


Today I’m grateful for kindness

As I grow a little older…each day more and more I find.

the people I admire most in life…

are those who are gentle, generous and kind.


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Today I’m channeling on of my favorite Bob Dylan songs to help me with my poem.




A storm has raged across this country since its inception…

swirling clouds of greed and prejudice and hate.

And as long as this storm continues…our country never will be great!


To those who have been and still feel oppressed, hopeless and forlorn…

I offer up my house to give you shelter from the storm.


To the indigenous people whose initial kindness 

we repaid with savagery and scorn…

Come in, I say, I’ll give you shelter from the storm.


To anyone whose skin color we make feel like a crown of thorns…

Come in, I say, I’ll give you shelter from the storm.


To all of you who know what gender you truly are

inside the body to which you were born…

Come in, I say, I’ll give you shelter from the storm.


To those who choose to pray and love Gods of all different forms…

Come in, I say, I’ll give you shelter from the storm.


To those who choose to love each other

whose love is met with ridicule and scorn…

Come in, I say, I’ll give you shelter from the storm.


And to all of you with a disability…know this…

we all deviate a little from the norm…

Come in, I say, I’ll give you shelter from the storm.


Even though this storm has been raging for 240 years or more…

today it seems much stronger and more destructive than before.


So now more than ever we need more people

To offer a place to keep each other protected, safe and warm….

Now more than ever we need more people to say…

Come in my friends and I will give you…shelter from the storm.

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In the vast expanse of what we know as the entire universe…

May we all strive that our presence on this planet we call home

be a blessing…not a curse


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Today I’m grateful for the words of Olivia Harrison

who was more than George’s wife….

She also knew the pathway to a satisfying life.


‘If you see someone falling behind…walk beside them

If you see someone being ignored…find a way to include them

Always remind people of their worth…

One small act could mean the world to them.’

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May we be blessed to see…

Oh how I wish we could! 

How beautiful life would be 

If we understood what George Harrison understood


It’s a simple plan for living…

for keeping our life on track:

How the amount of love we generate…

determines the love we will get back

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May we be blessed to always…

with the child within us stay attuned…

May we never stop chasing rainbows

or trying to catch the moon.


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May we be blessed every day we are alive

to keep an open mind

keep an open heart 

and never to stop learning


To keep the light of love




and the light of justice burning


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 The first  lesson of a candle

is how it loses nothing when it shares it’s light

In fact…when used to light another candle

it then burns twice as bright. 


I knew she was a candle from the day I met her…

always willing to share her light…to help in any way.

She possessed the power of a candle

the ability to brighten up a day.


The second lesson of a candle 

be it day or be it night

within the beauty of its flame

is the resilience of its light.


I knew she was a candle because the more she burned down

the more light she seemed to gain…

and even when she stopped burning…

her candle light remained.


I do not know the exact day her flame burned out

by that time she had long ago moved away…

but I do know the flame she shared with me

still lights my heart today.


I knew she was a candle the day I met her…

I could see the light within her eyes…

What I didn’t know is once she shared her light with me

Her light would never die.

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I was wearing my tie-dye rainbow colored hat 

in the bookstore the other night…I’ve worn it a lot this year…

when a lady came up to the counter and said,’ 

“When I saw your hat through the window…I knew I’d be safe in here.”


It’s fitting as I’m writing this…that I’m walking in the rain….

why is this important…let me take a moment to explain…


There’s a reign of terror falling from our skies

that, unfortunately, generations of people have felt before…

A human-made reign of terror that yesterday…

found it’s way into our store.


You see there is a blatant disregard for human life…

for what is fair, unbiased and just…

and it’s difficult, while it’s raining…

to know who we can…and cannot trust.


As with open arms we smiled and welcomed this women into our store

I couldn’t help thinking of the Native Nations, people of color

anyone who is feeling…or…who has felt this way before….


And I was glad my little hat…that’s been my lucky hat all year

played a part in letting this woman know there was nothing she need fear.


When terror is raining down…with so much out of our control…

when we see it hardening so many hearts…and infecting so many souls


It’s up to us to walk tall and bravely through the rain each day…

to do our best tot stop this reign of terror from washing our world away


Perhaps the best that we can do…until this reign of terror is through

and the light of truth, kindness and justice once again appear…

is to provide a place where people can say…

I know I’ll be safe in here.

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