1 |
Im sad for my country |
722 |
2017/05/05 |
7 years ago |
2 |
My ode entitled 'Current One' |
387 |
2015/12/09 |
9 years ago |
3 |
my ode to whistleblowers |
333 |
2015/01/14 |
10 years ago |
4 |
445 |
2014/11/15 |
10 years ago |
5 |
My ode to My Mums Birthday on November 6th 2014 |
404 |
2014/10/17 |
10 years ago |
6 |
Propaganda Purveyors October 2014 |
764 |
2014/10/14 |
10 years ago |
7 |
my ode to the pole shift in March next year |
420 |
2013/12/18 |
11 years ago |
8 |
My ode to the State of Israel |
387 |
2013/11/20 |
11 years ago |
9 |
My Poem about ex AMD/Global Foundries bad treatment of staff |
384 |
2013/11/14 |
11 years ago |
10 |
My second ode to Roseanne Barr |
460 |
2013/11/13 |
11 years ago |
11 |
My ode to Declan Curry |
660 |
2013/11/12 |
11 years ago |
12 |
an ode to a Palm Oil Plantation owner |
450 |
2013/11/02 |
11 years ago |
13 |
My ode to Francois Hollande, French PM |
566 |
2013/09/13 |
11 years ago |
14 |
My ode to Aberdeen Police & scotlands first minister |
520 |
2013/06/05 |
11 years ago |
15 |
My ode to Kloppo |
527 |
2013/05/27 |
11 years ago |
16 |
my ode to Sarin Gas in Syria |
872 |
2013/04/26 |
11 years ago |
17 |
my ode entitled holding delusion |
411 |
2013/02/20 |
11 years ago |
18 |
My ode to Eating Meat. about the recent Horsemeat Scandal |
445 |
2013/02/09 |
12 years ago |
19 |
my ode to0 Noah and his Ark |
437 |
2013/02/01 |
12 years ago |
20 |
my ode entitled 'social contract' |
626 |
2013/01/30 |
12 years ago |
21 |
an ode to my brother in law 2 |
674 |
2013/01/26 |
12 years ago |
22 |
my ode to HAPPA at gregory Farm, Brockwier, and its unfair closure |
437 |
2013/01/23 |
12 years ago |
23 |
my ode to principle, inspired by yesterdays cross BA court case |
404 |
2013/01/16 |
12 years ago |
24 |
Mali; divide and conquer |
469 |
2013/01/14 |
12 years ago |
25 |
my ode entitled 'dice are loaded' |
363 |
2013/01/08 |
12 years ago |
26 |
angels don't play this HAARP |
386 |
2013/01/06 |
12 years ago |
27 |
my ode to empire builders |
365 |
2013/09/30 |
12 years ago |
28 |
my ode entitled 'if bonds are a bubble' |
500 |
2013/01/02 |
12 years ago |
29 |
My ode entiled,' if your not buying gold and silver right now' |
533 |
2013/02/16 |
12 years ago |
30 |
my ode to 2013 |
554 |
2013/01/02 |
12 years ago |
31 |
an old ode entiled 'stock market nosediving' |
370 |
2012/12/31 |
12 years ago |
32 |
My ode to the fiscal Cliff |
493 |
2013/11/12 |
12 years ago |
33 |
my ode entitled 'Greece' about the banker bailouts |
424 |
2012/12/29 |
12 years ago |
34 |
my ode entitled 'bloodline of cain' |
517 |
2013/02/01 |
12 years ago |
35 |
My ode to Peace Lovers |
385 |
2012/12/25 |
12 years ago |
36 |
My ode to Christmas 2012 |
414 |
2012/12/25 |
12 years ago |
37 |
my ode to wierd weather |
397 |
2012/12/24 |
12 years ago |
38 |
My ode to Newtown |
446 |
2012/12/24 |
12 years ago |