JBO spoke of the 10 year old who
sent a 500 page itemized list to
Santa Claus, the sadness when a class
given a test has a slow student.. who
feels the angry waiting of the others
forbidden to leave until he finishes.. She
talked of peaceful evening with the sound
of the lowing of the cows, told me my
soapbox was riddled with termites (termites
please don't take offense), said sushi has
liver flukes. She recounted her 4 year old grandson
waiting by the window as she drove up
with a bag of toys, listening as he said'
"Grandma I've been waiting for you days and
days.' Told her that the thought of using
class titles (e.g. Lord, Lady, Sir) put fur
on my teeth. She replied 'a woolly mammoth
comes to mind'. Next re a
pastor who promotes prosperity consciousness she
emphasized that Christianity is not
a prosperity agenda. She had lived
in a Buddhist country for many years
and admired the gentleness of that path.
A beloved friend was feeling depressed
and JBO told her not to give up on God's
love for her.