Yup. That's about where I am: Yup. That's about where I am at spells are written thus qe call it spelling. Conflict delete my poems that evoke anything do they? Are they more than mere expression and exorcising demons or giving them life? At least I have a faith that will thwart ideas like that. Deep. Very nicely pulled unwilling thoughts from me. Hugss ss
Great and wise words here! A: Great and wise words here! A contemplative poem that sets the reader on a path to the glory of being humble/ humbled. No shame in that, only lessons. Hugss
Are you a welder? My father: Are you a welder? My father is even at nearly 80 years old! Evocative of the concrete jungle. I used to hammer the stage off the welds... when I was quite young and after on school holidays. Good times.
Ah yes true, ne'er truer word: Ah yes true, ne'er truer word spoken peoples are complex and complicated, sometimes diametrically opposed other times aligned and resonant. Thanks for your care and commentary cheers ss.
Lovely and sad. Poignant!: Lovely and sad. Poignant! Lovely imagery with a punctuating sadness relieved by the warth of memories. Lovely write! Cheers ss
Such a hauntingly rueful and: Such a hauntingly rueful and searching poem, I like the time analogy and how it wraps up in the end,
With more than one meaning
Ie out of time
A timeless couple
A timeless story
A timeless pain that lives again and again
Thanks for sharing some beautifu and soulful l imagery. Cheerss
Revisitng this great poem, I: Revisitng this great poem, I am very disappointed in, and embarrassed by, the comment I posted last October. Yes, the other two poems have written better comments than mine, but what I failed to say is how much I admire how the presence of the missed person is both evokved and summoned by the various natural and local phenomena the Poet names. Part of a Poet's role is to name things: in that respect, Poetry began in Eden. By namin all the things that evoke the presence you miss, and bow they evoke it, you show us not only how to find the same comfort, but you also bear witness to the hope of Heaven, where wehere pain is forgotten and forgiveness is remembered. Wow! I don't think professional theologians could put it more poignantly.
Its so nice to look at things: Its so nice to look at things in a similar way a meeting of minds and windows of souls, cutnfirmnthe same cloth the views may be different but the details are interpreted similarly, not too much that nothing need be said and just enough commonality to not grow tiresome the phrase "you are my person" come to mind. What a lovely invitation! Shame its only for the one! Nicer than nice write!
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