
perhaps charity

is a lesson in humility 


as we find times

it is necessary to become receptive


Perhaps humility 

is the key to unlock

your suffering


Do not think of it

as humiliation


humiliation is a loss of self respect

humility is a disposition



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SSmoothie's picture

Great and wise words here! A

Great and wise words here! A contemplative poem that sets the reader on a path to the glory of being humble/ humbled. No shame in that, only lessons. Hugss 

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

S74rw4rd's picture

This is one of the most

This is one of the most spiritually profound---let me say it again, MOST SPIRITUALLY PROFOUND---poems ever posted on this site.  And how, a logician might ask, can I say that . . . since admittedly I have not read all the poems that this site has presented since inception?  My answer:  I only need to read this poem, the tremendous spiritual quality of this poem, to make such an assertion.

I have to make some changes in my own pages on this site; and, though I have been resistant, the appearance of this poem on this night has spoken to me most encouragingly regarding these changes.  Pride has prevented me from making them; pride which misinterprets humility as humilitation, as the poem demonstrates; but in this season of Great Lent, humility is called for most needfully.

I can applaud this poem for its beauty; but I thank you for this poem for its content and profound wisdom.  Thank you for posting it.


Jesster's picture

Thank you

your words are always appreciated 

Copyright © JessterStarshine