
T. W. Smith

My Portfolio
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More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

Writing poetry, writing songs, playing the guitar, and playing the six string Banjo, listening to music.

I am me. I write what is on my heart, which is ussually something about God, Jesus, or my faith. If you hate my poetry because you think I lack talent, you are rejecting me and that's ok. If you hate it because of my subject matter, then you are rejecting Him. That's between you and Him.

I haven't really written much in the last year or so. Getting back into it. I have been through a lot since in that time. Most of it was the direct result of my own actions. The laws of cause and effect hold true in all aspects of life, especially in the spiritual side of life. I have come to a place of true repentance once again. Thus the reason for the new aim s/n. I had wondered away from all I once held dear, but I'm ready to start anew. God's forgiving embrace awaits the repentant soul. I thank the Lord my God for second chances.

I'll be adding new poems and songs soon. If you like what I like, I'd love to hear from you. If you don't, I'd still like to hear from you, so long as your criticism is constructive criticism.

In Christ,

T. W.

About My Navel

Don't we all have one?

Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

''Wierdness is the essence of individuality.
Individuality is the essence of coollness.'' --Me.


Member for
24 years 3 weeks