTLING DIXIE Prose georgeschaefer May 14th
PANIC YUPPIE BITCH Poem georgeschaefer #panicyuppiebitch May 14th
Tump Poem saiom May 15th
Aligned Poem SSmoothie 5 May 15th
A List Of Rants Prose allets 2 May 15th
Time Was Changing Poem satishverma # #betrayal #life #forgiveness #suffering #sadness #pain #mistakes #madness #let me be May 15th
A Trillion Dollars Or Two Poem allets 3 May 15th
Once you go Sagittarius A*… Poem Teytonon May 15th
ZEN FEELING DENIED Poem georgeschaefer May 15th
SO GOES ALL ELSE Poem georgeschaefer May 15th
WRONG DIRECTION Poem chris 1 May 15th
Is It Me, Or... Poem allets May 15th
A Remembrance of Understanding Poem THWYALG May 15th
Too Old To Change The World Poem allets 2 May 15th
Beatlemania Poem allets May 15th
Thoughts and prayers Poem Teytonon 3 May 15th
Winning and Loosing Poem chillin 1 May 15th