Seeking light

book 15

golden warmth flows

     glittering crystals receive

shimmering waves dance

     rising into the sky


gliding twists and turns

     effortlessly to go

air does ruffle through

     longing to be free


fluff on gentle breeze

     from the sky descends

moves upon the airs

     to where ere it may be


flowing onward downward

     flight unbound be

swooping lightly turning

     ere it may flow


flowing freely onward

yet by walls constrained

seeking ever freedom

     where unto be


flow onto the freedom

     endless choices before

free from all constrictions

     still continues on


sharpness does the air fill

     with ionic tang

calling ever onward

     to a place to find


fills the breeze with crying

     to the heart does call

longing ever aching

     for that unknown


tar and oak a creaking

     on the rising swells

currents pulling outward

     straining to be free


thunder calls me onward

     fabric fills the air

chains rattle loudly

     bindings do break free


far away does call me

     to the place I seek

to find a new tomorrow

     and the place I’ll be






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patriciajj's picture

There's an ecstatic movement

There's an ecstatic movement throughout this poem, as if chains are falling from some place deep within. Your agile use of natural images tells the story of inner longing, searching and triumph with a vibrancy that can be seen clearly in the mind's eye. A stunning journey. 

Seeker's picture

Thank you

Thank you