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S74rw4rd commented on: Nikki Haley Not For President! by ramonathompsont 22 weeks 4 days ago
Would you mind to explicate: Would you mind to explicate your use of monarchical terms in the third line?  Just askin' . . . 
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ramonathompsont commented on: THE GIFT OF AN OPEN MIND by joy 22 weeks 4 days ago
my husband really needs to: my husband really needs to read this one. he has become so close minded lately. very troubling
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beaconzbard commented on: You Are All I Have. by beaconzbard 22 weeks 4 days ago
It's now on YouTube: You can now watch/hear me read this one at:
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georgeschaefer commented on: THANKFUL FOR OPEN MINDS by joy 22 weeks 4 days ago
You can and should learn: You can and should learn something new everyday if you have an open mind
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Wordman commented on: Sin by life_used_to_be... 22 weeks 4 days ago
Breathtaking, written as: Breathtaking, written as though a page from your personnal diary for a secret love.  Thank you for posting and sharing. 
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Teytonon commented on: Remember by prboggs 22 weeks 5 days ago
I enjoyed reading your commentary..: I enjoyed reading your commentary Your advice is anything but rotten Unfortunately for me, you see Less than five minutes later, it was forgotten   I have problems with my memory Did anything important happen in December? I'm bad at remembering to forget But good at forgetting to remember   By the way, I thought you might find this interesting. I was looking at your name. If you take your name and scramble the letters, you can come up with the following:  PAULETTA RUBY BOGGS = G, GOT BLUS? U BETA PRAY!
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prboggs commented on: Remember by prboggs 22 weeks 5 days ago
I am an ordained Metropolitan: I am an ordained Metropolitan Bishop, and I am here to share positive, uplifting thoughts and energy with honest, decent people 
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beaconzbard commented on: FOR I AM TRULY FORGIVEN by beaconzbard 22 weeks 5 days ago
It's now on YouTube: You can now watch/hear me read this one at:
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S74rw4rd commented on: @ 27.055 MHz: Ad Astra; Neaniskos And Ahitophel, Officer Of The Temple Guard by S74RW4RD 22 weeks 5 days ago
Thank you so much for: Thank you so much for commenting on this, and for understanding what I was trying to accomplish.  This story came to me in a flurry last night, and I was up from three in the morning to almost six trying to put it together.  I decided not to cite Biblical sources, as such notes might disrupt either the flow of the poem, or collide with its effect if the reader looked through any attached notes.   Your acceptance, as you know, gives the poem a full validation and I will keep it as is, without further adjustment or alteration.  Thanks again for taking the time to read it and comment.
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patriciajj commented on: @ 27.055 MHz: Ad Astra; Neaniskos And Ahitophel, Officer Of The Temple Guard by S74RW4RD 22 weeks 5 days ago
Your tightly packed epics are: Your tightly packed epics are always a joy to dive into. Brief and swift compared to a short story, this poem is so emotionally intense and historically intriguing that it could be a masterclass in compressed drama with a crucial, underlying message.     Some might believe that all captivating ideas for stories woven around Biblical events have been exhausted, but leave it to you to discover an opening for a hard-hitting, deeply satisfying scene; one that fits so gracefully into the timeline that it feels authentic, compelling, very much like the narration in the excellent story you pay homage to.   While some short stories take several paragraphs to construct a believable and engaging character, I felt like I knew the genial, multidimensional, Divinely blessed yet adorably shy Neaniskos in a few lines.   But it wasn't the youth or fleeting physical attributes of the character that brought him to life, it was his soft and beautiful aura displayed in small actions such as gently touching the centurion's arm. The unforced, natural calm of one character acted as a foil for the understandable indignation of the other and together, it worked.   A deeply emotional and richly allusive micro story worthy of its monumental setting.  
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Wordman commented on: In The Night by Wordman 22 weeks 5 days ago
I thank you for those kind: I thank you for those kind words, this is an older poem, and influenced by decades of music with rhyming lyrics. I still enjoy throwing a rhyme into the mix now and then, but eventually they find the shelf, till an old song feeds me, and I relent and say, " what the hell, it's not that bad." And what you see is what you get, I impress myself, all that's needed, and I can only smile.  I'm very happy that you included this in your reading, and found this to your liking, thanks again Starward.
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Wordman commented on: A Night On The Porch by Wordman 22 weeks 6 days ago
When words paint a picture: When words paint a picture that jostles a memory, either true or perceived, tears well, or smiles are born, and both the author and reader find the purpose of those words, their meaning, and their worth. Thank you Starward for finding such worth in my words, I appreciate your time and visit Sir.  
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Wordman commented on: Nonchalant by Wordman 22 weeks 6 days ago
Thank you Starward, I: Thank you Starward, I appreciate such positive feedback from an educated writer such as yourself. I mainly write for my own pleasure, good or bad, to share with myself a different direction in life, but to be able to reach, and promote memories, happy or sad, in another person, is utterly satisfying, and am amazed at the reception my words have received over the years. thank you again, and good writing to you Sir.  
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beaconzbard commented on: ALL OF THIS GRIME, AND ALL THE RUST by beaconzbard 22 weeks 6 days ago
It's now on YouTube: You can now watch/hear me read this one at:
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djtj commented on: BLONDE IN A MINI by georgeschaefer 23 weeks 3 hours ago
Random events: Random happening make the most lasting impressions.  Debbie
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