Christ Mass

Lost & Found...

Amass your self

For Christ is here

Rejoice in love

Our hearts are near.


The King had died

That we might live

Our Christmas cheer

His love we'd give.


But not forget

When days have passed

His sacrifice

That love would last.


And so, He does

Through gift exchange

Tradition wanes

To commercial gain.


And only that

Which can't be seen

Love and hope

From material ween.

View atramentous's Full Portfolio
redbrick's picture

It's a splendid reunion,

It's a splendid reunion, quite like Christmas, to be be reunited with poems written long ago. The folder called 'prior work' is where I post those of mine that are being unearthed. This one is a delightful ode to the greatest gift of all... the only begotten. Thanks for sharing.

here is poetry that doesn't always conform

galateus, arkayye, arqios,arquious, crypticbard, excalibard, wordweaver

S74rw4rd's picture

I like this very much.

I like this very much.


Atramentous's picture


I'd written this many years ago and thought and pondered on it...  it was lost for about a decade.