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patriciajj commented on: —hawakan ang aking mga bisig (in Tagalog language) by tula 23 weeks 6 days ago
I'm glad I took the time to: I'm glad I took the time to translate this because I feel that I've unearthed a luminous treasure. It gleams with higher wisdom, heart-clutching honesty and pure magnificence. Still stunned . . .
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S74rw4rd commented on: Is he? God’s Son thinks so by Teytonon 23 weeks 6 days ago
Thank you,  I think I will: Thank you,  I think I will send you a PM, that would be a more courteous path for me to follow.
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S74rw4rd commented on: I Was Given Another Miracle Last Night by S74RW4RD 23 weeks 6 days ago
Thank you for commenting on: Thank you for commenting on this particular essay, I really appreciate it.   In some ways, I feel as light as a feather, spiritually, now that this burden has been lifted off me.  One aspect that just now occurs to me:  if I had followed through, and if the connections I made through the grad school had brought me to an assignment at the catacombs, what kind of guilt would I have felt, at this same age, when I realized that I had disturbed the peaceful repose of our spiritual brethren, whose relics are in Rome?  Although my parents thwarted my ambition for the wrong reasons, their action (like when Joseph's brothers sold him into bondage in Egypt) worked for my greater good.  So, in a paradoxical way, they helped me by hindering me.   Twnety years ago, or even two years ago, I would not have been able to understand this.  But, as I continue toward the inevitable day of my departure (and I say that without fear), I feel, every so often, a lightening---like when we begin to discard winter clothing for spring than summer, or exchane snowboots for flipflops.  And that lightening process confirms to me that my Faith is not misplaced.  And all of this because, thirty years and one week ago, I  embraced real faith (not just academic curiosity---which had been my stance in high school and college) and never looked back. Thank you so much for understanding what I attempted to express here.
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patriciajj commented on: I Was Given Another Miracle Last Night by S74RW4RD 23 weeks 6 days ago
As I read this, I could feel: As I read this, I could feel the massive emotional boulder lifted from your spirit and, like a metamorphosis, you flew to a higher plane! What an inspiring and instructive testimony that can offer comfort to many people who have had their cherished dreams thwarted.   But here, because of your profound connection to The Most High, you reveal that things often do work out exactly as they should.   It reminds me of the verse about seeing through a glass darkly. How blessed you were to have this expanded viewpoint without having to die. Just a preview of the liberating wisdom to come!    Dropping emotional baggage is also something we should all do for our own well-being, whether we have only a few days left or a hundred years. Thank you for elevating us.   
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Teytonon commented on: Is he? God’s Son thinks so by Teytonon 23 weeks 6 days ago
Yes, of course.: Yes, of course.
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S74rw4rd commented on: Is he? God’s Son thinks so by Teytonon 23 weeks 6 days ago
May I reply candidly, as your: May I reply candidly, as your friend, to this posting?
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Teytonon commented on: The Multifaceted Spectrum of Banking Services by simon 24 weeks 1 hour ago
My goodness!..: My goodness! Move over Percy Bysshe Shelley! Take a hike John Keats! Someone has claimed the title of most romantic poet ever and simon is his name. Even Shakespeare would be impressed. Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Meh. Comparing interest rates offered on auto loans makes my heart skip a beat! Wow! I know who I'm quoting come Valentines Day!
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S74rw4rd commented on: Mary, Tell Them About Palestine by DelusionalPoet 24 weeks 8 hours ago
This is a very poignant poem.: This is a very poignant poem.
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beaconzbard commented on: Jesus, My Heart Cries Out to You. by beaconzbard 24 weeks 1 day ago
This one is now on YouTube: YOu can now watch/hear me read this one at:
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beaconzbard commented on: LOVE by beaconzbard 24 weeks 1 day ago
It's now on YouTube: I read this one at:
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beaconzbard commented on: UNTIL I SEE by beaconzbard 24 weeks 1 day ago
I read it: You can now watch/hear me read this one at:
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Teytonon commented on: It’s a prerequisite by Teytonon 24 weeks 1 day ago
I agree with you 100%.: I agree with you 100%.
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S74rw4rd commented on: It’s a prerequisite by Teytonon 24 weeks 1 day ago
This is a very timely piece. : This is a very timely piece.  I think the Innkeeper poses as much danger to our democracy as the Bavarian Housepainter or the failed lawyer from Simbirsk posed to their respective nations.
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S74rw4rd commented on: Iowa by ramonathompsont 24 weeks 3 days ago
I agree. : I agree.  
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ramonathompsont commented on: Deny God For Me by ramonathompsont 24 weeks 4 days ago
I reported you for: I reported you for harassment! I told you what I write is fiction!   If you have a problem with me take it in private not public!   Better yet call me!   I'll set you straight!   214-431-7300 or 972-834-2429
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