they say there’s
an angel in
side of us all
but i say
unto you there’s
and while the one rises
the other must fall
they're born together
and neither could the one
ex ist with out
the other
this is a
truth so confounding
God herself
became flesh just
to ex-press it
though the light shines
in the darkness it is not
nor is it
were we to listen
to the better angels of our
they would
redeem us
from this un-whole-y
such creatures as we are
mixture of piss and
shit and light
must not the stillness
ascend to the heavens
just to
comprehend it
The paradoxes of life and the
The paradoxes of life and the litany of ironies that it entails!
here is poetry that doesn't always conform
galateus, arkayye, arqios,arquious, crypticbard, excalibard, wordweaver