Beat Cancer



In many media outlets and hospitals there is no
mention of
diets without carcinogens, no diets without animal agriculture or fish, eating uncooked
organic food

Beat cancer:
Avoid carcinogens & . all animal agriulture, all fish, all nonorganic food, all cooked food,
take vitamin C drip or daily Linus Pauling sized doses of vitamin C, turkeytail mushroom pills twice
a day Think positively. Forgive all. Pray and solicit prayer. Stop smoking. . Avoid alcohol
.Drink pure water  Replenish enzymes. Supplement with pure chlorophyll teaspoon daily.
Cancer is a disease of acidification. Eat as much alkaline food as possible.

 Quit jobs you hate and do the work of your heart. Avoid toxic

relationships. .


Barbaric cancer 'treatment' in the US.. the cut burn and poison or surgery radiation
chemo options.. chemo effects:  neuropathy, loss of hair, some poison sent to all cells
in body, bruising, bleeding, infection, anemia, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetitie  
No mention of
diets without carcinogens, no diets without animal agriculture or fish, eating uncooked
organic food


There is criminal denial of free speech by FDA CDC regarding the right of all, not just
vivisecting vaccine pushing big pharma bribed, pricegouging, unnecessary
surgery performing Drs and hospitals serving cancer causing food to speak.



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