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S74rw4rd commented on: Yet [*/+/^] : 27.225 MHz, Some Final Measures; A Praise Of The Love Of God For Humanity, After John 3:16 by S74rw4rd 49 weeks 4 days ago
Thank you for the comment.  I: Thank you for the comment.  I think the Christian Faith has been very severely undermined by two currents of thought in my country:  that John 3:16 is the supreme Scripture (it probably is, but not at the expense of the other New Testament books), and that God is a wrathful judge who has to be placated by the death of His Only Son, and by our fear of His anger.  I prefer the Orthodox interpretation of Christ's work on the Cross, and their characterization that God loves humanity overwhelmingly.  On a Russian Orthodox website, just this very night, I read some words, which I will quote here:  "There is absolutely nothing we can do to make God stop desiring us."  As one who has been burdened, decades ago, with a sense of sin, and with an idea that God "puts up with me" (the way my own Father put up with me), it is a welcome change, even an excting one, to feel "desirable" in God's own heart.  Personally, I believe that the schism between the Western and Eastern Churches cost us, in the West, far more that we have ever fully realized.
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crypticbard commented on: Yet [*/+/^] : 27.225 MHz, Some Final Measures; A Praise Of The Love Of God For Humanity, After John 3:16 by S74rw4rd 49 weeks 4 days ago
The undermining of faith,: The undermining of faith, that is the base conflict and danger, so true.
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crypticbard commented on: Stranger by elliot_jordan2003 49 weeks 4 days ago
Looks like that famous: Looks like that famous painiting: "cow eating grass"
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crypticbard commented on: The Rain by elliot_jordan2003 49 weeks 4 days ago
The rain itself knows what we: The rain itself knows what we often don't. Pity we couldn't ask the rain or would it respond if we did ask?
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crypticbard commented on: The Protected Heart by elliot_jordan2003 49 weeks 4 days ago
Yes. The key is WITH you!: Yes. The key is WITH you!
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crypticbard commented on: cemetery by arqios 49 weeks 4 days ago
Glad to hear that. It hadn't: Glad to hear that. It hadn't always felt that way. Perhaps, no matter what brings on or sustains the silence would eventually give way to the breaking of that silence by some means. Thanks kindly.
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S74rw4rd commented on: cemetery by arqios 49 weeks 4 days ago
This is a very powerful poem,: This is a very powerful poem, and those final two lines are extremely powerful.  One can almost hear the silence while reading your words.  Excellent!
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patriciajj commented on: Sex Is by tallsquirrelgirl 49 weeks 5 days ago
So much is happening in this: So much is happening in this insightful, multifaceted and true-to-life quest to define something so physiologically intense we often feel it defines us.   But here is where you pulled it all together with crystallized magic:   "Moving worlds hand me this mess-"   I loved your endearing wit, soft touch and casual brilliance as you approached the reader as a friend, a confidant. This accessible vehicle took me deep into your lighthearted angst and your various perspectives, each one a study in human nature.   And with each perspective, you cleverly adopted a voice appropriate to the viewpoint. With agility and cadence, you moved from impacting conversation to stream-of-consciousness and back again. The overall feel of your expression was spontaneous, poignant and effortlessly sharp.   There was also much to relate to, but don't get me started on that. That would be a whole new essay.   In conclusion, excellent! So worthy of the praise it has already received.  
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S74rw4rd commented on: Summer by rachel 49 weeks 5 days ago
On the contrary, I am not all: On the contrary, I am not all that generous with compliments because I only compliment those Poets whom I believe to really deserve it.  I have been reading Poetry for fifty years, as of this past April, and I have seen all the variations, all the poseurs' trick and gimmicks.  I can say, with the credibility of fifty years' reading experience behind me, that you have the real, authentic talent and vocation to Poetry, and therefore my compliments are exactly accurate.  I don't think your skill needs any improvement (unless you, yourself, are not happy with it); my only criticism is that we do not have enough of your Poetry on this site.
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S74rw4rd commented on: Nymph by metaphorist 49 weeks 5 days ago
I applaud the way you: I applaud the way you modernize the ancient figure of the nymph, and that final line packs a lot of power.
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S74rw4rd commented on: Sex Is by tallsquirrelgirl 49 weeks 5 days ago
I need to make a second: I need to make a second comment on this poem.  For the past hour since I posted my previous comment, I have been studying this poem (and, lest an enemy raise the accusation, not out of prurient interest, but because of the artistry that makes this poem work).  I have been reading Poetry for fifty years as of this past April, so I think I have some credibility to authentically state that this poem demonstrates an artistic skill that functions at the very highest level of literary quality. The simile I think of here (in addition to my previous references to clockwork and locomotive gearings) is the counterpoint of a fugue, or the theme and variations of Sibelius' Seventh Symphony which, although a single movement on paper (rather than the three or four movements of a classical symphony based on the sonata form), takes its theme adroitly, sometimes delicately, and sometimes dramatically through several variations---none of which work against each other and which, despite certain differences, form a complete unity.  Your poem does exactly this. Prudes and haters might dismissively sneer at my comment because, "after all," they might say, "the poem takes, as its subject . . . sex!" while wringing their hands in self-righteous distress.  But this poem could have been as easily about anchovies, or warehouse inventories, or the city of Poughkeepsie, or the way Howard Carter excavared the tomb of Tutankhamun in 1922.  The theme, while important, is, in my opinion, not as important as the way it is developed through the structure of the poem.  (I think of a Poet who could have said, "Hey, I went on a tour of three different places and saw some mighty interesting things," but instead he wrote the three canticles of the Divine Comedy.)  Poets show us the real, or metaphysical, or cosmic meaning of things that most of us treat as mundane; consider T. S. Eliot's line from THe Waste Land---"I will show you fear in a handful of dust."  Unusual tours and handfuls of dust are not, of themselves, more or less significant than frozen dinners or tax returns---but a Poet can use them as bearers of significance far and above what the ordinary person might assign.  And that is what this poem demonstrates---so effectively and so elegantly, that one is almost disappointed when the Poem ends,  Over fifty years, now, I have been allowing a few Poems to enter my soul, while most are turned away at the door:  and this is one of those few poems that have not only entered, but has made a place for itself.  And all that happened in the hour or so since my first reading. In the twenty or so years I have been on this site, I have really only seen one Poet whose Poetry operates with the subtle complexity that only the greatest Poets can command; and, overjoyed to find such a Poet, I did not think I would see another poem from another Poet with the same kind of quality.  Yet, here it is.   I am going to recommend this poem to a friend of mine.  I rarely do that, but in this case, everything about this poem insists that I mention it to my friend.  Thank you for one of the finest reading experiences I have had here. [A couple of hours later, I decided to amend this comment rather than post a third comment.  I just wanted to thank you for a side-effect of this poem.  I was facing a decision today, actually putting it off because I did not know which way to turn, but while writing these two comments, my mind was freed up and. just a few moments ago, the solution to the decision question just came rolling in.  I ascribe that to the effect of this magnificent poem on me.  And I thank you most sincerely.]
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S74rw4rd commented on: Sex Is by tallsquirrelgirl 49 weeks 5 days ago
This poem is like a: This poem is like a kalaidescope or choreography of meanings:  one not only reads, but also feels the words moving around their subject as they present all the variations of your perception of the meaning and purpose of intimacy.  Despite the casual conversational tone, this poem---in the way it is organized, in the way the lines are deployed, and in the way the subject matter shifts from one perspective to the next---is as complex, successfully complex, as finely balanced clockwork, or the powerful motion of a steam locomotive's gears and rods.  Forgive my similes:  I am simply trying to find an equivalent for the effect and impact this poem has brought to me as a reader.  I applaud your excellent literary accomplishment in this wonderful poem.
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beaconzbard commented on: SLAIN WAS THE LAMB by beaconzbard 49 weeks 5 days ago
I read it: You can now watch/hear me read this one by clicking on this link:
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Teytonon commented on: Autumn by rachel 49 weeks 5 days ago
I wholeheartedly agree..: I wholeheartedly agree with my fellow poet's comment above. This is a wonderfuly constructed poem, full of honest emotion. Summer saying it's one of your best. Anyone reading it recognize that. Great job!
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rachel commented on: Summer by rachel 49 weeks 5 days ago
This is shameless flattery! I: This is shameless flattery! I protest; you are too generous with your compliments, and you give me far too much credit. So it's your fault that I must improve my skill and earn your gracious praise. What a bind you've put me in! Nothing feels as good as warm words, don't you think?
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