
Constellations of Remembrance


I. Thunder's Lament

In the tempest's thrall, you sought solace, 

Dragging my scent from the hamper's depths. 

Nestled in threads imbued with my essence, 

You braved the storm, your only fear.



The drumming deluge echoes your absence, 

A haunting refrain in the hollows of home. 

Each thunderclap a sepulchral remembrance 

Of the comfort you found in our warm, weighted form.



II. Olfactory Ghosts



Amidst the maelstrom, I recall fleeting notes 

Of your sun-kissed fur, earthy and wild. 

The petrichor mingled with traces of you, 

Wafting through rooms, a bittersweet perfume.



In the laundry piles, I recall scenes of coming home, 

Finding clothes crumpled and redolent of our bond 



Dragged from the basket to your silver bed, 


You snoring, sepulchrally sleeping, awaiting my return.



I press them to my face, inhaling deeply, 

Preserving the fading fragments of your presence.



III. Cyclone's Fury



As Alfred's wrath bears down upon us, 

I fear the deluge may wash away 

The last tangible proofs of your existence, 

Scattering your memory like windblown leaves.



The rising waters a visceral reminder

Of grief's unrelenting, tidal force.

Threatening to submerge and isolate,

Leaving me unmoored, adrift in sorrow.



IV. Beacon of Hope



Yet even in the tempest's darkest hour,

I cling to the light of your legacy.

Your boundless love a beacon guiding me

Through the turbulent seas of mourning.



In the eye of the storm, I find clarity, 

A renewed resolve to honour your perseverance. 

To carry forward the joyous tenacity

You embodied, my faithful companion.

V. Eternal Imprint



Though the cyclone may ravage the landscape, 

Transforming all that was once familiar, 

The topography of my heart remains unchanged, 

Forever carved with the contours of your paws.


No cataclysm can obliterate the indelible 

Impression you've left upon my soul.
In the constellations of remembrance,

Your star burns bright, an eternal flame.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Think of you as always Millie, on what should have been your 13th birthday. 

Green Eyes In Shadow’s Silhouette

The hour of dread, with soft paws and long whiskers,
Nears its cruel crescendo, as the twilight bleeds
Into darkened silence. Green eyes, orbs of emerald,
Hold galaxies of grief, as if understanding
The inevitable decision, kind but unbearable.

Mr Kitty, you’ve stalked shadows and sunbeams,
In this house of loving dreams. Now,
The shadow looms larger and devours the light.
Your purrs, once symphonies in the quiet night,
Diminish, a tremor in the cold winter air.

Cancer gnaws at you, a voracious ghost,
A dark star in the velvet sky of your mouth,
While I, the unwilling god, hold the power
To halt your descent into the abyss,
Yet tremble at the gravity of our goodbye.

How does one render mercy, when mercy
Is a sharpened blade? The decision, a bitter promise,
Etched in the ledger of love and loss.
I choke on the syllables of farewell,
My heart a shattered vessel.

You, in your tuxedo coat, an elegant spectre,
Press against my hand, unaware of time's cruelty.
I search for solace in your calm as if
You’ve found peace in the acceptance,
Of a fate that I cannot fathom.

This difficult choice, a merciful surrender,
To spare you immeasurable pain,
The indignity of losing autonomy,
A kindness carved from sorrow,
To preserve the dignity that you deserve.

Forgive me, Mr Kitty, for playing god
In this charade of mercy and despair.
Know that love has carved this path,
And in the twilight of our shared existence,
Your memory will burn, unquenchable, real and eternal.

As the final hour approaches, know I’ll hold you close,
A lifeline in the storm of sorrow.
Your green eyes, lanterns of ancient wisdom,
Guide me through the darkness, whispering
That release is not an end, but a gentle beginning.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

My beautiful, handsome and elegant tuxedo rescue cat was recently diagnosed with an aggressive and invasive cancer. I am trying to come to grips with what I must do in the coming weeks. At the moment, it is strictly palliative care, as nothing can be done other than pain meds. I will stay my hand so we may enjoy our remaining time together and all the cuddles and wet food* he can handle. 

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The Telephone

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this shortly after I lost my mom. I wish that I had talked to her more while she was still here. This was me mourning the loss, as well as wishing I could spend more time with my mom. Life might get busy, but always make time for the ones you love. You never know when it will be too late.

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A Broken Heart's Rainbow

Love Poems
Author's Notes/Comments: 

Finished (?) November 2023, I may edit more in the future but for now it is good as it is.

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Lo que no se cuenta

Author's Notes/Comments: 

There will be a full translation of this poem, just be patient plis :) ly

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