

Simple Thoughts
Author's Notes/Comments: 

Windchimes are wild.


Simple Thoughts
Author's Notes/Comments: 

When someone gets more excited about you're work than you do, you should:

- keep writing

- get more excited about your own writing

- question why you're not already.


Don't be scared to be hyped about your own art!


Simple Thoughts
Author's Notes/Comments: 

A day full of so many flavors can distract your appreciation for the entire day itself.

A Poet Afloat

Simple Thoughts
Author's Notes/Comments: 

Having written poetry for a little more than a year now I see a lot of comments about how much people can relate to my work, mostly due to how some can read it and feel a sense of vulnerability, or truth. I never try to write a piece to just one person but time and again more people feel that some of my work is almost made out to just them. 


I'm okay with that, since I get that comment more than once. Ego on high, I suppose.


Hand Written
Author's Notes/Comments: 

It's been a while! Please stay tuned for what's next! (Serious, this time!)

The Reign

To Be Illustrated
Author's Notes/Comments: 

So many have issues falling asleep, though the reasons are as numerous as some of them terrorizing. 

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The Girl And Her Wyrm

To Be Illustrated
Author's Notes/Comments: 

Mighty verus Meek. I've learned time and again to not underestimate those of small build; their characters are so often bigger than most.

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To Be Illustrated
Author's Notes/Comments: 

A imagined scene of an old man janitor that we may or may not all remember or think back to.

On Faithfulness

Simple Thoughts
Author's Notes/Comments: 

Just some thoughts on my ever-increasing number of friends who have yet to reach relationship goals...