

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I hope people can make some sense of what I was saying. Sometimes I just spill my emotions onto a page and end up not sure if it's even logical.


I felt like writing this because in the past few years I've dwelled on the darkness I see in myself and other people - the corruption. I see so much of it that I tend to lose sight of what's good. For a while I dwelled on the darkness and felt content with hatred. I hated the human race. I wanted to watch it die because in my mind everyone, including myself, deserved it. But now I've found peace in solitude and prayer/meditation. Even though I still easily see bad things in myself and other people I've become a little more numb to them. I'm more able to highlight the good things in people. I've done this by turning not to people themselves, but to something higher, much higher. I crave solitude and time alone so that I can reflect on this, and so that I'm not so sickened by the world around me.

Total Listening Silence

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louder than words

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Meditation is not about becoming a better person or becoming "enlightened." The art of mindfulness is to realize and feel all that you already are. This is it. Here now. There is no where to go. You are already all that you seek to be. There is nothing to seek. The action of seeking will never allow you to reach what it is you are reaching for-  It is already in your hand. Observe yourself as you are right now without judgement. No matter what you are feeling or thinking, be the eternal divine observer you truly are, and without judgement, emanate the light of your true self onto all. Love the splintered aspects of your ego personality. Do not take them personally. For you are LOVE. You are not your thoughts and wounds. You are the divine eternal healer. Allow your heart to be ruler of your body once again.  There is no where to be. No where to go. You are already here. now.

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Pandora's Box

Author's Notes/Comments: 

What war does. it lasts long after it's father beat me 2 months after my mother's sudden death, and I blocked it out for 35 years of my life.

Elder Manifesto

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Author's Notes/Comments: 

Tell me what you think!

"Quietly Vibrant"

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