They learned long ago that a life filled with perfection…
has less to do with life itself…and more with their perception:
Every night before they fall asleep…as in their bed they lay…
she gives him a kiss good night and says, “Thank you for a perfect day.”
And every night as they lay in bed…the moment she is through…
“For such a perfect day”, he says, “I’d like to thank you too.”
This has been their habit throughout their life…they always find a way
as they kiss goodnight to thank each other for another perfect day.
What makes each day seem perfect to them…is easy to understand
It’s spending time together…enjoying life…side-by-side and hand-in-hand.
If they’re together in the evening…happy, healthy and smiling…
to each other it’s easy for them to say,
No matter what bumps along the way they faced,
“Thank you for a perfect day.”
And they’ve discovered as they’ve grown old together…
all these years as husband and wife…
When you string so many perfect days together…
you end up with a perfect life.
Yes, they are living proof the perfect life is out there…
the key is finding a way..
to understand the perfect life…
begins with a perfect day.
In my mind thoughts do constant swirl,
Leaves that rustle playfully twirl,
I vex the future looking meek,
But now through veil the light it peaks.
Women now, once a baby held,
My confidence in her excelled,
Today my heart is very proud,
She takes her place in world unbound.
In quiet moments of her doubt,
Uncertain shadows loom and clout,
A fire within her gently glows,
A strength unseen, yet fiercely shows.
Her spirit, like a mountain high,
Unyielding, steadfast 'neath the sky,
She faces storms with grace and might,
A beacon in the darkest night.
Whispers of doubt may taunt and tease,
Her heart beats on with courage, ease,
In her soul, a warrior stands,
With dreams held tightly in her hands.
So, rise, dear niece, and take your place,
For in your heart, there's endless space,
To conquer fears, to reach new heights,
You're such a star, shining bright.
Remember this, and always know,
Your strength is boundless, let it show,
In every step, in every stride,
You are so strong, with love your guide.
Today I’m grateful for the love…of those who are close to me today
and those I’ve loved who have passed…but are not very far away.
as long as my memory serves as host
to how we laughed and lived and loved
three things that matter most.
She smiled as she looked at the old man sitting across the room
with whom she’s shared a life for 50 years…
50 years of joy and laughter mixed with a sprinkling of tears.
Just looking at him sometimes can cause her memories to stir.
She remembers, as if it were yesterday, the moment he proposed to her…
How he got down on one knee, took her hand, looked in her eyes and said,
“There are so many places I want to go…and so many things I want to do…”
then showing her the ring said,
“I would love to go to all these places and do all these things…with you.”
He smiled as he looked at the old woman sitting across the room
adjusting her wedding ring.
The woman who for 50 years has been his everything.
He sat up a little taller resting his elbows on the arms of his easy chair…
“If you don’t mind me asking,” he said, “what are you doing over there?”
“Oh I was just thinking about our life together…how I’ve been such a lucky one.
Thinking about all the places we have gone and all the things that we have done.”
He moved next to her, put his arm around her then whispered, “I love you”
“but you weren’t just a lucky one…we were a lucky two.”
Then they spent a while sifting through memories as they rose…one by one by one…
remembering together some of the places they have gone
and some of the things that they have done.
She rested her head upon his shoulder saying,
“How lucky we have been to live a life making memories we will never forget?”
“Yes, and the beauty of it all,” he said, as he took her hand in his
“is that we’re not finished yet.
We grew up with a love for nature
In messages from the trees, the flowers…the ocean we discovered our salvation…
and once a feeling imprints onto your heart and soul…
It leads to a lifetime infatuation.
We also grew up with George Harrison and the Beatles…
Their music was the music of our generation…
and once music imprints onto your heart and soul…
It leads to a lifetime infatuation.
Music and nature…add love, and art and family
and you have what life is all about.
So when we heard there was an exhibit
That combined George Harrison’s music with his love of gardening….
Well…we had to check it out!
We loved walking through the gardens, listening to George’s music
reading poetry from his wife…
While learning how he bought Friar Park…an estate in England
and nursed it back to life.
It was a beautifully spiritual experience…as the sun lit the garden from above
the music, the garden the poetry…filled our hearts with love.
We love indigenous philosophy…George loved the philosophy of India…
but I think he would, with us, proclaim…
on peace…on love on compassion and happiness
their basic concepts are the same.
Love is at the center of every true religion…every great philosophy.
and love was there in the garden…for everyone to see.
From England across the world…
It’s a message he sent our far and wide…
Is it any wonder ‘Love One Another’ were the last words
George left us with…right before he died?
For love is the message George infused into his life…
and now every morning when we say Here Comes The Sun…
we share in his hope that in the same way it found him…and us
love will come to everyone
This Valentine’s day I’m grateful for love
I believe a majority of people in this world have a kind and loving heart
Which makes me wonder:
Why are we allowing those whom we outnumber
to keep us all apart?
When give the chance between words of love or hate
May we be blessed to choose words of love…
because not only do they have appeal
but only words of love can help a heart to mend…
and help a soul to heal.
I wonder if we think about the ramifications when by so much hate we’re blinded…
Perhaps on a day we celebrate love…it’s good to be reminded:
When the old teacher ran across a weathered copy of her poem…he closed his eyes to reminisce…
for never has he read a poem…as beautiful as this:
It was nearing Valentine’s Day and he had asked his class to try and write a love poem…
“Because”, he said, “love is both beautiful and grand.
But he was interrupted by a student…who timidly raised her hand.
“My daddy was shot and killed by a person who didn’t like the color of his skin.”
“I’m still filled with so much hate…when you ask me to write a love poem…Where do I begin?”
He remembers the pain he saw on her face…he remembers how she cried
and how he immediately ran to her desk, took her hand, and knelt down by her side.
“It was hate that killed your father…and hate is the very thing love is trying to get rid of…
So I’m asking you to try to fight the hate you feel inside…and search for words of love.
“Look into your heart.” he said, ‘words of love are waiting there
words of love you will discover…words of love you’ll want to share.”
He returned to his desk to wait…and during the interlude…
the students completed their assignment in quiet solitude.
It wasn’t until later that night while reading their work at home..
he ran across her assignment entitled…
So This Is My Love Poem
My daddy used to tell me he loved me every morning when I woke up
and at the end of every night…
He said love is a wonderful way to start the day…and the only way to say goodnight.
So I will try my best every day to think in words of love…no matter what my fate
I’m hoping finding words of love will help me overcome my hate…
I know somewhere in my heart are the words of love I’m searching for…
and even though hate has won this battle…I’ll try hard not to let it win the war.
Perhaps if words of love, instead of bullets were falling from the sky
then love will finally defeat hate…and no more Daddies have to die.
Even though hate has left me with a scar and my dreams shall forevermore be haunted…
each day I will look for love,
that’s what my Daddy would have wanted.
May we be blessed to understand
our love is meant to be big…not small….
that we were created to love not one…but one another
not meant to love some…but all