The Universe

tHe CoInCiDeNcE oF oPpOsItEs

simple truths preclude 

their opposites they 

say deep truths include 

their opposites 

c'est la vie in 

a hope(ful)ly relative 


male and  

female black and 

white wave  

and particle the 

relations proceed the 

relata the whole  

cannot be reduced to 

the sum of its parts 

i say this and you 



how else could it 

BE literally 

the entire universe  

trying to per- 

ceive itself  

through this one 



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A Call to the Universe

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Everything that happens in our lives, has a meaning behind it. Every bad ending is the beginning of something great! Live, laugh and give nothing out but kind words. Most of all, give away unconditional love to all we come across, even if they are just passing by. Remember, the Universe always has a way of giving it all back to you!

Love to all <3
May peace be in the hearts of each and every one of us! <3

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