
Glenda Elswick

My Portfolio
I have 17 items posted! Click here to view...

More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

I love to write just about everything. I don’t have one set theme I like to stick to. I mostly write about heartache or dark thoughts. I write these things because its how I feel. I rarely write about happy endings. I don't know if I can really write about happiness. I like to write about being hurt. I feel it's something we all can relate to. Yes people have happiness in their life but I just like to write what I know best. When I write about dark thoughts, it's usually about death. And I use me as the character. This is my therapy. It gets what I feel out.

About My Navel

My navel is a party place waiting to happen!!

Website(s) or Email beware if you spam me i will gladly return the favor.

Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

I love to bake anything homemade. It’s also very therapeutic just as much as writing is. I enjoy spending time with what family I have and my best friend on my darkest days they are what keeps me going. I know this sounds like a cliche but it’s true. I will get back with a quote later. Right now there are to many monkeys running around in this thing called a brain of mine to sit and think of wow that quote sticks out or this one or that one.


Member for
7 years 13 weeks