
What About This?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

It's my very first poem...      :)

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Who is Truly Poor?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

In the 7th line, the word 'home' symbolises the world.

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inside land of someone -poor

Author's Notes/Comments: 

i wrote this poem about those people who sit in subway and try to get some money, cause they are old or lame or uneducated they are unable to get some work , they just need our help. Here mask refers to those people who just walk away and don't even bother to hear what the old person trying to say. 

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Wake UP!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Wake up is a powerful piece screaming the needs of some of our children. Wake up has been described as the perfect wake up call for those caring for children. It is a great gift for someone in the social services field; teachers or any persons providing the needs of our children