
Rose Morrell

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More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

I'm all about unravelling the ball of messed up string in my head onto paper. Poetry makes me put it in neat lines and brings a dose of cathartic control to an otherwise pretty hyperactive mind. God knows how I hold down a responsible job!

About My Navel

No, don't ask about my navel! My relationship with it never recovered after watching it disappear during pregnancy. Some things should never be inside out!

Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

I love "Warning" by Jenny Joseph. Read it first aged 10 and it made me realise that poetry didn't have to be formal or formulaic. In the case of Warning, the irreverent mix of defiance, pathos and humour always makes me smile. Its often quoted to my mother when she's having a senior moment. Also re-read "Desiderata" by Max Ehrmann quite often as I find it fantastically soothing.

Quotes-wise it's something from my eldest daughter when she was 4. It wouldn't sound like much out of context, but I'll never forget how it overwhelmed me when it was said.

I was reading her my battered copy of the fabulous childrens book "Danny the Champion of the World" by Roald Dahl. We had just got to the part where Danny is trying to sleep the night before his great pheasant poaching caper and she said "Mummy I feel excited just like Danny does!". It made me cry, much to her surprise, because I love books and wanted to pass that passion on to her. Those few words told me that she had opened the door to a world of wonder, bigger and brighter than anything I alone could offer her. Already, 2 years later, I have to pester her at lights out time because she's reading a book, but often end up sitting on her bed while she twinkles at me describing the latest adventure she has been on. All thanks to her amazing star-bright imagination and our now shared love of books.


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