

You think I'm the one who gave up on us

But have you looked in the mirror lately?

Your reflection is faded like a ghost

Your eyes are black and your soul is empty

And you swear you're not the one

And that this argument is done

And you think I'm on the run

When, in fact, I'm fucking done with you

I'm gonna make it through

The hell you put me through

I'm gonna bury you


I am done


You think you're the one who's gonna save us

But you can't save yourself from imploding

You're swimming around in your own disgust

Your narcissistic ways are showing

And you swear you're not the one

And that this argument is done

And you think I'm on the run

When, in fact, I'm fucking done with you

I'm gonna make it through 

The hell you put me through 

I'm gonna bury you


I am done


Erase me

I'll erase you too

Replace me

Now I know we're through


You think you're the one who's gonna save us, but you can't save yourself


I'm fucking done with you

I'm gonna make it through

The hell you put me through 

I'm gonna bury you 


We are done

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Another brand new one just finished 12-30-22

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On Faithfulness

Simple Thoughts
Author's Notes/Comments: 

Just some thoughts on my ever-increasing number of friends who have yet to reach relationship goals... 


Author's Notes/Comments: 

I have been waiting for four months and im sick and tired of waiting. Never before have I waited on a man for one day, let alone three f***ing months. Im tired of waiting.

View crimsonangel24's Full Portfolio