
the falling


they say there’s


an angel in


side of us all


but i say


unto you there’s




and while the one rises


the other must fall


they arise together


and neither could the one


ex ist with out


the other




this is a


truth so confounding


God herself


became flesh just


to ex-press it


though the light shines


in the darkness it is not




nor is it






were we to listen


to the better angels of our




they would




redeem us


from this un-whole-y




such creatures as we are


mixture of piss and


shit and light


must not the stillness




ascend to the heavens


just to


comprehend it


Subject No. 7

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Transcendence (And Body Politic)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

(Reedited hashtags, by adding only the following key words:  Foucault, biopwer, body politic),

"Transcendence (And Body Politic)", w/c is also an affected poem, previously titled "Transcendence", is a repost from my Twitter platform (inevitably composed on April 29, 2017/at around "06:58"...based from the deemed quirky causes & that perhaps had sprung from thoughts of a possible love interest (rather assumptive [on my part] & my motivations were unclear; thus, a type of a poem like this was done).  Also, I had edited this version (a little bit by modifying the use of punctuation marks & perhaps the stanzas/form, those were minor tweaks).



Lower Rock Run

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