Jesster Starshine

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More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

I write often. Mostly so I don't get rusty. Postpoems is my muse. Lol. They are all freewrites. Life, other peoples stories, animals, experiences, observations, emotions, etc. All thrown into the pot and mixed up in my mind. My mother was/is a storyteller and writer. I guess it is probably her influence from very early years that is in me. I just started writing poems January 1, 2011. I don't know what i'm doing, still. But I find it fun. As well, writing is a good release.
I'm probably completely bat shit crazy. But that's just me.

Oh, and i adore poetic comments. Also, enjoy collaborative writes. Though I am rusty at that right now. If anyone wants to try a little back and forth, I would enjoy the process. Hit me up if you'd like to give it a shot.

I could use some direction. Appreciate an honest critique. Though I always enjoy a little back and forth banter in the comments too.

About My Navel

Nunyabuisness :p

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Because we should make our masks fun...

All works, including imagery (unless otherwise noted) © morningglory Not to be copied unless by written consent
Note: most of the profile pics I use are stock images created by others.

Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

Inspiration, clowns, Blue skies with puffy clouds, love, poetry, painting, horses, other people and their stories.


Member for
14 years 2 weeks