Every whisper of the wind
Won't let me forget your name
The radiant warmth of the sun
never lets me forget your presence
The babbling waters
Refuse to forget your stories
The moist dirt
never let's me forget the root of your
The trees chatter your legacy.
The shining heavens though
always let me forget the pain
And remember forgiveness
How appropro that you should be there,
Everything seems so small now
Giving rise to the title.
Revisitng this great poem, I
Revisitng this great poem, I am very disappointed in, and embarrassed by, the comment I posted last October. Yes, the other two poems have written better comments than mine, but what I failed to say is how much I admire how the presence of the missed person is both evokved and summoned by the various natural and local phenomena the Poet names. Part of a Poet's role is to name things: in that respect, Poetry began in Eden. By namin all the things that evoke the presence you miss, and bow they evoke it, you show us not only how to find the same comfort, but you also bear witness to the hope of Heaven, where wehere pain is forgotten and forgiveness is remembered. Wow! I don't think professional theologians could put it more poignantly.
The two Poets who have
The two Poets who have commented on this prior to me have completely expressed what I would have said anyhow, and they have expressed it better than I could.
A very powerful strategy:
A very powerful strategy: declaring, in the most riveting and eloquent way, that your love is so great and the loss so immense, that all creation speaks of it.
Looking Heavenward, your stirring poem takes a comforting, inspirational turn and puts it all into perspective with the words: "Everything seems so small now"
A dazzling and shattering expression. I'm feeling every word. Wonderful.
Thankyou so much. I still
Thankyou so much. I still miss her deeply. Hugss
Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS
"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."