They said I was being hysterical,

when I told them about the miracle

You performed in my life.

Pain, sin, guilt were rife

in the stone I called a heart.

Your love made that stone

softer than a dog's squishy toy

and filled it with joy.

I no longer feel all alone.

The moment I knelt in surrender

before You and declared

“my selfish ways end here

for I am impaired

by my own sin.

Lord, I invite You in

make my heart Your temple,”

I was born anew. So simple,

it was, to come to You.

Yet, when I told them about this miracle,

They said I was being hysterical.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

You can watch me read this one on YouTube at:  https://youtube.com/shorts/hglMu-WYFdQ

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In 2007, I underwent open

In 2007, I underwent open heart surgery, and my survival chances were three in twenty.  After the surgery and my release from the hospital, I had a follow up appointment with the surgeon, and I thanked him for saving my life.  (I might add, before continuing, that he did not share my Faith.)  He replied that he had done nothing at all.  When I asked him what that meant, he told me that when he opened my chest, the mess that he had found was beyond even what he had been trained for (and he is nationally recognized as an expert on that kind of condition).  I asked him what he did, and he told me---and I say this in all truth---"I picked up my instruments, put my hands inside you, and my hands began moving by themselves . . . for eight hours they moved by themselves.  I never knew what the next move would be.  Your God healed you; I simply held the instruments for Him."

Starwardist [fka Starward]