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Wordman commented on: Nonchalant by Wordman 23 weeks 21 hours ago
Thank you Starward, I: Thank you Starward, I appreciate such positive feedback from an educated writer such as yourself. I mainly write for my own pleasure, good or bad, to share with myself a different direction in life, but to be able to reach, and promote memories, happy or sad, in another person, is utterly satisfying, and am amazed at the reception my words have received over the years. thank you again, and good writing to you Sir.  
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beaconzbard commented on: ALL OF THIS GRIME, AND ALL THE RUST by beaconzbard 23 weeks 1 day ago
It's now on YouTube: You can now watch/hear me read this one at:
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djtj commented on: BLONDE IN A MINI by georgeschaefer 23 weeks 1 day ago
Random events: Random happening make the most lasting impressions.  Debbie
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djtj commented on: Almost Entirely by djtj 23 weeks 2 days ago
Thank : Tahnk you for reading. This is a work in progress I already made some changes. There is nothing better thatn coffee aroma for memories. Thank you for reading and commenting. Check out the few changes I made just now.
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J-Called commented on: In The Night by Wordman 23 weeks 2 days ago
The delicate rhymes, placed: The delicate rhymes, placed in the metrical structure you have chosen, give this poem a musical quality that few Poets can attain.
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J-Called commented on: A Night On The Porch by Wordman 23 weeks 2 days ago
I am usually too verbose in: I am usually too verbose in many of my comments, but I must confess that this poem reaches me at such an elemental level that I do not have sufficient words to describe its impact upon me.  I selected this poem at what I thought was a random browse; but I do not now believe the browse was random, I believe it was directed.  I was led here, and I am mighty glad that I was.
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J-Called commented on: Nonchalant by Wordman 23 weeks 2 days ago
Stephen's comment directed me: Stephen's comment directed me to this poem, and I am might glad I did.  This poignant resonance of this poem is so powerful that, while reading it, I felt the wind had been knocked out of me.  This poem speaks volumes to me about two periods in my life, in the same year (1976)---and, reading through the poem, I felt that old emotion climb back into my throat, as if I had stepped into a time machine.  I do not know the provenance of the poem, and it is really none of my business, but I can assure that---for this reader---this poem becomes a very personalized statement of emotions that swept through me during the summer after I turned eighteen.
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georgeschaefer commented on: Almost Entirely by djtj 23 weeks 2 days ago
It is funny how certain: It is funny how certain aromas and smells can trigger memories and inspire poetry
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Teytonon commented on: UNMITIGATED LIES by georgeschaefer 23 weeks 2 days ago
If I may add..: If I may add something to your title 'Unmitigated Lies' When it comes to Donald Trump Not only are his lies unmitigated As far as we know  I'm guessing 95% of them remain unlitigated.  
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Teytonon commented on: Paranoid Society by LittleLennonGurl 23 weeks 2 days ago
I agree with you 100%..: I agree with you 100%. We certainly are living in a paranoid society. I am definitely paranoid, but in a different way. I believe that people are out to do good things for me. 
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Teytonon commented on: Society Of The Soulless by LittleLennonGurl 23 weeks 2 days ago
If I were to..: If I were to take an egg Take it right after it's hatched And cook it, no joke Oh, I could eat the yolk Oh no! Don't you see how they matched?   You know what I'm referring to? Is your head now in a whirl? I'll be your 'Yolk, oh? Oh no! boy' If you'll be my 'littlelennongurl'  
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Teytonon commented on: EMBRACE IT! by wisdomscry 23 weeks 2 days ago
Though your New Years..: Though your New Years wish is somewhat belated It is very much appreciated. The same to you and your family. By the way, regarding your online name  Bob Marley said 'No woman, no cry' You're 'wisdomscry' Does that mean you believe 'No wisdom, no cry'?I must disagree. I feel the opposite. Still enjoy reading your poems though. 
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wisdomscry commented on: EMBRACE IT! by wisdomscry 23 weeks 2 days ago
   Thank you so much! Happy:     Thank you so much! Happy New Year!
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J-Called commented on: + 27.225 MHz: Brief Poem About Patriciajj's Poetry [XLIX] by S74RW4RD 23 weeks 4 days ago
As I have said before, and: As I have said before, and will continue to say, watching your collection of Poems expand on this site, is one of the great privileges of membership in PostPoems, and of my life personally.  Decades ago, when I studied (as devoutly as a twenty-something can) the poems of Eliot, Vergil, and Stevens, I wondered what it would be like to watch in real time, rather than to simply read about as past literary history.  But, although I did not know it then, I was being prepared, even that long ago, to watch your Poetry accumulate here.  Your Cosmic perspective, and attentiveness to the nuances of language, are exponentially refined and so artistically deployed. I have also said that the posting of any new Poem from you is an event to be celebrated, and I will always believe that. I am grateful to some very great scholars---Hugh Kenner, Samuel French Morse, and Helen Vendler---whose writings taught me how to more deeply appreciate your Poetry.
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beaconzbard commented on: THIS IS WHY HE CAME by beaconzbard 23 weeks 4 days ago
It's now on YouTube: You can now watch/hear me read this one at:
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