The Telephone

As I pick up the telephone, and your number I start to dial

I really want to talk to you, even if just for a little while

Another person answers the phone; I ask to speak to you

He says I can for a moment; but others are trying to get through


You come to the phone, and I ask “how are you doing”

You say that you’re doing well, but tired from all the moving

You say you made it back home, and you’re doing just fine

You have one wish though, that they had more telephone lines


You say you visited the doctor, and now you have no more pain

That a miracle recovery occurred, which cannot be explained

You say you saw some old friends again, and some relatives

Had conversations about the past, and some memories relived


In the background I hear a voice; he’s saying you have to go

I tell you just to remember I love you; you say you already know

You say you wish I had called you more, and I wish I did too

Only thing wrong with heaven, not enough lines to get through

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this shortly after I lost my mom. I wish that I had talked to her more while she was still here. This was me mourning the loss, as well as wishing I could spend more time with my mom. Life might get busy, but always make time for the ones you love. You never know when it will be too late.

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