The stars sat in thier spaces sending winks down that coalesced as twinkles in some hopeful eyes and the corners of grins, all the while wishing they could be as free to wander meander and scurry.
They rued the day they reached to become stars.
So much they never knew or thought or dreamed. The cosmos is a complication of complex conundrums. And stars they claim inspirations and drop them carefully considered like, comets though drop them on a whim to see what happens on the the next round. Last night, The stars changed. They realigned and double blinked a warning. The air seemed heavy it seems dreams were lost and there was a kaffufle to find them, the oldest whod seen this before shrinking advised to think up new dreams and send them all over. "But how shall we do this?" To which the old star simply replied, one inkling, one hunch, one intuitive bright idea at a time. And then there was a flurry of good intentions. "How did you know" asked the other stars. The old star simply replied "its universal"
"What is?" all the stars clamoured eagerly passing whispers on the solar winds searching for answers
"Hope." Came the reply. And all the stars filled themselves up and shined brighter, winked more twinkled more and realised there was always something more.
I applaud the cosmic aspect
I applaud the cosmic aspect of this poem! It is beautiful.
Seryddwr [ap Lloyd]
Star Chatter
"...a complication of complex conundrums." A star story. It is hope
, the ultimate human driving force, that does and will sustain us! The q & a ending was extraordinary. Liked muchly the balance: a progression building, a crescendo that roused as the stars (universally) engaged in discovery of valuable and available built in assets. A morality sketch, a simply saying as a reminder, an ever needed lesson.
Well done. Your muse should be grinning, hopefully.
Bed time stories
Bed time stories
Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS
"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."
What To Write Next?
Angry at world leaders who are stupid, (putin) governments cannot feed the people they ignored (cuba) gate storming is about too be a thing. Marcos? Really! Maybe some sci-fi. Or go back to school with some nursery rhymes. ;D
Movies dont seem too
Movies dont seem too fantastical anymore. Humans are completely hackable. They have the technology, they have social programming... isolate and conquer. In great numbers there is power. There is also power 8n deception. I laugh as we time loop 1984 the ministry of truth is a thing... rats in cages around heads. No love for you. Just projection... we're the good guys trust us we want to over domesticate you and make your life simpler. More controlled. The people will not have it. They never will. There is hope in people finding recourse and solutions. Covis was an attack on small business. Such power should never be wielded again. It started with slippery slope laws that never needed to exist once there is a law freedom is conditional. End of story. No higher power no freedom. In each of us is a God given lamp of autonomy and free will who in their right mind would give it up to become a hamster in the wheel of the elite using false pretences. No one. Stagflation is coming... unless freedoms are returned and food programs and higher taxes for business and zero for the commonwealth as it is the peoples assets. The people must decide who mines, destroys or profits from them. Too many are paid off and pacified with gadgets experiences and things to bother with politics. So like our forefathers it has to be taken away before they can become interested. Elective abortion to birth is sickening. If you dont think so, examine it closely dont reduce it to a phrase. Look into it deeply and ask your self is it really right that a being that can sustain itself outside the womb be killed? Well I may get haters but when they are down and out they will come to me for refuge because all you need to do is be brave enough to be yourself. No expectations just and acceptance that what makes me the one by your side is that I will not nourish you and then discard you when I have no need of you or like you. Integrity must stand. The world is wishy washy enough. I can't trust a government without a conscience. Peace.
Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS
"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."