
I Wish I Could Help

My Love
Author's Notes/Comments: 

This poem I wrote in about 2 minutes.... just practicing rhyming at first, but it led to so much more. Enjoy

My Only Exception

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This poem is for that person we all have in our lives. That one girl/guy that you will do anything for that seems to float in out of our lives. The person that you cant let go of no matter how bad they may be for you. This poem goes out to her.

Format: Acrostic

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Rehearsing Lines

Author's Notes/Comments: 

oldoldold from 2006

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Missing You

Baby sister Poems
Author's Notes/Comments: 

A poem, once again written in 8th grade, about my baby sister Jessica.

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Sorrow Sits Uneasy

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Guard your heart and keep it whole! Be wise in whom you give it to. Give it first, foremost, and fully to God, and then you can go through any and every sorrow with an inward peace.

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How Do I Deal?

Sister poems
Author's Notes/Comments: 

I thought about my baby sister, and my heart started aching for her, and my arms wanted to hold her again. So, I put my fingers onto the keyboard, and just started writing.

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Dispersion Departure

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Navy Canopy

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I engage these feelings every day, hoping to one day grow numb to them and the things that they make me write. I'm so tired of spewing bile about my loneliness and how little I feel my life is worth. I don't know what or how to attain it, but I need something new; something that will jar me from my ambivalence and inspire me to, at the very fucking least, write about something that isn't myself, and how miserable I am.

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for me

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