"Truth is like poetry. And most people f... hate poetry." The Big Short
I love to sing and singing loves me.
I'm seven-decades in...
I keep getting my heart broke, over and over and over again
djtjohnson my author's name
what follows is a working record of my poems, some good some bad, some in progress, some in the graveyard.
We've been friends a long, long, long time.
My poetry is just prose written with rhythm looking for a melody.
Here we are, doing what we like, reading what we like, I already like you.
To get to the meat of my poetry read the Favorite File, then this years, whatever it may be.
In 2002, I met the Muse, who seem to unlock the poetry in me through his mere speech. He is the Sweet Talker. I have it organized in chronological order to follow like a novel/story of the progression of a love affair, the breakup and the reconciliation and then the final parting.
I stopped writing after the muse, I think, because I met a man that made me feel safe and loved. We got busy with life and travel and friends. He passed away after 10 years and I am back out here feeling unsafe again. Its an untethered future that's exciting and frightening.
Great poetry comes from great pain, but it also comes from great friends that encourage and read and critique, love and leave. Thank you, friends.
Current project is the heal my heart.
It's been a ride.