This was inspired by a tweet that was twisted by some idiot and had a bunch of other idiots reading into that...crazy stuff...had to mute the conversation. I debated about deleting my original tweet but then thought I would rather leave it as is so maybe somebody might actually read what I said and realize it wasn't me but some twisted idiot that misquoted me. I can't imagine what it is like for celebrities constantly being attacked by stupid stuff like that. I guess you just have to tune it out.I am sure everyone is misunderstood at some point and it's no fun. At least it inspired a poem I guess. Ended up deleting and blocking. Frustrating stuff but inspired this poem and one more for tomorrow so some good came out of it. #NaPoMo #NationalPoetryMonth #April2021 #PoemADay #Day 16 about six hours early but who's counting?