


I think of my memories like snowflakes falling softly in my mind

It’s a place where my past and present are uniquely intertwined.


I never know what memory will land in moments of quiet reflection

when my mind’s an open frame…

because as they cascade down, just like snowflakes, no two memories are the same.


Sometimes a memory lands on my hand….meant to quickly brighten my day

lasting only for a moment until it quickly melts away.


Sometimes, if I look up, close my eyes, open my mouth

and stick out my tongue…

It’s as if I can taste the memory of a time when I was young. 


Sometimes, if I’m lucky, a memory lands upon my shoulder…

and walks with me a while.

The kind of memory that lingers as it makes me laugh or cry

or smile.


When I’m walking with a memory time is unimportant…

and the world around me is moving slow….

perhaps that’t why I’m always happy…

when my memories begin to snow.


For there is nothing more exciting…more wondrous…

nothing better to put my heart at ease…

than walking slowly through a flurry 

of snowflake memories.

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I’m not sure how or why it happened but this morning

as I walked out the door from the house in which I dwell…

in my mind the door to some happy memories opened up as well.


I made no attempt to close it because I had no doubt

some of those memories have been waiting a long time to get out.


And I had to smile as I allowed these random memories

that only my mind’s eye can see

to escape into the morning and take a walk with me.


I love when this happens…because wherever I am I find

as I visit these wonderful old memories…the pleasure is all mine.


But I shouldn’t be having all the fun…why…that would just be mean

I imagine all you you have happy memories waiting to be seen.


So I suggest everyone who is reading this…open your happy memory doors.

No need to thank me for I am happy knowing the pleasure is all yours.

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Our children are grown with lives of their own…they no longer need us to steer.

Our youngest grandchild is a senior in high school…while our eldest is getting married this year. 


How often these day it seems life is quickly passing us by

that moments slip from the present into the past in the blinking of an eye.


It’s funny when you think about it…where the present and past meet

is a moment in our lives that is often bittersweet.


The fact a moment is over so quickly is as bitter as can be

but it’s also sweet knowing that moment has become a memory.


A memory that is oftentimes a lot closer than we think

because when we want to see a particular memory…

all we have to do is blink. 


Yes, if we want to think about a memory that’s happened over the years

all we have to do is blink…and that memory appears.


And how often have we found in life that we are also prone 

how sometimes when we blink a random memory will pop up on its own.


We should consider ourselves lucky to have lived a life 

with a host of memories large and small….

memories we make each day that become tomorrow’s memories we recall.


It’s one of the reasons for our happiness…which today has got me thinking

about all the wonderful memories still to come…

as long as my eyes keep blinking.

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I have mentioned (perhaps over-mentioned) 

the mountain memories here at our cabin we all treasure…. 

There have been a wonderful mix of nature, people and places

with whom we have grown older together.


As for our favorite places…this one is a lock…

It’s at a picnic table on the Blue Ridge Parkway…

next to our favorite rock


35 years ago Deborah and I picnicked near this rock together…

then, when we blended our family, we brought our children here…

and we brought them back to picnic by this rock 

year…after year…after year.


This old rock hods some special memories for every one of us…

For years she let us climb all over her…and never made a fuss.


As we all grew a little older…as people and rocks are wont to do…

this rock, despite her increasing age, 

allowed our grandchildren to climb all over her too.


We don’t picnic at this rock like we used to…

now that our children and grandchildren are grown…

We seldom visit her together as a family…

but some of us still make it up here on our own.


Which is kind of beautiful in its own way…

I like to think whoever visits…will picnic, climb up…then sit a while and talk

hopefully sharing memories of their times upon this rock.


When Deborah and I return…whether it’s been a year or a little while

I swear that old rock remembers…and greets us with a smile.


And for a few minutes in conversation…that rock and us are totally engaged…

filling in the times we missed…ignoring how we’ve all aged.


As we pack up our picnic…we never say goodbye…

although it’s been years since Deborah and I climb

we gently place our hands on her…

say thanks old friend

we’ll be seeing you next time.


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Perhaps the most cherished treasure our cabin in North Carolina holds…

besides the views, the birds, the sunsets, the cool crisp mountain air.. 

is how we know…once we open the door

all the memories waiting for us there.


Since Deborah’s mom and dad built this cabin back in 1981

It’s enjoyed over 40 years of memories…

over 40 years of family, friends and fun.


Memories of each season…summer, winter, spring and fall

Memories of our children and grandchildren echo off these walls.


Yes, these walls, if you listen, have a million stories to tell

Because the memories aren’t just ours…but of many other families as well.


And as we listen to all the memories this cabin in the woods has had

we’re reminded all these memories started with Deborah’s mom and dad.


Her father was a quiet man in his garden he found the peace he sought

Her mother was loquacious…which means she liked to talk a lot!


Both of them loved sitting on the porch listening to the birds

Both showed us time and time again how actions speak louder than words.


They loved it when we visited…

And every memory we made with them on these walls has left a trace…

So in whoever’s mind that memory surfaces…it leaves a smile on their face.


And though they’ve been a long time now that’s the beauty of a memory

how we can actually feel a person…whom we no longer can see.


And herein lies the beauty…the legacy of their cabin…

Not only how 40 year of memories are in this cabin blending

but how each person who enters adds another link

to a chain of memories that’s never-ending


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This blessing is a question

Just a thought I'm throwing out….

It is actually less a blessing

than something to think about…


Although it is inevitable…

for death we cannot defy…

If we remain in the hearts of those we leave behind

do we ever really die?

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