

Author's Notes/Comments: 

about males and females.

conjugal visit

Author's Notes/Comments: 

this is dedicated to all the brothers and sisters incarcerated..

Message in a bottle

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Maybe this peom will reach her in the distant future. She is on Facebook but I am not. I could just message it to her but I cant get over my butterflies. I am too nervous to send it to her directly. 

What happened to "good enough"

The Rest
View rose.t.morrell's Full Portfolio

I'll Still Love You 'Til the End

Author's Notes/Comments: 

For my Husband. And many other married couples with young children.

View lexiib's Full Portfolio

I've Stumbled

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Is a powerful piece about a woman who forgets about Christ when things were good in her life. When things begin to fall apart, she stumbles upon her knees where she begins to pray. A perfect reminder that it is Christ who is keeping things together in our lives.


View moxie's Full Portfolio

With Tender, Loving Care

View coreyryan1's Full Portfolio